
Chapter: 73

The executives of Mark Research Center acted with great efficiency and speed. Within just an hour after the adjournment, they had already formulated and refined detailed response measures. They organized employees from various departments to cooperate closely and work together, launching a fierce counterattack against the sudden influx of negative rumor incidents.

The employees of the game department began implementing Mark's requirements by adding login prompts for Nervegear and "Sword Art Online" and adding notification sounds for excessive game duration.

The employees of the business department started releasing debunking statements on the company's official website and major social media platforms. They showcased a series of anti-addiction features in Nervegear to the public. Furthermore, they made it a point to target Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, clearly stating that compared to game consoles that don't have any anti-addiction features at all, Nervegear can be regarded as a conscientious product.

The marketing department took a more aggressive approach. They swiftly compiled and categorized the footage left behind by previous charity projects and edited it into a mini-documentary. They reached out to all television and online media outlets for negotiations.

Eventually, after some beneficial exchanges and negotiations, the marketing department secured agreements with three mainstream TV stations and five online media outlets to broadcast the mini-documentary during prime time.

The timely response and meticulous strategies of the Mark Research Center quickly turned the situation around. In particular, the mini-documentary for the charity program generated a significant impact. People not only started applauding the Mark Research center's philanthropic actions and ethical products, but they also gained a comprehensive and clear understanding of the various features and limitations of Nervegear. This shattered the negative effects caused by the negative rumor incident.

Following this event, the sales of Nervegear not only remained stable but actually increased. The incident generated so much buzz that the product's sales surpassed the first-day release performance, achieving an astonishing sales miracle.

Taking advantage of this momentum, the Mark Research Center also launched its second virtual reality game, "Attack on Titan." Due to its outstanding world-building and thrilling gameplay design, the sales on the first day broke the record set by "Sword Art Online."

While other game developers were just getting familiar with the development platform, Mark Research center had already released two blockbuster games in succession. This success allowed them to dominate the sales market, leaving their competitors envious.

On the other hand, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony had a tough time. Over the past few days, a mysterious figure continuously exposed incriminating evidence against the executives of these three companies, ranging from internal scandals to gray operations involving legal issues.

These revelations were shocking, captivating the public's attention. It garnered a lot of buzz on the news and even surpassed the popularity of Mark Research Center and its charity program on the trending charts. It became a major topic for people's discussions during their leisure time.

Due to the continuous release of negative news, which were all verified one by one, several executives from these three companies were successively invited for questioning by relevant authorities. As a result, the normal operations of the companies were significantly affected. Moreover, on Wall Street, the stock prices of these three companies plummeted like a cliff, hitting the daily down limit and directly causing a substantial decrease in market capitalization.

Seeing the miserable situation of these three companies, Mark in the laboratory, clapped his hands in approval. Dare to mess with me, your small change won't work. Just see how I crush you.

Mark didn't expect that none of the business strategies he had thought of were utilized. It was enough for Baymax to continuously release the black materials about the three companies, leaving them half-dead and completely losing their previous reputation.

"Master, there is a visitor. The general manager asked me to invite you to the meeting room." Just when Mark was still feeling triumphant about bringing down the three companies, Baymax's sudden notification interrupted his emotions.

"A visitor? I didn't hear about any appointments today. Do you know who it is?" Mark asked.

"It's a middle-aged Chinese woman named Melinda May. According to Mr. General Manager's instructions, she was specially brought in as your assistant."

"Assistant? Don't I already have a secretary? Why do we need another assistant? I don't think I need any additional help in company affairs or research." Mark frowned, feeling that the general manager's move was unnecessary and didn't even have his consent.

But why does the name Melinda May sound familiar? May... Yes! She's the Chinese-American female agent from the TV series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Master, she is not applying for an administrative assistant position. She is applying to be a personal assistant for your daily life. The general manager is concerned that you might get too absorbed in your experiments and forget to eat, so he specifically hired a personal assistant to take care of your meals and daily life."

Upon hearing Baymax's explanation, Mark absentmindedly nodded. He was already contemplating the purpose behind Melinda May's approach to him. After all, the general manager couldn't arbitrarily hire a personal assistant for him. Mark's private laboratory contained many invaluable secrets. How could he let someone enter freely under the pretense of taking care of his daily life?

Furthermore, although the general manager was unaware of his possession of the Nutrient Hibernation Pod, he had Baymax's extension always monitoring his physical condition. It was far more reliable than any personal assistant.

So, this inexplicable action by the general manager could only mean that he was either being coerced or brainwashed. Mark didn't believe that he betrayed him, as he had installed a hostility detection system in the office building based on the Sibyl system from "Psycho-Pass." If the general manager had really betrayed him, the alarms in the laboratory would have gone off long ago.

"Since you've come knocking on my door, I'll meet with you properly and see what medicine S.H.I.E.L.D. sent for you to sell here."


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