
The Moving Chesspiece

Carlos arrived outside the Umbrella's facility. Several groups of people in a black military uniform were already there preparing to get in at any moment. They were taking out several steel briefcase from a truck. Words were written on top of them, "Anti-B.O.W. weapon." The leader of the groups noticed his arrival and greet him.

"Hmm... you must be the one from Mikhail's squad member. My name is Gustav Erohin, the current squad leader for this mission." Gustav was an old man and was at the same age as Mikhail. He had short white hair under his cap, but he still has a big muscle laying under his uniform. He tapped on Carlos's shoulder and continued before Carlos got any chance to salute or answer, "I heard you are the best among your peers, is that true?"

"Uhh... I'm afraid I am not, Sir."

"Then, what the hell are you doing here?" Gustav put an exaggerating surprised face while crossing his arm.

"I'm here to help in evacuating the staff and neutralizing the threat, Sir. Just like what the order described." Carlos was caught off-guard by the squad leader's reaction.

"So, if there's no order given, you would just turn away like the others?" Gustav put on a serious face. Carlos becomes even more confused. He thought that the way he answers these questions was disappointing for Gustav and wanted to apologize.

"No, Sir... That's not what I me---"

"I'm just messing with you, kid. Relax." Suddenly Gustav's expression changed by 180°. Gustav laughed out loud, the other squad members who were listening to their conversation also laughed with him. He then continued, "Just stay alive, that would be the only order you should follow."

Carlos was bewildered by these squad's behavior. They were not like any other military forces. It was like watching a bunch of neighborhood men preparing to get out for a glass of beer after a football match.

It was supposed to be a serious situation, with lives in line. They looked disorderly and free chatting with their team members. Although they did checking at their equipment, that was it. Gustav saw the confusion on Carlos's face.

"You had a good head and heart kid, never change that." He then walked toward the middle of the group. Carlos was following him while still looking left and right.

"Alright, Dead men! Time to work!" Gustav suddenly shouted. However, the answer was delivered immediately, showing that everyone was still paying attention.

""Yes, Sir!""

Gustav just nodded at the answer and called out another squad leader. "Ben! Take this guy on your team. He's Mikhail's squad member. You better pay the bet later, or else."

A man with a groomed mustache stood and walked toward Carlos. They have the same rank, however, Gustav's seniority and experience made him a better leader than any candidate here. He was smoking a cigarette on the corner. His expression was as stale as expired milk. However, it wasn't caused by Gustav or anything important at all. He just lost a bet.

"Okay, fine. Jeez, who would have expected anyone to be sane enough to accept this mission." After walking for a while, he finally got a proper look at Carlos, "Hmm? New guy?"

"Ahh, yes. Carlos Oliveira, at your service." Carlos saluted at Ben. In his mind, he was silently breathing a sigh of relief. Finally, he got assigned to a proper team, not the one like Gustav's team.

"What a stiff guy. Chin up, we're going down. Take the steel case and follow us."

Once again, Carlos was confused.

"Is it a normal procedure?" He gave up and just asked what was on his mind.

"Define normal." He blew a cloud of smoke before dropping the cigarette and crushed it with his boot's heel.

"I mean, shouldn't we have a briefing, or set the chain of command or something?" Carlos saw Ben taking out another cigarette and a zippo lighter.

"You really are a rookie." He lit the cigarette and blew another cloud of smoke before continuing, "Listen close, muscle beard. The only command you should follow here is one... Say it!!"

The answer came from his surrounding.

""Don't Die!!""

Ben ignored Carlos's surprised face and just turned around.

"Welcome to Umbrella, rookie."


Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

A series of small explosions erupted in front of me. The blast, not only took out a third of the Nemesis upper body in front of me but also pushed me off a few meters to the side. Blood poured out from the stabbing wound on my stomach that I got earlier.

My eyes were starting to get blurry and my stamina draining off my body. If not for the Regeneration ability that I have, I might have passed out the moment I got stabbed.

[Your body needs immediate treatment, Sir. I suggest that you start running onto the stairs.]

'I couldn't even move my lips, how am I going to run!?'

Suddenly, the gauntlet's orb glowed and was drawing something that floats on the air. It was the genma's soul. It seems the Nemesis had truly evolved into a Genma instead of a mutated Tyrant. This was both a good and bad sign.

It was good because now I could absorb the Genma's soul partially, prolonging my survivability in this fight. But, it was bad because the only guy who could fight them now was either a mutant or an Oni Warrior. Thank God, Jacques still had his gauntlet.

In the original game, his son got killed by Ranmaru and the gauntlet was sacrificed in order to bring his son back to life. In this life, the conclusion changed and he still had the gauntlet.

'Could I revive mom with this gauntlet?'

That question lingered in my mind for a moment, however, I put it aside as there must be rules that should be followed in order the achieve that effect.

The partially separated soul entered the orb. My wound was healing slowly. Although my rib was still broken, and my left arm was still limp, at least the stabbing wound was closing.

The Nemesis that got hit by Dark Blast raised his body while growling. I turned on my Stealth ability and started running, but the other Nemesis was still chasing me as if he knew where I was.

[It's useless, Sir. The gauntlet act as a beacon for them. As long as you have it, the Genma would know your position.]

"You should have said it earlier!"


I evaded the whipping tentacle while shooting Blackbeard. I had to consume the MP potion I got whenever I got a slight headache after using my power to produce energy bullets. I wanted to escape, but they keep coming in turn to block my way.

I decided to focus on finishing the Nemesis that got blown off by Dark Blast earlier. I calculated that I only need to fire Dark Blast a few times more to finish him properly. I reloaded and turned back, I used Dark Blast the moment I was close enough to him.

The other Nemesis tried to stab me from the side, but I keep spamming Stealth and randomly evading. This hinted that the Genma could only discern my general location. I had to consume several potions to maintain the overuse of the ability.


Two Dark Blast still wasn't enough to finish him, and I need to use another to completely disintegrate every single part of its body. All that was left was a bunch of craters and floating souls.

"Huh? I didn't get exp?"

Usually, a notification would follow once I kill an enemy.

[This monster is not listed in a Quest, Sir. Also, currently, you're not under a quest.]

'Shit! I forgot! Now I feel unmotivated, let's just leave this place.'

Either way, I couldn't fight the last Nemesis anymore. Although the Genma souls cured most of my wounds, I wasn't completely healed yet. My stamina also didn't recover. It only healed my physical body and restored a bit of my mental power. I should have put more stats on CON.

'Now, how do I escape this monstrosity?'

I turned back and saw the other Nemesis charging straight ahead with the plate shield toward me. The constant vibration from his every step was shaking my body. I used Stealth and started running away from its trajectory.

I keep evading the tentacles and moved upward when suddenly several uniformed men came out of the shattered door where I came from earlier.

"Target found. Prepare to engage! Assemble the weapon!"


Dr. Alex Wesker arrived at the helipad on section C with several of her research team that was luckily by her side since the start of the accident. Something seemed to happen as they didn't dare to look at her directly. One of them then informed her that the security forces would arrive to deal with the escaping Nemesis Tyrants. They were expected to arrive on the bottom floor in a few minutes.

She immediately "get to the choppa", ignoring the alarming state they were in previously and the odd look of her subordinate. The others just followed her without anything to say. The pilots were always staying in the helipad areas, so there was no need for her to take the "wheel".

"Jerome, you there?" She contacted her personal butler that was staying in her mansion.

"Yes, milady. You seemed to be in a good mood. Did the experiment succeed?"

Jerome noticed her expression, it was happiness and joy. She didn't realize that all this time she was smiling nonstop and this was the cause of why her subordinates keep evading her gaze.

"Ahh... Not really, Jerome. But, I got a task for you. Send me every single surveillance video that we had installed in Paris."

"By everything, you mean all of them, missus?" Jerome knew that she was searching for someone. It was a matter of time until she found it. Someone that piqued her interest must be special enough for her to make an effort. He needs to report this to Earl Spencer immediately.

"Yes! I got a new toy to steal." She chuckled with a sinister laugh. No one knew what she planned on her mind.

I saw some people commenting that the story moved too fast into the resident evil arc.

We are still in Paris, dude. And the MC are trying to fix the broken timeline, caused the butterfly effect.

We can't just move on without fixing the aftermath.

For those who complained that there are no story here and only action, well, IDK what to say, we were still in chap 27 :/

and please define what you count as a story, as I got confused with the statement.

Thanks for reading my novel, see you later.

NightHowlcreators' thoughts