
Marvel Mercenary: Palin Gen.

After the unfortunate crashed he found himself face to face with the Ancient One Oi I'm on 20s chapters but want to finish all B4 the start of my semester. Hope no inconveniences. ◉‿◉ The Marvel was not by me it was owned by their respective owners same with characters except my OCs.

BakoaTabwakea00 · Filme
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18 Chs

Chapter 04: Fight with the Ancient One.

Palin Pov

It been a month since my chi activated or awakens. I spent the rest of the month to refine and manipulate it to coat my body with it. I took baby step starting with hands then arms then foots and legs till I get the feels of manipulate my chi. I must say I'm a genius it all came to me naturally.

Now I am facing the Ancient One.

"So I been thinking what will you do if don't wants to stay here anymore?", The Ancient One says. Well the things is we had an agreement that I will not interfere with the world and I was the one who propose it when we meet saying that I will stay in the sanctum until she agrees to let me go. "Well can't you send me to Xander??" I answered. "Mm that will do, mm, ok we just do that", "so how's your training?" she continue. "Well I mastered my chi I'll just spent a year then I think I'll be ready and can relax" I answered back. "How bout a spar" she asked. I just nod and we moved to the training ground.

"Exhale" "Inhale". I was facing the Ancient One on the field while circulating my chi and try to suppress the anxiety in my heart. I know she is strong but I want to know how am I face to her.

"Am ready" she said which also a signal on my part.

I rush forward and do a leg sweep at her face. She bent and return a kick which she send during her backflip bent which connected with the back of my arm shielding my temple. I borrow the force from her leg and send another kick. I swing along my leg which miss her by a small margin and swung my arm in a semi-circular when I see her in the corner of my eyes when she approach. She duck and sent a straight punch to my stomach in which I have to coat it with my chi. I flung backwards and tries to stabilize myself, she did not give a room of breathing and rushes towards me and send another punch. I allow myself to fall and kick her in the stomach which sadly didn't connected by her other arm. I propelled myself away tries to shoot out my chi which can be happen because of my large reserve. I throw my fist at her and a chi fist was blasted toward her she caught off guard by that but she banish it with a sweep of her hand thanks for her lifetime experience in battle.

I keep chi punching three more time then rush toward her while coating my legs with chi. I appear in front of her and do a summersaults and deliver an axe kicked, she has to use her madala shield overheard to shield my attack. Bang! There was a loud explosion ensured as I was flung back and crashed into a wall, boom, crashes! The wall crumble and I emerge from the rumbles. I inhale a mouthful of air and try the Kamehameha. I took a stance and "ka-mee-haa-meeee-haaaaa"!!! A big ball of energy was shot toward the AO she do her hand sign and create a portal which swallow my chi energy to nowhere. I was exhausted and had to kneel after my stunt. I expect it to fail but I did not expect it to be success and big which was huge that why the AO have to send it to who know where. She looks at me in surprise as she did not expect that thing came out of me.

"Well let stop it here" she said. "Ye..s..(inhale, exhale)…let…s..stop" I answered between my teeth, 'I was really exhausted by that. I have a lot of training to do and then I can travel in space and learn or be a mercenary a space one at that' I thought.

I rest for few minutes then asked her if I can learn magic now. "Ancient, can I learn magic now that I unlock my inner energy?". "Well why don't you try?, Here take this" She reply. I catch the thing that throws at me which looked like a knuckle but have small two hole for the finger it a sling ring. So I put it on and imagine the Sahara desert. I circulate my arms and there it is a desert. I was glee but I no longer interested in magic I just want to be a Martial artist.

"Keep it, and if you wanted to, you can learn magic if you want". The Ancient One said waking me up from my excite.

"Nah I don't think I want to learn I am not an ambitious man I'll just train my chi and train in blunt weapon mace perhaps. If you allow me to pick my weapon Ancient One". I reply and try my luck for the artifact.

She thought for a moment which make me nervous. After a huge a amount of time which feels like a year for me, she finally agreed and asked me to follow her.

We started from the Chinese sanctum where I have to comb through any weapon. The Ancient One told me to feel if there is anything that attract toward me but there was none. So we return to the Nepal sanctum to look for my weapon thief but there was no reaction or what so ever. So we have to travel to Britain sanctum and same with the two no pulling factor that I felt. We had to go the American sanctum where I feel a small attraction but I ignore it. I may feel the force but I feel uncomfortable with it so I leave it for the next person. We have to go to Greece as our last stop too for it was night.

And so we went through the portal and I feel a very strong energy attract me and I follow it.

Chi application was hard in Marvel so I'ma use anything and every creation. Not mine I borrowed the ideas.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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