
Chapter 12: The Abomination's end

Still slightly dazed from the impact, Alex gazed up at the sky with a detached expression.

"...I should've just stayed at home."

Shaking off the disorientation, he rose to his feet and observed the ongoing battle between the Abomination and Hulk.

A thought crossed his mind: should he just retrieve his popcorn and watch from the sidelines again?

While it seemed like a tempting option, Alex knew things would quickly escalate if he didn't end the fight with the Abomination soon enough.

Sensing activities around them, he noticed the situation was becoming increasingly complex.

They were now surrounded by military troops, with the threat of SHIELD intervention. To make matters worse, the presence of Hydra within SHIELD added another layer of complications.

Sighing, Alex dismissed the idea and refocused on the fierce clash before him.

"Big Guy! Let's do a combo!" he shouted, his voice filled with determination.

In a blur of motion, Alex materialized beside the Abomination, delivering a powerful punch to his face. Hulk, roaring in agreement, seamlessly followed up with a crushing kick to the Abomination's midsection, propelling him across the empty street.

"Good!" Alex shouted with genuine enthusiasm. He hadn't anticipated that Hulk would be able to match his speed. "Come on, Big Guy! Give me a proper bro fist this time, and I'll forgive you..."

With a hopeful expression, Alex extended his hand in a fist toward Hulk.

Hulk let out another mighty roar as he approached, standing shoulder to shoulder with Alex and extending his massive hand to meet the offered fist.

In the middle of a shattered street, filled with billowing smoke, broken buildings, and wrecked vehicles scattered around, the sight of a regular-sized guy and a gigantic figure exchanging a bro fist was definitely surreal.

Yet, at that moment, Alex felt a wave of relief wash over him. The actual battle was about to begin, and he was ready to face it head-on.

"Alright, Big Guy!" Alex spoke, observing the Abomination as it managed to stand up and growl menacingly. "But we need to wrap this up quickly."

Looking at their surroundings, Alex continued, "We're being surrounded, and I won't repeat it. We finish this fast, and then we make our escape! Neither of us wants to end up caught, right?"

Hulk maintained his angry expression, but his eyes flashed with understanding as he growled in response.

With a resounding roar from the Abomination, signaling its renewed attack, Hulk reciprocated with an earth-shaking bellow.

"...Apologies, buddy. No roaring from me," Alex muttered, his mouth twitching in disbelief before swiftly darting forward to engage in the fight.

A helicopter hovered in the air, providing an aerial view of the intense battle unfolding below.

"What in the world...?" Betty exclaimed, her disbelief evident in her voice.

Meanwhile, General Ross furrowed his brow, his gaze fixed on the tumultuous scene. He couldn't recall encountering any other super soldier apart from Steve Rogers, so the sudden appearance of this unknown factor aiding Hulk piqued his interest.

'...He retains his human form yet possesses incredible strength. Similar to Steve Rogers. Perhaps, if I can capture him...' General Ross mused silently, contemplating the potential advantage such a capture could bring.

"General, our troops have arrived. What are your orders?" a soldier approached, saluting respectfully.

"...We need reinforcements," General Ross declared, his decision made after careful consideration.

Recalling their previous encounter with Hulk at Culver University, General Ross knew all too well that their existing troops were insufficient to deal with the situation effectively.

This time, with the addition of an unknown entity possessing a strength comparable to Hulk's, their need for reinforcements became even more apparent.

As the people were safely evacuated, calm settled over the area. The once bustling streets were now eerily quiet, except for the ongoing battle's echoing sounds.

The silence seemed to unsettle Alex and Hulk, who exchanged a knowing glance before intensifying their attacks.

"Frustrating!" grunted the Abomination as his fist connected with Hulk's body, causing him to stagger backward.

Alex refused to stand idle, swiftly evading a powerful kick from the Abomination. Seizing the opportunity, he delivered a spinning kick directly to the Abomination's head. The force of the impact left the Abomination momentarily stunned, his eyes losing focus and revealing a dazed expression.

Capitalizing on the Abomination's vulnerability, Hulk launched into action. With a ruthless kick aimed at the Abomination's groin, he unleashed a savage strike. The sheer brutality of the blow made Alex flinch, empathizing with the pain inflicted on their monstrous foe.

"Damn, that's a painful hit," Alex winced, his face contorted in discomfort as he clutched his groin area. The sheer intensity of the pain made him acutely aware of its reality.

Looking at Hulk, Alex couldn't help but express his displeasure. "You sneaky bastard, that's fucked up!"

"HULK!!" Hulk roared in response.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it!" Alex retorted, his frustration evident. "I said to make it quick, but I didn't mean resorting to dirty tactics, alright!?"

Ignoring Alex's words, Hulk approached the Abomination, swiftly pinning him with his massive body. Relentlessly, he unleashed a barrage of punches upon the Abomination's face, driven by his rage and the need to release his pent-up anger.

"This is just brutal," Alex muttered, rolling his eyes at Hulk's ferocity.

"DON'T MOVE!!" a commanding voice boomed, accompanied by a blinding spotlight that illuminated their figures. Several military helicopters hovered above, their weapons trained on Hulk and Alex.

"...Looks like it's time to make a swift exit, my friend," Alex remarked, assessing their surroundings. The hostile sight of various military weapons aimed at them from all directions signaled the urgency to flee.

As Hulk rose to his feet, he let out a resounding roar, a display of defiance toward the encircling soldiers. Then, he turned to Alex, their unspoken understanding evident in their exchanged glances.

Feeling threatened by Hulk's imposing presence, the soldiers gripped their weapons tightly. The atmosphere grew increasingly tense, with silence gripping the air.

"Alright, catch you on the flip side, buddy! That was one epic battle. Well done!" Alex exclaimed through his mask, his hand instinctively rising to give Hulk an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

Oblivious to the gravity of the situation, he maintained an air of carefree positivity amidst the tense atmosphere.

"I SAID DON'T MOVE, OR WE WILL SHOOT!" the soldier bellowed once more, his finger hovering over the trigger, ready to give the order to open fire.

Observing the soldier's escalating aggression, Alex sighed, feeling thoroughly disappointed as he shook his head. "Well, Mr. Soldier, I was just trying to be helpful, but I guess you're not too keen on that. Farewell for now—ciao!"

With those parting words, Alex's form blurred and vanished, leaving behind nothing but a fleeting memory.

Meanwhile, Hulk followed suit, utilizing his incredible strength and agility to bound from one building to another in a rapid escape. However, despite his invulnerability to bullets, a hail of gunfire rained down upon him, the impact of the bullets rattling his massive frame.

Shortly after the chase, a soldier reported the events to General Ross, who angrily slammed his hand down on the table.

As the gravity of the situation settled upon him, he knew that the repercussions for this failure, occurring under his jurisdiction, would be severe and potentially career-altering.


Read up to 12 chapters ahead of the schedule here:


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