
Alexander’s many projects -201




Alexander was once again sitting in the small bunker that was his primary workstation outside of SITE-001. It wasn't much, but by now, it might as well be home.


Once again, as the month came to an end and a new one began, he was taking stock of the current situation, reviewing the progress that had been made in the past month, and assessing what kind of corrections might have to be made.


Plenty of projects required extra resources or could at least benefit from them, and he had to make sure that they were correctly allocated.


Among the oldest projects he had been involved in was Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk. He had long since been brought into the Foundation and had progressed far on the road to becoming able to control the Hulk and effectively use him.


Banner was currently working on the project to deal with SCP-4855 in a permanent manner so Alexander could check how the system SCP location Tool worked. While there was the danger of seeing the Shy Guy's face, he didn't think it would happen.


After all, SCP-096 was currently wearing a sack over his head, so even if Alexander saw him, he shouldn't see his face. Not to mention that since the Shy Guy took time to physically travel to his victims, there was time for Alexander to deal with the situation even if he saw his face.


It wouldn't be nice, but there were methods for members of the O5 council to use in case things happened, which was why someone like 096 wasn't treated the same way that 4885 was.


It was one of Alexander's important personal projects, one that didn't take too many resources but had also not shown much progress so far. However, it wasn't like there was nothing.


Banner and his little team were working on setting some loose containment measures for the object. It could never fully be contained, not with current means at least, but they could track it using certain means.


This, in turn, allowed them to keep it away from people by using D-class personnel to lure it away from towns, cities, Foundation personnel, and other areas they didn't want such a dangerous SCP to wander around.


So far, there wasn't much hope that it would work out, but at least it kept Banner busy and helped him deal with the loss of his friend, something that was also an important project in itself.


Another long-term project was dealing with the Mandarin, which was currently on standby. He had done most of what he could and now was playing the same waiting game that the Mandarin himself was.


He needed to get into Ta Lo to move forward, but it wasn't easy. The way would only open at certain times, so that was what they were currently all waiting for: Wen Wu for his wife to be resurrected and Alexander to see if it was possible.


After all, even the Foundation didn't have any good means of bringing the dead back to life, so if they could get one here, then it would be very much worth it. After all, the Hand was currently working with them to dig down to those dragon bones.


Not to mention that the Foundation had a real living dragon around if need be.


Then there were the plans to deal with Hydra, which had gone rather well so far. More than two-thirds of Hydra had been eliminated so far. And while the strongest branch, the American,, still stood, they were closing their jaws around much of it.


Soon, there would only be the parts left belonging to Pierce and Shield, which Alexander had other plans for; rather than destroy, he would use them.


In that was also the little anti-Hydra team he had set up, consisting of Steve and his two buddies. They could become quite the little unite, maybe the start of an entirely new MTF. There were ways to enhance people to near the level of a super soldier, and a team of those might be useful.


Though it wasn't certain that the righteous Captain would be willing to stick with the Foundation once he got his hands dirty, Alexader would try to keep him away from the darker sides of things. But it was all but impossible to do that long term.


People talked, even within the Foundation. And he would at some point pick up something unimportant, chatter about some matter that would set him off. But Alexander had hope that Peggy might be able to set him right.


Then there were the Widows, and there were a lot of them. Both those too young to do much right now, merely kids taken from their homes to be trained, there were teens who already had years of training under their belts, and the adults, the best of the best.


The younger ones were all being trained, they would likely all become elite Foundation agents in the future. However, the Foundation wasn't cruel enough to force them all down one single path like that.


While they likely wouldn't be able to leave the Foundation, that didn't mean they couldn't get pretty much every job under the sun while still working for the Foundation because they were massive and had a wide range of activities.


Though given the combat training that at least the teens already had, it was likely that they were well suited to roles where that might come in handy, which, again, wasn't a few possible jobs.


The older Widows were already out there in the field working, after a month so far, they hadn't really found anything yet, which was both disappointing and highly expected. With the amount of information they had been given, it would take a miracle to find the object.


It was an ongoing project, one for which Alexander had given nearly unlimited funds. Though little extra manpower other than the widows themselves, for Alexander had plenty of money, but highly skilled people were in short supply.


Indeed, there were far more tasks that needed a skilled hand than there were skilled hands to pass around. Among the most skilled hands under Alexander's command was Ghost, who was off busy planning to take on the world's most advanced nation.


This task wasn't small nor easy, and it would require much planning and preparation. Alexander and the O5 council didn't desire a full war with them, but they were ready to do it to secure SCP-499.


Then there was the Extremis serum, which AIM was working on. He had long since sent in some people to keep an eye on it and steal the research. It was entirely possible for them to start working on it fully on their own.


But there was just not much of a reason to do so. While valuable, it wasn't something that Alexander felt needed to be completed faster, so he didn't see a reason to put more resources into it.


It would be better to just let AIM work hard to finish it up, and once that had happened, it would be time for the Foundation to move in and claim it for themselves. He didn't see much reason to allow anyone to have such a thing.


No, it was much better to keep all ways to get superhuman power within the Foundation itself, and then if there is a need for all of mankind ever to get an upgrade, the Foundation would be the one to handle that.


Then there was the duo of Kevin Thompson and Jessica Jones. Two people he had been monitoring for a while now. The reports were looking positive, if nothing went wrong, it wouldn't take long before the two made contact.


When that happened, he would get himself yet another enhanced person; maybe he could assign her to Stever Rogers, and he might be able to train her. Or at least Peggy could. This wouldn't require more from the Foundation but still provide a profit in the end.


Then there was Natasha, someone who had been recruited and had shown great loyalty for the Foundation. She was doing fine, and ready to take one mission, she had already done plenty of things, but her two newest were also the biggest.


Those missions concerned two big points on his list of things that mattered. One was the Tesseract, the Space stone, one of the infinity stones. An object of infinite power that granted control over space itself.


It was, without a doubt, one of the most valuable objects in the universe, and even in the SCP universe, it would have ranked as such.


While Alexander wasn't entirely sold on taking it from Shield just yet, he wanted to know where it was, and if the knowledge of SCP objects might have prompted Fury to study it sooner then he would otherwise have.


The Earth wasn't ready for such a war just yet, not without Asgard getting involved as well, and for that to be something they could rely on, they would have to meet with Thor after his banishment to Earth.


Her other mission didn't involve an object of infinite power but was no less important either. The Skrulls, an alien race that had once been a powerhouse on the universal scale had fallen on hard times.


Yet even so, they were still a massive danger to the primitive Earth, even more so given their modus operandi. This involved them using their near-perfect shapeshifting to infiltrate the plant they wanted to conquer and using the native population to kill itself, clearing the way for their actual invasion.


With Skrulls being active on Earth and possibly being in the opening stages of such an operation, it was essential to find out more. While many agents around the world were looking, Natasha Romanoff was a key player.


And all that was without even mentioning Tony fucking Stark; now Stark was a big case and something that Constantly took up parts of his time, both as Alexander, O5-1 of the SCP Foundation and as Alexandra Ricci of the Ricci family.




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