

the fabrics that separate reality and imagination are very thin.and when they break,the world creates infinite possibility. Trendy Altman is a Dark web contract thief.that was until his latest client reached him with an enticing deal.and his life changed.thrown into a world full of supervillains and superheroes alike,will his skills adapt to the standand of such a complex universe? in the mcu a wrong move gives a wrong result and wrong result are often the last thing you see!

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2 Chs



earth 616

New york city

Trendy could not believe his freaking eyes. They were certainly not his own cos there was no fucking way he was seeing this.he was going nuts or the freaking wine he had drunk earlier had to be fucking drugged.that had to be it…..how else would he explain what had just happened?

Everything had plaid out as he had expected.like all his plans did

until now!

He beheld the massive expanse of plain that stretched out endlessly before him. a snaking tarmac road cut out at its center like a black serpentine tongue.

he wasn't supposed to be here!,and especially not at this time when he should be delivering his clients orders.

His hands automatically reached and enclosed around the cold lifeless medallion in his pocket, a feeling of premonition was beginning to build inside him.

Had he somehow been tricked?

He however discarded the thought even before it was fully formed ...that could not be the case.he had taken every single possibility into account and had done extensive research like he did in all his assignments.there was no way in hell that the museum had seen this coming.

"Fuck",Trendy cursed out loud in frustration.

he couldn't believe that he was failing in one of his most important missions. His job and every other job on the Dark web depended on one virtue, Trust. Assurances were impossible to grant but good faith had to be established between clients and the service providers.to do this, trust and privacy were mandatory.they were the key reason the dark web was swamped by a clientele from all walks of life.

within the Dark web,nobody cared who you were or what you did. This was mainly why people like Trendy thrived here.offering services that could not be found elsewhere.

He had come to learn that individuals regardless of their morality valued their privacy immensely. The Dark web exploited this niche in providing those services that would have been frowned upon in the mainstream web

Trendy had worked there for five years now As a contract thief. The web never lacked lavish jobs for him.not a single day,his services were what you could call 'hot'. there was always someone somewhere who wanted what someone else couldn't part with for whatever price

and viola!..

That is where Trendy Altman came in. neatly and safely getting you the desire of your heart with zero risk on your part. just a generous bag or some agreeable cryptocurrency and the deal was done! a win-win.

Trendy Sighed again in frustration, his eyes scanning the strange environment he was in.

He knew for sure, this couldn't be any of the museum security protocols. He had studied those in detail and as far as the museum was concerned, the piece of medallion in his pocket was still lying safely on the glass casing in the national museum in Bangkok.

It would probably take days or even a week before they found out the truth by which time he had planned to be sunbathing on the shores of the Maldives next to some hot muse.

but fate apparently had other plans.

Even after a hard battle of mind games and scheming, the one final step, just one final stretch, the last grip that should have placed his name amongst the affluent dwellers of New York had brought him here instead into this strange unfamiliar place.

The moment his hand had made contact with the medallion, he had felt as if his feet were cut beneath him and by the time he regained his senses, his feet made contact with the hard tarmac where he now stood..

His predator's eyes scanned the horizon of the vast land, hoping to trace some human life.


Trendy checked the high-tech device on his wrist. The surprise in his eyes was palpable and with merit.

for a while, the elite burglar thought the device was malfunctioning

it had to be...

just less than ten minutes ago,he had been in Bangkok national museum yet the blue display of his high-tech watch indicated that he had traveled 11 hours, back to new york city and covered a distance of 8667 miles in less than ten minutes

Absurd!...This was mental!

Then again, nothing about the current state of affairs made much sense. Now that he came to think of it. This assignment had been strange from the beginning.

It had begun in the typical way all his assignments on the Dark web were received. An encrypted email from an anonymous client from the web.

The lack of identity didn't bother him much. After all, privacy was the backbone of his job. What was strange though was the money offered. The total payment was a whopping five hundred thousand us dollars with 25 % upfront. The rest was to be delivered in cash after successfully attaining the artifact.

The said artifact was a piece of an ancient medallion that was supposed to be in the custody of the National Museum in Bangkok, Thailand.

At the time, he hadn't dwelled on it much, but now he wasn't so sure. Despite most of his clients being lavish, Trendy knew that it was hard for anyone to spend such an amount on something that carried sentimental value alone. Unless...

he quickly fished the medallion from his pocket...his eyes accustomed to unveiling details, danced through the small shiny surface hunting something of substance.


In all manner and appearance, the piece he held in his palm was a mere fragment of a shattered whole. The chain that held it appeared more valuable than the medallion itself.why would anyone pay such a….

A rumbling of a powerful engine split the silence of his surrounding and broke into his thoughts

Trendy eyes shot across the tarmac.

From a distance, the tiny dot that was skidding through the road heading in his direction was growing bigger with every second.

.'finally a fellow human', the stranded thief smiled in relief

with a distance of fewer than 300 meters between them, Trendy tried to flag the biker but judging by the speed of the cruising motorbike, he had no plans of stopping

'well, I can't stay here any more...time for plan B'

With that thought running in his mind, the daring burglar threw himself on the path of the oncoming motorbike.

Having been certain that the rider would inevitably apply brakes, Trendy's shock was immense when with a distance of fewer than 100 meters, the biker accelerated.

with a final resignation, he realized he had miscalculated his options. At this point, the situation was too far gone.

he could not move in any direction for the fear that the biker would swerve either way at the last minute. with such limited escape options, the despairing thief shut his eyes tightly and waited for the impact.

As seconds trickled down, time seemed to slow down and just when he expected to feel the shuttering impact, a strong breeze suddenly blew off his cowboy hat. He suddenly opened his eyes to witness a spectacle that would fully change and transform the boundaries of what he believed to be reality and imagination. This scene in less than a second had successfully stretched the elastic limits of what he thought was possible.

Just above the astounded thief, flew both the bike and its rider in an ultimate show of prowess. Yet this had nothing to do with his surprise.

for right before his naked eyes was zarathos, the spirit of vengeance

before him, was the flaming skeletal figure of a man in a flaming bike

And although the flabbergasted burglar had no way of knowing at the time, he was in the presence of his latest client!

At the moment though,Trendy finally realised that he had somehow transmigrated into the fucking marvel universe with all it madness.and before him was the fucking Ghost Rider.