
Chapter 29

"The call is connected, sir."

"Elektra, it seems you have just had your dinner."

"Yes, I did. Spying on me now?" I heard Elektra's voice.

"I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

"Then you know my decision."

"That I do. For now, stay in the Chaste and continue doing what you have been doing. Once I make sure things have stabilized, I will come for you."

"I have one request."

*Now what will that be*

"I want to disappear completely. I want a new identity, a new place. To put simply, no more Elektra."

*A clean slate, that is something that I did not expect. I want all the members to live their lives and now that she is bringing forth such a condition, I should expect others might have a similar one as well*

"That can be done."

"Thank you. And Matthew?"

"No harm will befall on him, who knows maybe he will be there with you in the future"

Elektra was shocked when she heard that.

"Wait for the news, Elektra."

I cut the call.

I have one other than Claire.

I have only one, this is a start.

"Good news?" Gerald entered the cockpit as he sat next to me.

"Yes, she has agreed to join. We will have to make Elektra disappear completely, that is one request she has put forth,"

"That is to be expected. She has a lot of people on her tail and some close by her as always."

"Yes. How long before we reach?"

"8 hours, sir."

"Alright call me if you need me and Zestia once we land I need you to work on finding where Elektra's information are, let me know once you have completed"

It will take me some time to write the code for Clean Slate.

Now, we are flying using a jet that was developed by me, Gerald, and Zestia.

This was the toy that I had started to develop and asked Zestia to degrade the version for other purposes.

This looks similar to the one shown in Zack Snyder's Justice League. It can be considered to be a Miniature Version of it.

We have started our travel a day early as I was able to make all arrangements.

For the next two months, I will be in Antarctica and hopefully in Savage Land as fast as possible.

I went to the Time Chamber and started to train as usual.

Yesterday I was successfully able to manipulate Gravity.

One word to describe it, Phenomenal.

When I started to tap into it, I could feel the gravitational energy around me. It was increasing the mass around me, I was able to sense the pull and push of it as well.

I could increase Gravity 3 times around me, I could control objects using it, I could make Gerald fly and boy that was a hilarious sight.

He screamed like a baby as he did not expect to suddenly float in the air. He could not understand why this was happening and my laughter made him realize it was me.

Soon I was able to create a domain where I can create, shape gravity, increase agility to a small amount by decreasing gravity on me, increasing weight, and doing more. But all was minimal as I have just now got a hang of the power. The domain was also small in size 15 meters. More than that it takes a toll on my mind.

I mean I can even make the whole area go Zero Gravity in a moment if I have higher mastery but now it takes a lot of time.

There were no short of ideas but for all my ideas to be realized I have to train, train harder than ever.

I should have transmigrated 10 or 20 years back. But I don't think I will have challenges as at that time not many problems have occurred. Well, the main reason would be is that I have no idea how it was at that time and that's why I chose 3 years before Iron Man, maybe 5 would have been good, though I don't regret my decision.

I have to make myself strong as fast as possible.

I will let Iron Man occur as that Egoistic Genius needs a wake-up call of what his weapons are doing and for Iron Man to be born.

Though I will help him in the fight against Obadiah or if possible, kill him when he goes and gets Tony's Armor.

This is the reason why I have not involved myself with him yet and I don't think I will, except as Helios.

Dark King will only be known but not seen a lot. He will be active and will bring death to all who are corrupted to the core. He will also be the leader of ATLAS.

Helios will be the one known to the world and I am also planning not to show my face. Even if Shield can find me and ask me to join the Avengers Initiative my answer will be no, but I will let them know that I will always protect innocents. I will involve myself against Loki and all the other plots, maybe destroy some of the plots if possible but I have a nagging feeling that somethings has to occur as it should be and if I change it I might have to face repercussions that I feel will be more worse.

I don't know how I will fare against Asgard and its Gods. I also don't know whether they will remain the same in strength and my being here might affect a lot as I have already seen one.

I can only hope it remains the same even if it isn't I will grow stronger to fight against them and win.

Time went by and soon, I and Gerald could see Antarctica for its cold beauty.

Now the only issue is where am I going to find Savage Land here.

The Land is either hidden similar to Wakanda or it's in a completely different dimension.

"Gerald, once we land at a proper location, I want you to release the bugs and monitor them, and if any of them goes down mark those areas and we will focus on them."

"What will you be doing till then?" Gerald asked.

"I will be leaving once we land, I will cover some areas on a different side"

We soon were able to find a remote area and landed. Gerald got to work.

I started to head out to the vast Ice land as Darkness started to take over.

Once I reached a good distance, I used the Voice of All Things.

"More beings are coming here for some reason."

"When will the sun, rise?"

"Wish I could eat them all."

"Who is this guy?"

*Why do I feel the last voice is talking about me*

"Ah, how I wish I could eat all of you here?" I could feel the voice drooling.

"The Red-eyed guy."

*Definitely me*

I focused on the single voice.

"Can you hear me?" I uttered. (I don't know whether Roger could do it or not, but I am making here he can.)

When I asked the question, I could sense the utter shock and gasps of all the voices.

"He can hear us and he is also able to talk to us"

"What the FUCK is going on?"

"Finally, I can talk to someone other than you fools."

I chuckled when I heard that.

"Hey… hey… hey what is your name?" I heard the voice that I focused on more than the others.

"I am Andrew, can I know your name?"

"I am the King Penguin"

Now that he said this, I focused on the Penguin that I was able to sense in my Observation Haki that was looking in my direction.

"Is that you?"

Just as I asked the Penguin started to head towards me and I could feel happiness from it.

"Yes, Yes, that's me, I am coming, hehehehehe"

The Penguin soon was near close to me, and I went and bent down to its level.

As I did that, I could see that it was a Penguin mostly born before a year or two.

I patted its head.

It moved its hands and said, "How dare you do that to me, the King Penguin"

"Well, I apologize if I offended you King Penguin" I couldn't help but smile.

"Hmph, that's right."

Soon I could sense a few more penguins heading in the direction that I am in.

I could hear more voices in my head and all are surprised and eager to see the one who is able to hear and communicate with them.

An hour passed as the Penguins' genuine curiosity went down.

"Is there any place that is different from here?" I asked the King Penguin.

"There are Polar Bears territory in that direction, seals in that direction…"

"Okay, is there any place where you or someone disappears?"

For a minute I could not hold my laughter as I saw all the Penguins think just like a human does. Their hands were either folded, some lay on the floor and saw the stars, and there was one who had his hands massaging his forehead as he was thinking.

I got my answer.

"Oh, Oh, I know one, I know one," I heard a female voice.

I turned towards the direction and I could see a Penguin jumping as I heard its voice.

"Can you tell me where?"

It pointed towards the direction where I will have to go very deep.

"But you should not go there, it is scary"


"Did something happen?"

"There are things that will eat all of us," she said and I could feel sadness wash over its tiny body. Soon it started to cry.

I went towards the Penguin and took her in my hands and started to give pats and console her.

It started to say why it was scary.

It seems this said Penguin's parents had been killed by something that came suddenly without anyone noticing.

The next day she came to know that her parents had died.

Same as me.

"If you go… you will disappear… so don't go… you will not go right?" she said in between her tears.

"Don't worry I am very strong and I will bring justice to your parents"

She started to cry all over again and I had to calm her down.

I could have just left after I got the location from them without care but something in me felt peace. I mean who would say and care like this Penguin in my arms to someone they don't even know and someone who is not even supposed to hear and talk to them and yet they did, to fill their curiosity and that turned to something different as they got to know me and I got to know them.

"Hey, hey, what is justice?"

I slipped from the place I was in when I heard that.

I explained what justice is then I explained what right and wrong are and finally I explained what punishment is.

I could sense a bug camera for the past 3 hours following me. Gerald would be having a blast as he watches me interact with Penguins but it was not what I expected.

I signaled Gerald to the direction where the Penguin pointed.

I switched on the earpiece I had in my ear.

I had it off as I told him I just wanted to explore and will switch it on if I find something but the old geezer decided to send a bug camera to follow me.

"Is this the other ability you obtained?" I could feel his happiness in his voice.

"Yes," I said.

"It's been years since I have seen such genuine happiness from you Andrew, I thought I will never see it again, though you interact with me, your friends, the happiness that radiated from you was not the same and the happiness that is coming from you now is what I always want for you, Andrew."

"Gerald, focus please." I smiled as I heard what he said.

*I don't think I will be the same, Gerald* I sighed as I thought about how I am going to soon venture into Batman's memories.

In 10 minutes, I heard his voice.

"It's gone, the feed is destroyed, I am getting no signal from it, it's either destroyed or somehow the signal is cut."

"What was the last thing that was seen"

"Ice and mountains."

"Slow the video down and see, there should be something different," excitement coursed in me hoping for something to be caught. And Gerald gave the good news.

"Mother of God," he was shocked and was stammering. I could not understand what he said as he was in disbelief.

I know what it was and I felt what Roger felt whenever he comes through something new, excitement and the need to explore and conquer. I started to laugh which startled the Penguins and after a few seconds I stopped and I was eager to visit this mysterious Land and explore and see what it gives me. I was going to go on an Adventure for the first time.

"Savage Land"


Hi Readers!! Dark_Vader98 Here!!

This is the End of Volume 1.

I want to thank all of you for reading my Fanfic and supporting me through the course of Volume 1.

A special shoutout to TyrantTron335 and Hyuga_Tobirama for your help.

The Next Volume will be Andrew and his adventure in Savage Land and Batman's memories.


Power Stones, please.

Thanks again, and Stay Tuned for the Next Volume of Marvel One Piece Template System.

Dark_Vader98creators' thoughts