
Dr. Alex Wesker

If we had to talk about Umbrella's secret project, the topics would never end for years. Although the Pharmaceutical Corporation was founded in 1980, by Oswell E. Spencer, Dr. James Marcus, and Dr. Edward Ashford, Umbrella's range of activity could be traced back to the '60s. All three of them was a classmate back in their college years.

Back then, Earl Spencer came in contact with a tribe who believe that consuming a certain flower, Stairway of The Sun, would give them strength and power by mutation from the virus it had. That was how, Earl Spencer found the Progenitor Virus which was the ancestor of the famous T-Virus, Umbrella's most successful B.O.W.'s.

Soon after opening the Pharmaceutical Subsidiaries, Umbrella started producing the B.O.W.s for military use and sell them in secret. Although a lot of groups questioned their activity, Umbrella successfully covered it in the name of developing vaccines for the same viruses. Besides, the government would secretly stockpile their product and agreed to never interfere in each other business since there was no major accident ever happened. Yet.

However, all of these so-called secret projects were not intended to dominate the lucrative industry. All of the profits were mostly directed to fund one of the most important objectives they have, the Wesker Project, which intended to develop a new race of virally and well-educated superhuman who would advance the civilization with the three founding members as the rulers. Alas, the project was a failure with the loss of all, but two candidates.

Dr. Alex Wesker, one of the two prodigy child, was given authority to lead Laboratory No. 6 in developing a new type of parasitic virus, the NE-a Type. Currently, she was sitting in her office, reading a report she just got from one of her subordinates. Her red lips kept smiling whenever she turned a page with her long fingers.

Around five hours ago, she began a test on improving the parasites' capability. She was truly blessed by heaven as a new type of material just fell down from the sky for her to extract. This was, of course, the Genmas, but nobody knew what they were and their origins. The moment Dr. Alex saw them, she got an inspiration. Test after test was done to fuse the DNA and the cells into the Nemesis parasites that were already blooming, ready to be used.

Using every single resource available, she started upon hundreds of preliminary tests which had over 30% of success rate. However, for her, it was more than enough. After the first step, the second and the third would be far easier for her. Her brain could run 100 multi-tasking at the same time over a long period of time. That was how scary the result of the Wesker Project could be.

The parasites showed a positive reaction, however, only three survived the screening stage. The other would just crumble into a blob of flesh or liquid blood.

She immediately contacted the HQ to sent the T-103 Tyrant, the latest type of Tyrant that US Umbrella developed a month ago.

Beep beep! Beep beep!

The intercom suddenly sounded melodious and sweet in her ear. After clicking the red button, she said, "Speak."

"Dr. Alex, the Tyrants have arrived on the ground floor, I will lead them to section D-1 for you."

Finally, after hours of waiting, she could continue the experiment. As she stood, she reached the white clean robe and wore it. "No need, I will greet our hardworking staff on my own. Notify every personnel, we will start the work immediately."

She didn't wait for any answer and just walked toward the elevator's entrance. The other researchers were running on the corridors, back and forth, preparing for the last stage of the experiment. Implanting the Nemesis Parasites into the Tyrants.

When she arrived, the elevator was descending slowly in front of her. It was wide enough to fit the three iron and glass containers. The armed men salute toward her but she ignored them and begun taking note while observing the T-103.

'It was truly perfect in physical fitness, the US branch didn't seem to waste their budget this time.'

However, the Tyrants were still imperfect in her eyes. The lack of intelligence caused many limitations on their use. Such as no other combat feature except hand on hand melee combat and slow movement.

"Good. Follow me, now."

Dr. Alex didn't want to waste any more time talking and just lead them to section D-1. All of the underground floors were separated in the alphabetical section, from A to F with the latter being the lowest floor. Most of the research would be carried in sections D to E and each section contained many research halls. Section D-1, the main research room where they were right now was filled with all of the researchers. They didn't want to miss the historical moment that would be noted as one of the turning points in their life.

The Tyrants were moved into pure glass containers, connected with cables and tubes. Dr. Alex was currently standing behind several operators and looking at the screen in front of her, depicting all of the test subjects on it.

"Begun the final stages at the same time. Take note of every difference in mutation on each subject."

The glass container was slowly being filled with a special liquid that would allow the parasites to stay healthy during the implanting process.

"Release the parasites once all of the containers were full."


With a burst of the bubble, the parasites appeared on the screen.

'So beautiful, my children.' thought Alex. You might wonder. How did the Tyrants or Nemesis took the order and accept it without batting an eye? The answer was simple, every virus developed from the progenitor virus would be connected to one or several humans so that it could recognize them as a maternal or paternal host. There's no such thing as brainwave control or satellite remote system. Only pure biological connection. Then, how would they sell them? The answer would be simple, the buyer would give a sample of their DNA, just like the researchers did and develop their personal B.O.W.s.

"Fusing process reached 20% mark, all of the subjects showed the same result."

The operators keep repeating lines after lines, reporting to Dr. Alex.

"Report, Tyrant No. 2 has shown positive results and started the mutating process. Fusing process reached a 55% mark."

The parasites started disfiguring the appearance of the Tyrants. The skin started rotting and turned grayish, from multiple parts of the body tentacles-like object that was protruding out. It had a similar appearance with the parasite form, except this one was far bigger and longer.

"Report, Tyrant No. 1 and 3 are showing a reduction in speed of its fusion. Fusing process was still at 30% and 34%."

"Inject mutagen nutrition on each of the Tyrants. Prepare to shock the subjects when they reached 40% fusion mark each."

Ping! Ping! Ping!

Suddenly, she heard a notification from a portable handheld monitor in her pocket. It totally bewildered her, someone was accessing my room? Who dares to do it in my vicinity!

She was angry. An unknown person was interrupting her works. She observed the small monitor, but there was nothing. Just an empty room, without a trace of a single lifeform inside.

'Is it broken?' The sudden outburst of rage suddenly gone. She switched her focus back to the experiment. If only she was patient enough to keep observing the monitor, she wouldn't have missed the opening cabinets, the typing keyboard, the swiping mouse, or the floating disk.

When she moved her gaze back on the subjects, something was going wrong.

"Report! There was a sudden burst of activity on the parasites' fusing process on Tyrant No. 1 and 3. The fusing process was skipped and the mutation becomes faster and faster!"

The Tyrants suddenly turned bigger and mutated, the head parts suddenly deformed, resembling a skull. A huge hand grew with a visible rate. Their nails turned into claws, the muscle fiber burst outward, the tentacles squirming uncontrollably.

"Inject it with more sedatives, no matter what, don't let the host gain consciousness. Notify the security forces to prepare in case of a type B breakout."

However, it was too late.

Boooom! Boooom!

The glass tube shattered and the liquid leaked outside. A poor researcher that was close to the tubes was fully drenched with it, however, her body suddenly plopped on the ground, headless.

Dr. Alex Wesker suddenly moved and pulled a red lever on the wall. It covered the section on her sides with a steel wall. The other scientists didn't fare well like her and her team. They were still trapped along with Tyrants. Shouts and screams mixed as one and echoed in the rooms. The door leading to the corridor were burst open. They all fled, escaping from the two monstrosities inside the experimental hall.

Dr. Alex and whats left of her team walked down toward the emergency stair. Their destination was section F-7 where a special hall was connected to a helipad. She didn't feel remorse at all. A rampaging test subject was like an everyday lunch for her.

"Contact the elite force outside. Begun decontamination on the two failures. Let's just hope the other one could still be salvaged."

Without any expression, she continued walking for a while until she reached the special hall. It was an empty cylindrical hall with a spiraling staircase that would reach a helipad near section C. They have to climb another set of stairs. Physically she was okay with it, but mentally he was annoyed and bored. With the test subject rampaging around right now, who knows when she would start playing again.


Not long after, the double door where she walked from earlier exploded, sending it several meters into the air before dissolving. The loud explosion gained her attention.

"They were already here? That fast?"

A small figure suddenly flew from the cloud of dust and smokes. He wore a blue hoodie and short pants with black sneakers. His left hand looked weird, pitch black and deformed with a white circle around the back of his hand. He held a knife with his mouth and a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun on his right hand. His left hand was limping, he seemed to be in pain.

Alex observed the small figure's action for a while, he also seemed to notice her gaze as he pulled down the hoodie.

'What a useless action.' thought her. 'The whole city was under the corporation's surveillance, no matter how good you are at hiding or disguise, there's no escaping once you sparked my interest.'

She continued walking up, ignoring the commotion under her. Now, she smiled again after finding a new toy to play.