
Marvel: My Talent Can Be Infinitely Enhanced

A wonderful genius grows all the time of the plot and overcomes the limits in the Marvel universe. And we are watching this. https://tl.rulate.ru/book/73965

RanobeMen · Anime und Comics
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103 Chs

Find Ronan and Defeat him

In the fleet, many soldiers were looking at Ronan, waiting for Ronan to give the order to destroy the planet.

After all, Ronan had a ferocious reputation in the universe, and when they saw a small planet like this, they would simply destroy the civilization of earth.

And this time, in their minds, everything should have turned out that way.

But they didn't expect Ronan to not give the order this time.

"Send a small team to this planet C14 and bring back the Cosmic Spirit Sphere!".

Ronan seemed to be thinking about something and frowned slightly before speaking.

Hearing Ronan's words, his men responded.

Ronan stared at the huge blue planet in front of him, and his face gradually became a little ugly.

If it was another planet, he wouldn't have said anything, but that damn woman...

"Damn Carol!"

Some memories couldn't help but come to Ronan's mind.

Decades ago, the supreme artificial intelligence of the Kree Empire ordered them to come here, destroy the planet and destroy a defected member of their team, Carol Danvers.

The same Captain Marvel, who would later become famous in the universe.

Only that time he lost most of his fleet, immediately reducing his power by many times.

He had no choice but to retreat.

One man retreated.

And they still threaten not to come here halfway in the future.

No matter how much Ronan wants to destroy the planet to let off steam and teach Captain Marvel a lesson.

Just remembering the terrifying power of Captain Marvel, Ronan was still a little scared.

But if he could get that cosmic spirit ball.

"Carol, when I find the Cosmic Spirit Realm, I'll see how you can fight against me."

Ronan clenched his fist, and then said in a low voice: "And Thanos, I will definitely come to settle accounts with you!".

At this moment, Ronan could only rage impotently in his heart.

Although he was helping Thanos right now, he was actually only reporting to him.

Thanos promised him that he would help him destroy all of Xandar.

But, of course, he understood that now Thanos was just using him.

And of course, why not?

Now he had a better option: as long as he could obtain the Cosmic Spirit Realm, he could gain even more power.

At this time, he could have dealt with Thanos.

Thinking about it, Ronan got a little worried.

"Prepare a landing ship for me, I want to get the Cosmic Spirit Sphere myself!"

Ronan couldn't resist giving a direct command.


Upon hearing Ronan's order, the Kree soldier hastily replied.

He then took Ronan to a landing ship with a group of Kree.

A small landing ship took off from the huge fleet and flew straight to Earth.


Earth's technology was nothing compared to the technology of the Kree, although it was nothing.

Especially with S.H.I.E.L.D., which was created specifically to solve this situation.

At the moment when S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury was in his office.

A technological tool lay in front of him.

S.H.I.E.L.D. technologies far surpassed the level of technologies presented outside on Earth.

"Nick Fury, the Kree are coming back!"

Agent Hill, sitting across the table from Nick Fury, spoke directly.

"I think Ronan is in charge!"

Nick Fury just looked at Agent Hill and continued: "In my case, you can talk to me without that face!".

As soon as his words fell, some light shone from Agent Hill's magnificent body, and then he immediately turned into a green-headed Skrull.

"Why did Ronan reappear on Earth?"

"If they wanted to get you, they shouldn't be here at all!" asked Nick Fury, speaking with some confusion.

If Ronan was going to pursue only Skrulls, he had to go to the depths of the universe.

After all, Captain Marvel has already helped the Skrulls find another habitable planet in the depths of the universe.

And when they first broke up, Carol also told him about it.

Ronan had been warned by her and shouldn't be here.

The Skrull opposite him didn't care about any of this when he spoke: "I do not know why Ronan came, but I know that you have big problems!"

"Better call Carol back!"The Skrull said, looking at Nick Fury.

At that moment, Nick Fury opened a drawer containing a small communicator.

When looking at this communicator, a strange expression appeared on Nick Fury's face.

But after a moment of silence, instead of taking it, he just closed the drawer, but after thinking about it, put it in his pocket.

"I'm not going to bring Carol back, we have the Avengers, they'll figure it out!" said Nick Fury, standing up.

"It would be better if it were, but I don't think it can be that easy!" The Skrull said, shaking his head helplessly.

However, Nick Fury did not attach importance to the Skrull's words, instead he calmly shook his head, and then initiated a connection, summoning the members of the United Avengers Squad.

At his call, the members of the Avengers Alliance quickly gathered.

Even Thor, who was in the immortal palace of Asgard, hurried back to Earth.

They gathered in Stark Tower and waited for Nick Fury to begin his mission.

Nick Fury had one eye on these people with great power.

"Avengers, we're in big trouble now!"

"Ronan the Accuser's fleet has arrived on Earth!"

In response to Nick Fury's words, only Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow listened attentively, and Tony Stark instead ate a handful of blueberries, and then casually said, "Ronan the Accuser? Who is this guy? Is that a circus clown?"

Thor's face changed as he said, "Ronan the Accuser, Supreme commander of the Kree Empire and manager of a huge fleet!".

"The Kree Empire is a huge empire, no smaller than Asgard, and the Supreme Commander here is the equivalent of a great general with a powerful military force!".

"If they really invade, I'm afraid Earth will really be in trouble!"

Hearing Thor's words.

The faces of the Avengers members became serious.

When they were with Thor, they often heard Thor talk about his Asgard.

Asgard, who could rule the Nine Realms, was proof of his power.

And with Thor's proud character, now that he could describe this Kree empire as so powerful, I'm afraid it will turn out to be even more powerful in reality.

Such a powerful space empire, a powerful civilization that owned thousands of planets.

Now that they have suddenly arrived on Earth, they naturally see the seriousness of this matter.

At this point Tony Stark also stopped eating and became serious, saying: "Then it looks like there's some kind of problem this time!".

"What should we do now? Sir?"

Captain America spoke to Nick Fury.

"Find Ronan and defeat him!"
