
Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Guys a good Marvel fan fic, it's a TL, and for entertainment only. Real author: Mr.Mo Real Synopsis: Clark an 8 year old created a shoddy Hydra organisation with his friend in a toilet. "Gabri, it's your turn." A little boy with a strong build and a serious face handed a knife in his hand to a fat boy named Gabri. Gabri hesitated and reached out to take the knife, nervous even with the fat on his face. The flesh is trembling "Clark, do you really want to do this? Can't we just give a high five or shake hands or something?" Gabri slowly moved around his left hand with the knife, gesticulating around it, but in the end he couldn't muster up the courage to cut his finger. Many years later. The vast universe, the end of the starry sky. A desolate aura suddenly spread out, causing ripples in the space, and then he saw a door opening in the dark universe. On the other side of the door, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the edge of the door. The big blue hands had blue veins popping out on the surface. Just a hand stretched out from the door, and the terrifying aura it brought caused the entire universe to tremble, as if the entire universe was afraid of the existence on the other side of the door. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the universe "What's this?" Clark looked at the door in front of him and the big blue hand that appeared from the other side of the door, and tilted his head in confusion. The terrifying aura on the other hand's hand shocked even him. After a while later. He stepped into the door. Appearing again, people have arrived at an extremely towering tree. Behind him was a towering tree of unknown height, and where he came from was just an ordinary fruit on this towering tree. Through this fruit, Clark can even see some scenes happening inside the Marvel world "This is where I came from?!" Clark exclaimed. Then he turned around and looked at another door in the distance. Then he flew towards that direction resolutely!

Thangam_Robert · Filme
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51 Chs

Chapter 256-260

Chapter 256

On the ground in front of Clark, on the unconscious Captain America, there was suddenly a crackling sound of bones exploding.

Immediately afterwards, I saw obvious deformation of his body!

First of all, the size began to shrink.

The original American team was nearly 1.9 meters tall.

At this time, his height had shrunk to just over 1.7 meters in less than a few minutes. follow...

The large muscles all over his body began to shrink, his thick arms became slender, and his shoulders and waist were all shrinking. The only place that did not shrink but began to grow bigger was one place....

"This dress seems to fit a little bit, forget it, help people to the end."

Clark said to himself with a smile, and then waved his hand.

The clothes on Captain America's body that originally became ill-fitting due to the change in body shape immediately fit his changed body and became extremely fit!

This when...

Cap's hair starts to grow longer.

Her short blond hair turned into long, smooth blond hair, with its own waves.

Immediately afterwards, the shape of his face also began to change.

The tough lines have become softer, the square chin has become slender and beautiful, the bridge of the nose has become taller, and the eyebrows have become thinner....

It takes about six or seven minutes...

All changes are over!

At this time - the Captain America lying on the ground in front of Clark has changed from a strong man to a standard Western blonde beauty. Coupled with her heroic uniform, she highlights her extraordinary charm.

If Clark hadn't known that the woman in front of him was a man a few minutes ago, even he would have wanted to strike up a conversation with her.

"good! good! This gender reversal potion is really powerful!!!"

The gender reversal potion is the potion that Clark injected into Captain America before.

Its function is to change the gender of the injected person, from male to female, and from female to male!

Of course, its function does not stop there.

In gender change At the same time, the injector will also be given a magical ability.

But what kind of ability is it?

It depends on the person.

Clark checked it and found that the ability obtained by the female version of Captain America was actually [Man of Steel] , but there is still a difference between this Man of Steel and Superman's Man of Steel. It mainly improves all aspects of the body's quality. Of course, the main thing is to improve defense, and everything else is secondary.

It does not have the function of becoming stronger by basking in the sun. It just improves all aspects of physical fitness.

Specific effects...

In terms of defense, it can probably reach the level of high-hardness alloy.

The strength has increased by about ten tons.

The speed can reach half the speed of sound.

Compared with the original strength of the US team, this is obviously a big improvement!

Just don't know...

What will Captain America do when he wakes up and learns that his strength has improved?

After all, this is in exchange for gender!

"about there."

Clark pointed at Captain America and then disappeared.

A few minutes later...

Captain America on the ground woke up.

She first opened her eyes and looked at the dilapidated ceiling with a confused look on her face, then she sat up with a hand on her forehead and looked at the room with doubtful eyes.

"I am...where?"

As a result, Captain America was startled by his own voice as soon as he opened his mouth.

"my voice..."

"How is this going?!!"

She looked at her slender hands, and then at the rest of her body. She was completely stunned!

After a while,...


"Became a woman?!!"

Steve couldn't believe what his eyes saw.


His chest muscles were originally very developed, but they were not so exaggerated!!!

Then, she checked her most important part again. result...

The whole world has turned dark, hasn't it?

She felt that at this moment, her world view collapsed!!!

A full ten minutes passed.

Steve had to accept this reality.

He is the captain of the United States, the hero of World War II, a real man of iron blood, and now! Became a woman!!!

"Could I be dreaming?"

Steve said and pinched himself.

It hurt!

It seemed like she wasn't dreaming.

But she would rather she was dreaming now, or even not waking up....

"but...Where am I?"

Steve looked at the room in confusion.

Her last memory before coma was of driving the plane and crashing into the sea.

Then she lost consciousness.

But now....

Why do you appear in such a place?

I don't know if it was because he turned into a woman, but Steve felt a little disgusted when he saw the dirty environment around him.

At this time, she discovered her shield beside her.

Steve quickly picked it up

"Fortunately, you are still there!"

She was so precious that she stretched out her hand to wipe the surface of the shield.

Finding her old friend was probably the only thing that made Steve happy after he woke up and found that he had become a woman.

At this moment...

There were several footsteps in the corridor outside the room.

The door to the room was pushed open with a loud bang.

"Piotr, you piece of shit! You ride on the horse..."

The three people who came in were cursing the Piotr man, but when they entered the door, they saw a strangely dressed blonde standing in the room, and they were stunned for a moment.


"Walterfak~! Does this guy Pete still have such a good thing hidden?!"

The three tramps were almost drooling!

They quickly rubbed their hands and gathered around the blonde beauty in front of them.

"Hehe~! I didn't expect that a beauty like you would come to a place like this. Today, we brothers are going to get an advantage!"

The three tramps looked like hungry wolves salivating after seeing the delicious food, and their eyes almost glowed green.

People like them live at the bottom of society.

A blonde beauty like this is usually in dreams. Just thinking about it.

In reality...

They didn't even have a chance to meet.

Chapter 257

But now, this is their territory. Even if the other party screams at her throat, no one will come to save her, and it may even attract more homeless people....

On the other side, Clark, who was standing aside with his figure hidden, was also looking at this scene with funny eyes.

"I wonder if these three guys would still be interested if the woman in front of them was a man twenty minutes ago? Clark thought to himself, but guessed that they would still be interested.

After all,...

There's an idiom that says,"You don't choose food when you're hungry!"

At the same time, seeing the three homeless people slowly surrounding them, it was obvious at a glance that they had some disgusting intentions. Even though Captain America never advocated killing, at this moment, he felt murderous in his heart!

Originally, waking up as a woman had already caused her worldview to collapse.


These three damn bedbug-like men actually want to.....

The expression on Steve's face was distorted!

"you...Damn it!!! Steve yelled angrily and kicked one of the homeless men in the abdomen.


The homeless man flew backwards on the spot. His entire abdomen was kicked to pieces, his internal organs were smashed, and he died!

When the two remaining homeless people took a look, they were so frightened that they reached out their hands to take out their guns.

But Steve was also a veteran who had been on the battlefield, and his combat awareness was not comparable to that of a mere homeless person. Although she was a little surprised that she had just The power of that kick exploded, but after seeing the movements of the two homeless men, they still rushed forward without hesitation and hit a homeless man on the head with a shield blow.


The homeless man's head exploded and he fell down. on the ground.

At this time, Steve punched the last homeless man in the face again.

The homeless man's head turned 180 degrees on the spot, and there was a cracking sound of bones. The sound was heard and he collapsed to the ground.

The whole process happened in a flash of lightning.

Looking at the three corpses in front of him, Steve didn't have much regret.

Do you think Captain America really doesn't kill people at all?

Don't You're kidding!

During World War II, the people Steve killed could pile up into a small mountain!

Just three homeless people are nothing.

His refusal to kill was only for those criminals who committed less serious crimes. That's all.

And these three in front of them, they want to do it crazily..... never mind!

Don't talk anymore, Steve will feel sick if you talk too much!

"Let's leave here first. I don't know how long it has been since I was in coma. Paige, she..."

Thinking of Paige, Steve couldn't help but think of his current daughter.

Suddenly my heart burst into tears.

Feel sorry! Paige!

I can't dance with you anymore!!!...

After Steve left, Clark finally showed his body.

"It seems that becoming a woman has somewhat affected Steve's character."

Clark glanced at the three corpses on the ground. If it was still the original Steve, even if he killed someone, there would be some emotional changes.

But the Steve just now didn't care at all. These three dead people were like stepping on three ants.—

"It seems that this potion is not just as simple as physically changing one gender."

Clark thought to himself.

To be honest, this potion is quite powerful.

I don't know if it has a limit?

It would be terrifying if it had the same effect on all kinds of people!

But I don't think about it. It's so possible.

For a multiverse boss like Clark, how can such a mere medicine change his body structure?.....

Two days later.

Steve, wearing a black hoodie, arrived in front of Stark Tower.

In the past two days, she has used some means to understand the current time in the world.

When Steve learned that he had been in a coma for decades, Steve was depressed for a time. The main reason was of course because of Paige. Just thinking about his current daughter status, his slightly depressed mood suddenly turned into wanting to die. impulse...

After two days of adapting and adjusting, Steve decided to find someone more familiar to check his current physical condition.

Steve is no fool.

He had been frozen for decades and suddenly appeared in an abandoned apartment in New York. He also changed from a tough man to a blonde girl. If there was no one behind his back, beat him to death. Don't believe it. but...

He now has no clue about the person who is behind this.

There is simply no way to find out.

After much deliberation, Steve decided to check his physical condition first to see if he could return to his original male body.

However, he has no one in the world now.

The only one I know is Paige. I don't know if she is still alive. Even if she is still alive, but she looks like this. Go find her....

Steve couldn't even imagine that scene.

So, after much thought, he finally decided to find the son of his old friend Howard Stark.

Although he has never met Tony Stark, there is such a relationship between them. In addition, he has inquired in the past two days and knows that Howard's son is now a superhero, which is obviously not something. A treacherous villain.

If so, if you go to him for help yourself, you won't be rejected, right?

Ever since, Steve came to Stark Tower today.

Standing in the square in front of Stark Tower, Steve pulled his hat before stepping inside.

The way she dressed immediately attracted the attention of the security guards in the lobby.

Several security guards stared at her with vigilant eyes, and even vaguely surrounded her.

Steve naturally noticed it, but she didn't want to conflict with these security guards now.

Speaking of which, I have killed a lot of people in the past two days.

Mainly on the first day.

That place called Hell's Kitchen is simply a gathering place for villains.

For a petite blonde like her to appear in a place like that, it would be ugly if she didn't encounter anything.

When Steve came out of Hell's Kitchen, he already had more than twenty lives on his hands.

She didn't want to do this either, but those guys were really good at seeking death.

Everyone actually wanted to do something to her...

Steve was so angry that he struck cruelly, without any intention of showing any mercy.

But after leaving Hell's Kitchen, the situation became much better. Although it would still attract the attention of many passers-by, at least no one would come up directly and blatantly to do anything to her.

Lobby front desk.

Steve looked at the receptionist in front of him

"Hello, I'd like to find Tony Stark."

The girl at the front desk looked up and saw a very beautiful blond woman. She immediately thought to herself, could this be some romantic debt owed by her boss outside? No wonder the girl at the front desk thought so. Mainly because this kind of thing has happened before, and more than once

"Sorry, if you don't have an appointment here, you can't see our boss."

The girl at the front desk sounded quite polite, mainly because she had already concluded that the blonde woman in front of her was probably her boss's lover, so she didn't dare to go too far.

Who knows if her boss still has lingering feelings for her? What?

After all, this blonde beauty is indeed very beautiful. Even she, a woman, thinks she is beautiful, let alone her playboy boss.

"So, can you help me pass on a message and say that I know something about Howard Stark and I want to talk to your boss."

Steve said the excuse he had thought up before.

She also knew that with Tony's status, it was not something she could see if she wanted.

So she simply used the name Howard.

I believe that as long as Tony hears his father's words, No matter what the name is, he will at least be willing to meet her.

At this time, several security guards had gathered around.

But they also heard Steve's words, and then they also noticed the beautiful face under her hood, and they suddenly A strange idea came to my mind.

This woman...

Could it be the illegitimate daughter left behind by her previous boss?

In other words, she might be the sister of her boss?

Thinking of this, several security guards who originally wanted to drive them away suddenly did not dare to step forward.

It doesn't matter if the guess is wrong, but if that's the case, when the brother and sister recognize each other, won't they, working people, have to be put in the shoes of others?

Can't afford it! Can't afford it!

Several security guards immediately took half a step back, and no one had any intention of moving forward to chase them away.

The girl at the front desk actually had similar thoughts to these security guards at this time.

I originally thought it was a romantic debt owed by my boss outside. result...

It turned out to be a romantic debt owed by the previous boss outside! incredible!!!

As expected of the Stark family!

The genes passed down from generation to generation are really great, and they all share the same virtue!

Chapter 258

Steve had no idea that what she said had been misinterpreted by these people. She was still wondering why the security guards around her looked at her strangely.

So does this girl at the front desk.

What is that envious look in your eyes?

"that...Wait a moment, lady, I'll call and ask."

After guessing that the other party might be the long-lost sister of her boss, the girl at the front desk didn't dare to offend her. She quickly picked up the phone at hand and made a call directly to the office of the president's assistant on the top floor.

That is, Pepper Pepper.

Tonysta Ke is obviously not in the company. In fact, this guy rarely stays in the company, especially after becoming Iron Man.

Basically, he spends more than 8 hours in the laboratory 24 hours a day.

In addition to sleeping, eating, and accompanying his daughter My friend, you don't even give yourself any time for leisure and entertainment.

You should say it or not!

This is indeed a cruel person!

The girl at the front desk called and quickly contacted Xiaojiao.

I heard that Xiaojiao over there is a very good-looking guy. When a beautiful woman came to see Tony, her first reaction was about the romantic debts Tony had owed outside. But then she heard the girl at the front desk said that she came to talk to Tony about something related to Howard, and Pepper couldn't bear it. I'm wrong.

After all...

After all, she has been with Tony for so many years, and is now Tony's girlfriend. Pepper knows their family quite well, and also knows what Tony's deceased father was like during his lifetime. people.

It can be said that it is a completely different version of Tony.

Of course, you can't say that.

It should be said that Tony perfectly inherited his father's genes.

As expected of a biological father and son!

Guessing that the other person might be Tony's long-lost sister, Pepper asked the girl at the front desk to keep her while calling Tony who was in the lab thinking about upgrading the mecha.

Normally Tony wouldn't take calls from the outside world when he was working.

But there are two exceptions.

One is Clark.

Mainly because I'm afraid of getting beaten.

The other one is the little pepper.

Girlfriend after all!

So as soon as Pepper's call came, Tony directly asked Jarvis to get through.

"Pepper, is there something wrong with the company?"

Tony asked casually while busy with the work at hand.

Usually Pepper called him because of company matters. If it was a personal matter, she would wait until she got home instead of talking on the phone..That

's why Tony asked directly if there was anything the company wanted him to decide on.

"There's nothing going on at the company, but a woman just came over and said she wanted to see you."

"woman? I don't know her, so just refuse her for me."

Tony's hand movements paused, and he thought to himself, could this be some romantic debt he had left outside before?

It's not like she was pregnant?!

To be honest, Tony was a little panicked.

What if If she is really pregnant, Tony doesn't know how to face it. After all, Pepper is now his real girlfriend, and those so-called girlfriends in the past were only temporary. The longest one even Not more than half a month has passed.


Better not to see you again!!!

At this moment, Tony admitted that he was scared.

It's okay not to be a coward!

He didn't want his relationship with Xiao Qing to get better just now, only for it to end without any problems because of an accident or something.

"No, just listen to what I have to say!"

Little Pepper was also holding back her laughter when she spoke. Apparently she also understood what Tony was thinking about Xiao Jiujiu, but because of his determination and answer, she, Little Pepper, was not as experienced as Tony. Hum. ~

Let's talk about it after we get home tonight!

Tony didn't know about Pepper's inner monologue, but after hearing her say that she still had something to say, Tony didn't interrupt her anymore.

"Then you say, agree in advance that if it is an ex-girlfriend or something like that, there is no need to meet her."

Tony should take a vaccination first. In case the situation doesn't look good when the time comes,

"It's not your ex-girlfriend. The other party said it was about your father and wanted to talk to you."

Pepper hesitated for a moment before speaking in an uncertain tone:

"Tony, do you think she is?..."

"Old man?!"Tony shook his head,"Who knows what romantic debts he owed outside before?...You send someone to bring her here and see her in person, if she is really....Then I won't treat her badly."

Tony still gave his dead father some face, and didn't speak too directly.

But it was just like the misunderstanding between Pepper and the others.

Tony was also thinking in his heart that this woman who suddenly came to his door was most likely... The result of some romantic debt the old man owed outside.

Thinking of this...

Tony couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Because I think of myself from my father.

If one day in the future, he and Pepper are already married and have children, but a boy or girl suddenly appears and is said to be his Tony's son, then by that time...

Hey, just thinking about Tony makes me shudder.

He could even imagine the look on Little Pepper's face when the time came.

"Forget it, let's deal with the old man's debt first."

Tony sighed, looking at the parts in front of him, and suddenly he lost the motivation to continue working.

After thinking about it, he decided to take a shower first, otherwise he would be dirty by the time. It would not be good to meet the one who is most likely his half-sister........

Stark Group, in the lobby on the first floor.

After the girl at the front desk put down the phone, she showed a humble smile and said to the beautiful woman in front of her:

"Miss, please wait a moment. Our boss's assistant, Miss Pepper, will come down to see you soon."

Although Steve was very confused as to why the other party was acting like this, she nodded when she heard that Tony's assistant was willing to see her.

"Miss, please go sit over there for a while."

A security guard trotted up and said very flatteringly.

Steve looked at him and frowned.

She always felt that these people seemed to have misunderstood something, but she couldn't explain it at the moment, so she could only nod and accept the other party's kindness.

She didn't keep Steve waiting for long.

Soon, she saw a tall woman with outstanding temperament walking out of the elevator over there, followed by a chubby tall man.

"Hello, I'm Pepper, Mr. Stark's assistant."

When Little Pepper saw the woman sitting in front of her, she became more and more sure of her guess.

She must be so beautiful, she must have inherited the excellent genes of the Stark family, not to mention that a playboy like Howard cannot find such a woman. Ugly children can only be born when both parties have excellent genes.

Steve stood up, shook hands with Ms. Pepper, and asked,"When can I see her?" Mr. Stark?"

"immediately!"Pepper said and introduced:"Mr. Happy next to me will take you to Mr. Stark's villa. It will only take a few hours for you to meet Mr. Stark."

Hearing this, Steve also nodded.

"Then let's set off now."

She said.

Steve can't wait to solve his own problems.

To be honest, although his inexplicable strength has become a lot stronger, if he has a choice, Steve is still willing to do what he used to do. As a man, it doesn't matter even if he is a little weaker.

"Ok, no problem."Pepper nodded, then turned to give Happy a few instructions.

She could understand Steve's mood at this time. After all, she was about to see her half-brother, and the two had been separated for so many years. Hell, maybe she is also very eager to get to know her real family, right?

Steve doesn't know these inner thoughts of Pepper. If he knew, she would probably cry to death.

Becoming a woman is enough Unlucky, but now she is mistaken for Howard's illegitimate daughter?

You know, he and Howard were good friends during World War II!

From good friends to father and daughter, this transformation...

I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it if Steve is given another few decades.

"This lady, please come over here!"

Happy said, looking at this woman curiously.

In terms of appearance, she does match the genetic heritage of the Stark family, but her personality...It's a bit different.

But Happy can also understand. After all, he grew up with his mother and may have never met his biological father, Howard Stark, so his personality is more like his mother than his father.reasonable!

As Steve followed the fat man in front of him, he wondered why the other man kept looking at him.

Could it be...

Steve suddenly looked disgusted, and the look he looked at Happy was not as kind as at first.

He knew that he looked beautiful the way he looked now.

Although she didn't feel like admitting this, Steve was not blind. She had also looked in the mirror and knew that she looked very attractive to men.

Chapter 259

However, knowing that he is beautiful does not mean that Steve can understand the disgusting thoughts that come into the minds of men when they see his appearance.

Just thinking about this made her want to vomit.

When Happy noticed that the young lady behind him suddenly looked at him with a strong sense of repulsion, he was also filled with confusion. In the end, he could only sigh in his heart. As expected of the Stark family, he has such changeable emotions. It's really hard to figure out.......

A few hours later.

Tony outside his Shore House in Malibu Harbor.

A black Rolls-Royce slowly stopped at the door. Happy sat in the driver's seat and turned around and said,"We're here. Just go in. I'll wait for you outside."

Steve in the back row nodded. , thinking to myself, although this fat man is disgusting to have such thoughts about her, he is actually a good person.


Steve thanked him, then opened the car door and walked out.

The door of the villa.

Before Steve knocked on the door, the door opened by itself.

"Mr. Stark is already waiting for you in the living room, please come in!"

Jarvis's voice rang out.

Steve was still a little unable to adapt to this kind of high technology. She looked around, and finally shook her head with a smile and walked towards the villa.

In the living room of the villa.

Tony was early He just took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and sat in the living room sipping red wine.

When he saw Steve coming in, he looked up and down a few times and nodded secretly in approval.

If they were really descendants of the Stark family, , based on this appearance, he first confirmed the other party.

Of course, just being good-looking is not enough!

Tony will definitely conduct some tests until the identity of the other party is completely confirmed before he truly recognizes the other party.

"sit down."

Tony pointed to the seat in front of him.

Steve was also looking at him at this time.

Different from the videos he found online, Tony in real life looked more serious, but he did look a lot like Howard back then. , As expected of two fathers and sons.

Steve sighed in his heart and walked over to sit down.

At this time, Tony put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Steve sitting in front of him and said:

"So, first of all, let me introduce myself. What is your name?"

"Steve Rogers,"

Steve said

"Oh~! the name...Who named you that?"

Tony had a weird expression on his face.

Of course Steve Rogers has heard of this name. In fact, there are not many people in the United States who don't know this name. Captain of the United States! The legendary first-generation superhero!

His father is still alive. Whenever we meet, there is never a time when we don't talk about this hero.

Even if Tony forgets his father's name, it is impossible for him to forget this name.


Why would a girl be called such a name?

Could it be that his damn dad gave it to him?!!

Tony groaned inwardly.

At this time, Steve said with a serious face:"Mr. Stark, I know what I am about to say may be difficult for you to accept, but please listen to me carefully, okay?"

Tony heard this As he spoke, he couldn't help but reach out and rub his temples.

He only slept for two hours last night, and he has been busy upgrading new mechas in the laboratory since he got up. Now that he encountered this situation, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

He stretched out his hand and said:

"You say it and I listen."

Seeing Tony's gesture, Steve pondered for a moment and then said:

"This thing sounds a bit like fantasy, but it is indeed true. Your father, Howard Stark, and I——"

"You are that old man's illegitimate daughter outside, right?"

"Is that what you want to say?"

Although Tony had just promised not to interrupt Steve, you obviously can't completely believe what this person said. When he heard Steve mention his old man's name, Tony still couldn't help but interrupt her.


Steve looked at it with a confused expression.

"If this is what you want to say, I already know it. Now you come with me. I need to test your DNA."

Tony felt that the scene was too embarrassing. He had no idea how to deal with the person in front of him who might be his same father. The half-sister went to communicate, so he thought it was better not to chat and go directly to the testing process.

If it was confirmed that she was biological, then give her a sum of money and a house and recognize her identity.

As for what to do in the future...

Feel sorry!

Tony is confused now.

He hasn't thought about it yet.

When he saw Tony standing up, he was about to take himself to test the DNA. Steve couldn't sit still anymore.


She stopped Tony and said:

"I think you may have misunderstood me"

"What's the meaning?"

Tony turned and looked at her.

Steve tried hard to calm down and told himself that the person in front of him was his nephew, so don't be angry and give Howard some face.


"I'm not Howard's illegitimate daughter. In fact, he and I are good friends."

Steve said.


He looked at Steve as if he were a fool, and after a minute or two he spoke.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Steve shook his head

"So you are a fool?"

Steve shook his head again.

"So why do you think I will believe what you just said? Judging from your appearance, when my old man passed away, you were probably just born!"

Tony was very angry, but secretly relieved in his heart.

It's good that she's not an illegitimate daughter!

Just when Tony couldn't help but want to 'ask' Steve to leave, Steve spoke.

"I just said, my name is Steve Rogers!"

"What's the meaning? Tony frowned.

"I don't have the same name as anyone, I am the Rogers you know."

Steve said

"Just two days ago, I woke up in an abandoned apartment building, and before that, my last memory was of the plane piloting the Red Skull crashing into the ocean."

"I don't know why I slept for decades, and I don't even know why I ran to New York as soon as I woke up. But I know very well that there must be someone behind this!"

"etc! Just wait a minute!"

Tony rubbed his forehead vigorously, feeling that his brain hurt even more.

After a while, he spoke.

"You mean, you are the American captain? World War II hero?"

Steve nodded, with an expression like"You finally understand."

Tony looked at her strangely.

"But I remember the captain of the United States is a man."

As soon as he said this, Steve's face darkened.

"I was indeed a man before, but when I woke up, I found myself looking like this"

"You mean, someone woke you up from a hole in the ice and performed a sex reassignment surgery on you?"

Tony looked incredulous, and even felt that his IQ had been fooled.

Why do you think I would believe this?

Steve looked helpless.

She knew how hard what she said was I believe it, but she did not deliberately lie to fabricate the truth.

"I know, this all sounds weird, but what I said really happened. Steve said, turning around and taking out her beloved shield from her bag

"This shield crashed with me, and when I woke up, it was next to me."

Tony looked at the red, white and blue star shield in Steve's hand.

"Jarvis, analyze this."

He ordered.

The next moment, a beam of light shone on the shield in Steve's hand.

After a while...

"Sir, the main component of this shield is vibranium. The specific detailed composition requires further monitoring to determine. Jarvis

's voice sounded.

When he heard that the main component of the shield in Steve's hand was vibranium, Tony already believed what he just said.

Although he still found it incredible.

But if Is it true?

Tony took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, went through all kinds of thoughts in his mind, then raised his head and said

"So, you came to me to ask me to help you? Steve nodded and said

"I want you to help me test my physical condition and see if I can recover. Tony stared at her for a few seconds before nodding.

"Okay, you come with me."

He turned around and walked towards the basement.

When Steve saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed...

In the underground laboratory.

Tony pointed to a spot in front of him and asked Steve to go over there and stand there.

The obedient Steve followed the instructions and stood there, while looking curiously at the two tall mechas not far away.

"That's your weapon?" she asked.

Tony looked over there and said with a smile

"Yeah, they're cool right?"

Steve nodded.

Although she didn't quite understand the specific meaning of the word mecha, she just saw the words of the two big guys in front of her...

Chapter 260

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and start testing!"

Tony snapped his fingers, and then the ground where Steve was standing suddenly cracked, and some metal rose up from the ground.

"It's started, don't move."

Tony said.

Steve nodded, and then let these strange detection instruments sweep around his body, and finally drew some blood for testing before finishing.

"How about it? Can it be restored?"

Steve walked up to Tony and asked.

Tony was looking at the test report on the screen in front of him.

Some of the data on it were very interesting. For example, Steve's muscle strength far exceeded that of normal people. Even his The same is true for the bone strength, and even those internal organs are different.

"Interesting, is this the effect of the Super Soldier Serum?"

Tony asked.

Steve heard this and shook his head.

"No, after I woke up, I found that my strength, speed, and other aspects had become much stronger. I was not so strong before."

"Is that so? Tony nodded,"I'll just say it!" How could something like that old antique be so powerful?"

Hearing Tony's words, Steve frowned unhappily.

She always felt that there was something in Tony's words.

"These are secondary, about my body..."

"I need to analyze it in detail to get the result."Tony interrupted Steve and said:"Well, you stay here for now, and I will notify you as soon as there is news, but you have to cooperate with my research these days."

Hearing this, Steve, who was eager to change back to a man, nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Anyway, she didn't have anywhere else to go........

That night.

Little Pepper looked at the two people at the table with a strange expression.

"So, she is not your sister? Tony nodded, took a sip of red wine and said,"Yes, although my old man is quite unreliable, at least he didn't leave me any trouble.""

"And she's still living here?"

Little Pepper's face was already a little ugly.

"Sorry to bother you during this time."

Steve said apologetically.

Pepper didn't look at her. In fact, Pepper didn't want to see this woman at all now.

"Tony, we need to talk!"

Pepper said in a serious tone.

Tony shrugged indifferently, as he would say that.

After dinner, Pepper pulled Tony aside.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Little Pepper folded his hands and looked like a question.

It is impossible for anyone to accept his boyfriend suddenly staying with a strange woman in his home, let alone this woman is still young and beautiful.

"If I said that the woman outside is the captain of the United States, would you believe it?"

Tony said.

Pepper chuckled.

"Do you think I would believe it? Tony sighed and said,"Okay, I knew you would say that. Take a look. You will understand after reading it.""

A tablet was handed to Pepper's hand.

On it was the video of the conversation this afternoon.

After reading it, Pepper raised his head and looked at Tony with an even weirder expression.

"so....Her American captain? From man to woman?!"

Tony nodded.

"I didn't believe it at first, but she has provided enough evidence to prove it, and I have compared her DNA. It is indeed milder than the data left by the American captain during World War II, eh...Except for those related to gender."

Little pepper:....

Several minutes passed.

She finally accepted the fact that the legendary World War II hero Captain America changed from a man to a woman.

"Then you leave her here now?"

"Research!"Tony said,"I have checked all the indicators of her body, and she is completely a real woman. It's amazing! And I also want to know who did such interesting things."

As he spoke, Tony couldn't help but laugh.

Thinking of the captain of the United States, whom his damn father often talked about, changing from a man to a woman, Tony couldn't help but want to laugh.

He was even thinking, If his father was still alive.

Knowing this situation, how wonderful would his expression be at that time?

Thinking of this, Tony became happy.

Seeing the gloating look on Tony's face, Pepper looked helpless.

"Forget it, just stay here, but you can't let her live here forever, right?"

Although she already knows the true identity of the woman outside, Xiaojiao is still a little worried.

That's right!

The other person may be a man mentally, but you have to admit that she has completely changed physically!

That is a real man. Woman.

Just in case....

She meant just in case!

If something happens between Tony and the female version of Captain America, then should Pepper be angry? Or should we forgive them?

So, in order to avoid this happening.

Pepper felt that she still needed to find a place for Steve to live as soon as possible.

Let her move out as soon as possible!

"What are you worrying about! Tony said with a speechless expression,"That guy is the captain of the United States!" Do you think I, Tony Stark, would be the kind of person who only cares about appearance? That's a man!!!"

Facing Pepper's distrust, Tony felt that his character was insulted.

That's a man!

How could he have such thoughts!!!

Seeing that Tony was a little angry, Pepper knew that he shouldn't be like this She thought about it, but she couldn't help it.

At any rate, Pepper made Tony agree to let Steve move out after a period of time when the research was completed. At the same time, the conversation between the two was also held in the living room. Steve in the room heard it.

It was all because her hearing was too sharp now. She heard these damn contents!

When Tony and Pepper came out, they found Steve sitting in the living room with a dark face. , seeing the two of them looking expressionless.

When Tony thought about it, he guessed that Steve might have heard the conversation between the two of them.

He suddenly looked embarrassed to death!