
Marvel: Meditation System

Transmigrated as Grant Ward in prison. Follow as Grant Ward causes chaos in the MCU I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime und Comics
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137 Chs

Avengers and Coulson

Avengers POV

Thor slams the table "It's been 5 hours since that bastard attacked, and we are not getting any closer to finding him, Stark can't you just track him using your robots"

"What do you think I have been trying to do ever since we calmed down Banner, I cant track the Iron Legion or Nat, he is jamming the signal somehow"

"Who even is he, what do we have on him?" Banner interupts them

"I got nothing on the wizard, he wore a hood the entire time, and he somehow made his face blurred from the cameras on the floor that were pointing upwards"

"I called in Fury, he sent a team to help us out?" says Clint

"A team?, what can a single team do that JARVIS can't, we already put his profile in the search database the only thing we got are the black robes he wears, anyone can buy that design with different colors in the region around Kathmandu, they are even sold online. Outside of that, we have nothing."

"You are not helping Tony" Steve Rogers here to save the day

"Oh, and what are you doing Cap? I don't see you doing anything useful."

"Well Tony, pull up the video of our fight and I'll tell you"

Stark looks at him and decides to give him the benefit of the doubt. As the fight goes on Cap stops it

"Look, right here, I was going through the fight in my head and something didn't sit right with me, I was the least useful in this fight and he could have taken me out a number of times, at first I thought I did a good job defending, but then I realized those tentacle things with the small scythes moved a bit right before they hit me, I assumed they were going for the vital spots, but actually they were avoiding them" Steve explained while the others are looking at him with doubt

"So what does that matter, he still kidnapped Nat?!" Clint yells

"It means he wasn't trying to kill us, and that he took her for leverage, so we can assume that she is alive, and he will probably contact us for ransom. He is greedy, he took the scepter, the robots, Thor's hammer and Nat. He will definitely contact us for Natasha, as for the others I'm not sure, he might contact us or just sell them on the black market"

"It's impossible for him to use my hammer, he opened a portal to another dimension, I can call my hammer from anywhere in the Known World, it might take time but I can do it and I can sense where it is. Now though I can't feel a thing which proves it is not in this dimension, but even in that other dimension he won't be able to lift it, so the hammer won't fall in the wrong hands" Thor informs everyone

Suddenly a voice comes from the door "You are correct my prince" They turn around to see a beautiful woman clad in warrior armor with a sword and shield

"Sif?! Why are you here?" a surprised Thor yells out happily

"Um Jarvis there is a breach, why wasn't I aware of it?"

"I'm sorry Sir but it appears I am being hacked again" Jarvis responds

"Again?! By Who?" Tony asks looking at the hologram of Jarvis

"By me" Coulson casually walks inside

"Who are you shapeshifter, identify yourself or face my wrath for taking on the form of my fallen comrade," Thor stands up as lighting sparks on his arms

" Wow, I am honored you think of me like that Thor, but it really is me Former Director Fury brought me back"

"You son of a bitch, why didn't you inform us that you were alive, and what do you mean by 'former' " Tony yells at Coulson

"We are spies, it what we do, I would have revealed myself eventually under better circumstances, but we don't exactly have much of a choice, a member of my team has become an unstable enhanced and you guys were attacked, robbed and Romanoff has been kidnaped, this forced my hand, and Fury resigned after Shield fell I took his place"

"It's good to see you and congratulations on the promotion, but what do you mean when you said 'unstable'?" Steve says

"When she is emotionally disturbed things shake around her, she almost dropped our plane out of the sky, we thought it was turbulence at first, but after we realized she was doing it, she ICED herself to protect us"

"Not to be rude, but you brought an unstable enhanced here Why exactly?" Stark sends a little glare at Coulson

"We were hoping Thor might have some advice for us since he has lightning powers, and we are here to help, Lady Sif already knows about Sky she can fill you in."

"I will see what I can do with the girl later, we have far more pressing matters to do" Thor grunts

"What do you have on the guy that attacked?" Coulson asks everyone in the room

"Other than the fact that he has robes that can be bought and ordered from Kathmandu and he is a wizard.. nothing. His abilities range from destruction like fire and lighting to illusions, he can also make energy constructs and portals non of which are going to help us find him, I have searched through every database I can think of, he was never seen before now, according to Caps theory, he took Nat, the hammer and robots as leverage for making a potential deal with us or just selling it to the highest bidder" Tony says with a sarcastic tone

"The hammer and Nat are untradable to everyone except us, the robots might end up on the black market, but Tony can always track them once someone plugs them into something" Steve explains

"Alright I'll have a BioTech and Engineering team sweep through this place with small drones designed for this, they might find something, in the meantime, I would really appreciate it if you can go in and help her out a bit, just give her a boost in confidence," Coulson says looking at Thor, Sif also has a 'please help the girl' face

"Sigh Fine, take me to the girl"

"I am in your debt Thor"

Word count 1080 for ch 23 ( this is helpful for me)

Next chap we see a new and improved Natasha ,

Meh chapter ending was wierd, I think a rewrite will be coming soon, after I finish this whole arc. I want to clean up the chapters maybe change some small things

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