
Marvel: Kyle Tyrell's Journey

Kyle Tyrell transmigrated to the Marvel Universe during World War II alongside Captain America. Timeline from World War II to the death of Thanos.

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Kyle Tyrell

My name is Kyle Tyrell, and I have no idea how I am in this situation. OK, let me explain.

I am a young adult of 20 years old, I study mechanical engineering, but I have a lot of knowledge about computers and languages, I have no parents, both died when I was 10 years old in an accident on the way to work.

Since that time I have been raised by aunts and uncles. They have educated me, and shown a lot of love, but my personality has always been a bit antisocial and introverted.

This doesn't mean I don't have friends or don't appreciate them, I just treasure my time alone with the activities I enjoy. For example: Read novels, fanfics, or comics, I also love movies and series. My favorite genres are fantasy and romance.

In particular I am quite a fan of Marvel, Naruto, Harry Potter and One piece. I have followed as much as I could their movies, anime and comics. Although I am not an expert on any of their worlds, I only have extensive information on them.

Now after this life summary I will tell you how I am in this situation. It was a very normal day, I got up at 8 in the morning, had breakfast, took a shower, then for the rest of the day I was reading.

But what he did not know was that this day would be the last in that world. I just never woke up when I fell asleep at night. What happened was that I woke up in an unknown bed, in an unknown body, but with the same name.

At that moment he was not panicking, he is just puzzled by the strange situation, then memories came, memories of a young man born in the United States in the year 1922.

In his memory he found out the name of him in this body Kyle Tyrell, the same as in his previous life, his age is 20 years old, this remained the same.

It is found in Brooklyn, in a lonely house since this body does not have parents something that remained the same as before. He is a blond, green-eyed American youth, with a height of 1.85 meters or 6'1.

After reviewing the memories, he remained silent for a few minutes to calm down and analyze the situation. One thing for sure is that he transmigrated to another body around the time of World War II, and the next thing is that he finds himself in the Marvel Universe.

I came to this conclusion when I found out that Stark Industries exists... HAA, I could only sigh. I find myself in Marvel, and also in World War II.

I wasn't in a panic, just stressed and nervous about the situation. I was able to relax, then I thought about the situation, what do I want to do with this opportunity, run away, do nothing? Or do I want to be part of this situation?

This is dangerous, I would have to kill, be part of dangers to my health, but... I cannot fool myself, I want with all my soul to be part of this story.

I am sitting on the edge of the bed in the room, I am wearing a white shirt, black pants and black shoes.

Right now I am planning how to strengthen myself and overcome the situation of World War II. First I need training, a better physique, learn the general situation of the war and have a long and short term plan.

From memories, Captain America was not born, so the Super Soldier project is still underway, this may be an opportunity to strengthen myself.

Then I thought if I would get some help or Golden Finger but I don't have a system or a speaker but when I called my status this came out:

Name: Kyle Tyrell

Male gender

Nationality: American

Skills: Photographic memory, Spanish language, English language, computer proficiency, knowledge in mechanics.

It had a state, but nothing else, there was no store, voice, attributes... Nothing else.

The photographic memory, I did not have this in my previous life, is from this body. The languages are the ones I learned in my past life.

With the Golden Finger gone, I thought about enlisting in the army, I have no illnesses or health problems in general, I thought I'll do it at the Stark Expo as Steve.

It's October 1942, the Stark Expo will be held in 1943. I don't know the exact date, but I can figure that out later. Over time until the Expo I can train to improve my physique and learn the general situation at this time.

With this plan in place, I got up, stretched my body, then decided to go for a run in the park near my home. When I left the room I observed the house in which I was, I had the memories, but I wanted to observe the place.

I found that it has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a basement, a medium-sized living room and a kitchen. My father was a lawyer and my mother a nurse, I didn't really worry about money.

So I left home, outside is a place with many apartments, but with abundant nature. I started running, the park is about 700 meters from my home, it took about 5 minutes to get there.

In the park I rested for a while, the physique of this body is not bad, I just have to condition myself to this physical state. After 5 minutes I started jogging, the goal being to run more than 10 kilometers in an hour.

I have run about 3 kilometers, in about 20 minutes, I have to improve if I want to stay in the army. In the end, I completed the 10 kilometers in one hour and 5 minutes.

When I finished running I was hungry, so I walked to a stall to eat something, after satisfying my appetite it was in the afternoon, I walked to look for newspapers with information about the war.

After getting newspapers, I found out that the Stark Expo will be held on July 15, and that the war is at a stalemate in Europe. This means that I have about 8 months to train my physique to enlist in the army.

With my photographic memory I will search for books on warfare, tactics, medicine and science. With this in mind I walked to the nearest library, where I was greeted by a lady of about 40-50 years, I asked her the requirements to handle the books, to which she replied that I had to register and she had the books withdrawn.

Something happened at that moment... When I watched her and talked to her for about 5 minutes, this appeared:

Skills: Knowledge in first aid, Knowledge in medicine, Mastery of the kitchen.

For a moment I was paralyzed, it was only for a moment, after making sure that she did not see the screen in front of her, I calmed down. I finished the conversation with her and walked away to the bookshelves.

When I made sure that she was alone I started to think, she has abilities, she still had the screen with her abilities in front of me, I thought about: First aid knowledge.

Common Skill: First aid knowledge.

Requirements to obtain: Be at a distance of 5 meters for 5 minutes.

When this appeared I was excited, I can get skills from other people, with this in mind I thought of another skill:

Rare Ability: Mastery of cooking.

Requirements to obtain: Have a chat with her for 5 minutes for 3 days.

Analyzing the situation, I found out that the skills have a rarity, different requirements to obtain them, and difficulties. I thought that in the end I might get stronger than expected by the time I enlist in the army.

Finishing analyzing the situation look for books on: War, tactics and science. Do not look for books on Medicine as I will get the knowledge from a librarian.

With books in hand, find the place closest to the librarian to read and get the skills. I am about 4 meters away from her, I started the process to get Knowledge in First Aid skill.

In my mind I thought of getting the ability, and an image of a clock with 5 minutes counting down began. I found out that I can't get two skills at the same time.

So I started reading the book about the war where the battles of the United States are recounted, the people who participated and how the fight unfolded.

After 5 minutes this appeared:

Common Skill: Knowledge of first aid.

Common skill obtained successfully.

When this notice appeared, my brain was flooded with information about how to act in certain emergency situations and how to deal with them.

After this feeling I thought about the Knowledge of Medicine skill, and again a clock with 5 minutes appeared in front of me.

After another 5 minutes it appeared:

Common Skill: Knowledge of medicine.

Common skill obtained successfully.

Again the information about the medicine spilled into my brain, after this I got up and proceeded to register the books to take them out of the library. I already talked for 5 minutes with her, there is no need to do it again.

I left the library, I walked to my home about 600 meters, it took me about 10 minutes since I did not run during the trajectory. I entered the house, locked it and went to the room.

In the room I lay on the bed, I thought about the knowledge I got this day, I can get skills from other people, to get the skills I have to meet certain requirements, these requirements vary depending on the rarity of the skill.

I started to think of a plan to be able to make the most of this ability that I received from transmigrating to this world, I know policemen who were my father's friends, I can talk to them and receive gun shooting skills.

I could go to different buildings to get advanced medicine skills, war tactics, etc... This will be my plan for the next few months until the Stark Expo.