
Marvel king remake (English) Abandoned

This novel will rewrite the novel Marvel King for what wants to read the fan fic that I use as a source go on comradeo because it is on this site that I read it Most of the time I will use the community to choose the films in which the hero will be so there will often votes in the comments. The votes will be as follows. you will propose films you will vote for 7 films and you will vote again to have only 1 film you must know that the world must have powers or objects that offer them for example in Marvel there will be mutans I will leave me after the vote 3 days to be able create a background and searchthe most interesting ones. So most of the time I’m going to look and just so you know that it will be a harem and the character will often take women from it’s universe as a woman so there may be times when the hero doesn’t take power but most of the time he does. I don’t own any of the movies or stories in which my MC e will find again but to begin we will go with the same system as the original fan fic with the same power. (the named power and the power of absorption) And the first universe the source universe of the hero will be marvel

EC0RAD · Filme
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25 Chs

First Ability on the King’s Way

Although this is Jun's first battle, he will not panic, even if the opponent is a mutant who already has some fame and gone through several battles.

"Dear, further on, be assured that I will have nothing to do."

Jun did not fight, while moving calmly towards Skye, Skye was worried, but could not help, but could stay further, try not to let Jun get distracted.

Looking at the opposite flame of Pyro John becoming stronger, Jun acts shaking hands is pushing everything, these forces on these heels is suddenly rushing instantly.

As soon as Jun appeared, she was surprised, she had a good distance of several tens of meters, but in the blink of an eye, he found himself in front of Pyro John. Pyro John seems to have been frightened by the ultra fast speed of June, pushing his main forward the flame went straight to June.

The heat wave went up to the surface, and Jun flashed to the side, avoiding it and moving again. However, this flame is almost as fast as he is. Jun uses his good physical form and speed, constantly moving, trying to find pure opportunities to rush near Pyro John. However, Pyro John's combat experience is indeed very rich, and the control of the flames makes that Jun has no chance of getting close.

"Do you only have that ability? I thought you had a strong feeling of yelling at me, it was just a bite."

"Don't worry, I promise you, thank me incredibly!"

Jun sneered, though he has not been so close to Pyro John so far, even to avoid the flame, but he is not alarmed, as the heat of the flame has no effect on him, his own high temperature is much higher than the temperature of his flame. In other words, it can completely ignore this type of flame, because it cannot itself be any evil. The reason he didn't do it is because he wants to familiarize himself with his body.

He is obliged to familiarize himself with, these new abilities of his body because of the non-use of force is also to increase the combat experience.

After all, capacity is important, but sometimes capacity does not determine everything and cannot decide the outcome! He saw that his physical form was still growing, that is, although he absorbed Extremis and blended perfectly, he did not significantly develop Extremis's ability and he could still have the space to improve. At least in speed, Pyro John's flames can't catch him.

Is it easy to hide like a mouse? Well, we'll see how long you can hide!

When Pyro John saw that there was no simple and clean solution to Jun, his giggle, the flame suddenly split part of the movement towards Skye and rushed!

"If you have the ability, you keep hiding!"

Pyro John proud of his movement with all his heart.

"For God's sake!"

Jun did not expect him to be so despicable, he quickly headed for Skye. He did not think twice about it and it is hasty.

The speed has reached its limit. It has even sent it to fly fast. He finally catches the flame, but he can't be Skye's repellent and can only stand in front of her.

"Be careful!"

Skye woke up like a dream and a scream in a hurry.

Unfortunately, it's already late.

"No, don't do that ..."

Watching the flame strike Jun, Skye screamed wildly. However, Pyro John did not stop, the flame was like a bullet and the madman headed towards Jun hit the body.

Crackle, crackle, crackle.

The sound of the shock was constant and Jun was in flames.

"Haha, it's an idiot to kill himself for a woman for a woman! Unfortunately, even if you are dead, your wife… Is just as dead!"

Pyro John, is proudly of good heart, slowly come.

"The other ball is no longer there to protect you now, it's your turn. Boom, it can never be…" The smug laugh of Pyro John stops and looks with progressive unbelief in the flames.

The red is like a magma, with the flame, there is a sensation as if he were the king of hell.

"No, it's impossible, how do you do that?" Watching the clothes burn, the body was like a surface of magma, Jun looked at it with a cold expression, and Pyro John was screaming like crazy, while controlling the constant attack of the flame.

However, these flames struck the body in June, but it did not work.

"Just like that? Isn't there such a trick? Pyro John, disappointed me too much. If you weren't aiming at my wife, maybe ... I'll play with you for a while, but now.... You are honoured to be the first person to become the first cornerstone on my path to becoming king!" The voice of Jun appeared from the Nothingness, asked Pyro John to feel the fear of the deepest in his heart, and the subconscious retreat wants to escape as far as possible!


Jun suddenly moved, and in an instant he came to the front of Pyro John and grabbed his neck and lifted it up.

The high and hot temperature made Pyro John scream in an instant. It can control the fire, avoid its own fire, and even have a high temperature resistance. But… June emits a much too high temperature, no flame, it's just the kind of high temperature that can melt everything.

He felt that his neck seemed to melt. He struggled with his hands and controlled the flames to direct them against Jun, but he failed to hurt Jun. He finally knew how ridiculous his previous singularity was and thought that Jun, who was being chased by his own flame, was running everywhere. It turned out that people were afraid of their own flames, just to tease each other.

He's scared, he's sorry, he doesn't want to die!

"Excuse me, I beg pardon!" He did not care what face, fear only made him want to ask the other to let go, but he could not pass at all to emit a son, the force weakened more and more, and the flame began to gradually become out of control.

He seems to feel that there is a force in his body that is absorbed by the other's hand and leaves his body.


Jun dropped his hand and Pyro John fell to the ground. He felt that he was going to lose consciousness. He seemed to see that Jun's body had returned to normal, but he raised his hands, a flame was beating in his hands and he controlled it.

"It is ... It is my ability, you ... You have taken away my ability, you ... You are the devil, you are an evil demon ..." Pyro John almost exhausted his strength and did his best.

Jun glanced at him and slowly lifted his palms, and the flames began to run wild.

"No, don't do that ..."

A shout rang, and Jun stopped and watched Skye running.

Skye shook his head slightly: "Dear, don't kill him, or we'll get in trouble."

"No, you must kill me, kill me ..." Hurla Pyro John wildly, to lose his abilities, is to lose his value, Magneto would no longer take care of him, losing his abilities for him, he remains only death.

Crackling Jun tapped his hands and the flame instantly disappeared, then bent over and took the lighter John was already using.



Skye nodded, and Jun turned and left the aisle, introduced Pyro John lying on the ground, his eyes, desperately lingering on their backs as they left…