
Marvel: Kyle Tyrell's Journey

Kyle Tyrell transmigrated to the Marvel Universe during World War II alongside Captain America. Timeline from World War II to the death of Thanos.

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The first week after coming to this world I concentrated on training, going to the library, talking to Madeline, which is the name of the librarian, and then getting her skills.

I also contacted the policemen who were related to my father, I was able to find Robert who is a person with whom the previous owner of this body was still related, the skills I obtained from him are: Mastery of the pistol (Rare), Knowledge in Tracking (Common), Calm (Rare), and Police Martial Art Knowledge (Common).

Keep looking for battle and war tactics books. When I wasn't reading or training, I was walking the streets looking at everything around me, I found a hospital where I went in, but it's hard to talk to doctors for long periods of time, for days on end.

I was able to talk to the nurses more freely as they had a larger staff, during trips to the hospital I gained some skills, but not all of them.

Skills: Mastery of General Medicine (Rare), Mastery of Surgery (Rare), Precision with Hands (Rare).

Some of the most useful skills I've gained this week are Calm, Handed Accuracy, and Gun Mastery. All of these skills are a must for my stay in the military.

Without a doubt it was a very productive week, I was able to shorten my time to cover the 10 kilometers to 55 minutes. Right now I am reading the newspaper where it is shown that Germany has been winning some battles in Europe.

This was to be expected when you're up against brainwashed people, who aren't afraid to die to do their bidding. The country needs a Hero for this the Super Soldier project was opened.


We are already entering the month of November, but I still have more time until the Stark Expo, during the time where I train, in addition to running I have started with physical exercises such as weights, squats, etc...

I've been thinking that I have to find a way to get to 2024 where Thanos is defeated, there is still no technology that would allow me to stay alive until that time, magic may be an option, but I have no idea where to find wizards in 1940.

I thought if I had to freeze like Steve in the movies, this would be my last option, and I would have it induced to control when I woke up in the 21st century. A good year would be 2008 to prepare for opportunities like Ivan Vanko, the Extremis virus, Thor, etc.

Although I have to survive World War II first, in the short term I have to get stronger and gain skills. When I stop thinking about my current and future situation, I finished preparing my food, with the Cooking Mastery skill everything tastes good.

I finished eating at 8 pm, then in my bed I took a book that I have not finished on battle tactics, I read until 11 pm where I put the book to sleep.


This is how a month and 25 days passed, today is December 25, 1942, a holiday to be with your family and friends. I on the other hand am very happy for the skills I got during this month.

First of all, my physical condition, now I can run 10 kilometers in just 30 minutes. Plus I've read a lot of books on war tactics, I'm no expert at that, but I do have some good tactics.

The skills I got are: Medical Instrument Mastery (Rare), Human Body Knowledge (Common), German Language (Common), Police Martial Art Mastery (Rare), Boxing Mastery (Rare), Mixed Martial Arts Mastery ( Rare), Mastery of Kendo (Rare).

Some skills were repeated and I didn't get them, others I improved like police martial art, I also enrolled in multiple martial arts Dojos. The news about the war is not encouraging, the Germans are gaining ground in Europe.

It's 6 months until the Stark Expo, I've been thinking about how to proceed with the enlistment and meet Dr. Abraham Erskine the creator of the Super Soldier Serum.

I want to make a good impression on Dr. Erskine to be a candidate with Steve in the Super Soldier program, I have to think of a way for Steve to be a Super Soldier, and just maybe get the formula for it.

I've been thinking, I think I'll let Dr. Erskine die for the German spy. It is simply a danger that the United States will get more Super Soldiers for its use, since it is riddled with spies. And I want to be the only one with the original formula.

I will show the doctor skills in genetics that I get from him to maintain his familiarity, so I will be a Super Soldier candidate, but also an apprentice to Dr. Erskine.


6 months passed, today is July 15, 1943, the day of the Stark Expo. It is the beginning of my journey through the Marvel Universe.

I got a lot of benefits during this time, the main thing my physique, then the practice of my fighting skills, I got more medical skills, but not very important, I practiced fighting with a western sword, thanks to advantages of various skills I was able to improve it to a Mastery in a short time.

I have not associated with anyone in this world, only superficial relationships with Robert, Madeline and some doctors.


July 15, 1943, 7 p.m.

I arrived dressed in a black suit at the Stark Expo, the place was inundated with people who wanted to witness Howard Stark demonstrate the future of technology. The show started, I was in the front row to find Steve.

Howard's presentation didn't really interest me, I come from the future 21st century and this technology doesn't impress me. Howard said "Today I will show you the future, where your vehicles will be able to lift off the ground and levitate"

I was busy looking around to find Steve, I knew he would be facing Howard Stark from the movies, but it was still hard to find. It wasn't until the presentation car hit the ground that I found it.

There he was, a thin, small boy, looking at the recruiting place for soldiers with a dreamy look. I watched him until he started walking to the recruiting site, at which point I moved to follow him to the site.

I watched Rogers enter the building, stand in front of the image of saluting soldiers, where his face was cut in half by his size. Then Bucky Barnes, his best friend, lowered it and spoke to him, "Steve, let's take the girls dancing."

Steve replied "Go ahead, I'll catch them" Bucky made a face and said "You'll try again, who's Steve from Ohio this time" Steve said "I just want to try my luck, it's a festival"

Bucky replies "Steve you can find other ways to help, you don't have to go to war" Steve angrily said "If you talk about going with a wheelbarrow picking up scrap I won't do it" Bucky said "That's what I'm talking about Steve, you don't have to prove anything "

Steve determinedly replied "I don't want to prove myself to anyone, but I want to be a soldier and fight for our peace and freedom, I don't want to do less than those soldiers" Bucky was silent for a moment, then said "Just don't do anything crazy while I'm gone" Steve replied "That's your job, Bucky" They both hugged and said goodbye.

From behind I observed all the drama of him, as well as Dr. Erskine who is further into the building. When Bucky came out I approached Steve and spoke "Boy I hope you can enlist, the country needs more men who think like you, I also want to help this war end, too much has already been suffered"

After that I walked to the place to leave my information. Steve paused for a moment, then smiled a little and walked behind me.