
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Filme
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Battles and Shackles

The fight began as Zeus turned into lighting and shot towards Kronos and like the start of every battle they have had so far Kronos slowed time around him so he could react but this time the affect wasn't the same as Zeus barely slowed down at all and punched him through the mountain range behind him. Seeing as the battle has already killed a mountain range barely a second in Gaea set up a space boundary that expanded the space inside almost infinitely.

While Zeus shot after Kronos the other Olympians got ready for their own battles, Poseidon shot after his usual target Oceanus, the titan of oceans and water, every time they fought they would create a sea and drown the surrounding area and this time would be no different, with both of them possessing oceanic based power it was always a contest on who could control the most water. Oceanus was the winner the previous battles but this time Poseidon was powered up so the fight was equal with him being only slightly stronger.

Hades was pitied against Hyperion. Hyperion controlled light while Hades controlled darkness, usually the battles were equal with Hyperion having more experience as he was older, but now on top of his brief training with Echo and his power boost Hades outclassed Hyperion massively.

Hera was pitied against Phoebe the titan of intellect and Prophecy. In their previous fight Hera had been outclassed, they were as strong as each other but Phoebe has used her intellect and prophecy to predict and control the battle, this time again it would be different with Hera being stronger physically so she balanced the battle field.

Demeter was fighting against Tethys the titan of nourishment and rivers. They have always been equal as Tethys used her power to nourish the plants around her to fight while Demeter just harvested it, the fight only ended when Tethys started using the rivers around them to fight but Demeter usually held up well resulting in a draw.

And finally Hestia fought against Crius, as Hestia has always thought she was weak in terms of offensive power she never really fought on the frontlines often staying back and supporting the soliders in fighting against the enemy. So because of the power boost she received it was decided that she would fight against the Titan of constellations, Cruis.

The rest of the titans were set to face the second generational primodials Hypnos and Thanatos.

They were Theia, the titan of sight, Mnemosyne, the titan of memories, Themis, the titan of justice and wisdom, Iapetus, the titan of enhanced strength, and finally, Coeus, the titan of inquisitive mind.

And so the battles begin, meanwhile Echo is still having a picnic with Gaea


Poseidon vs Oceanus

Water. That's all that could been seen for miles it was everywhere, like the sky had been submerged in it. It the centre of the colossal amount of water were two figures radiating auras like tidal waves. Poseidon made the first move forming gigantic spears of compressed water and shot it towards his opponent, who made a spiral tornado of water surrounding him that absorbed the incoming spears.

"you know how this ends boy, you can't win against me" taunted Oceanus. Poseidon infuriated at being treated like a child released even more of his aura and charged forward while summoning a sword made out of compressed water, the amount of water condensed could fill half of the Mariana trench, it was ridiculously heavy and difficult to make, but thanks to his power up it was easy for him. Sensing danger coming from the sword Oceanus got his defence ready by summoning a shield of ice with unimageable hardness. Reaching his target Poseidon swung his sword only for it to be met with ice, he attacks again and again every time getting blocked. Getting angrier by the second Poseidon stops his attacks and retreats while summons his trident.

When Zeus started the Titanomachy he freed the Hecatoncheires who decided to repay the Olympians by crafting them weapons.

Gaea seeing this as a way to help without getting too involved lead the Olympians to a deposit of very rare metals like Adamantine. The Hecatoncheires saw the metals and promised to make their best weapons.

After they made the weapons for the Olympians they came across a problem. They were too powerful for the Olympians to use at the moment. But thanks to the power boost by Hestia they could summon theirs weapons but they still couldn't use them at full power.

When Poseidon summoned his weapon Oceanus froze in place, he didn't think he could ever feel this scared, it was like the trident took his power to control the oceans away form him, HIM the ocean itself. Enraged by the audacity of the young God in front of him he summoned all the oceans on the planet and forced it to converge on Poseidon, who at this moment was still admiring his weapon.

'with this I might be able to win against Zeus' he thought to himself before he felt danger and looked up to see all the water on earth charging towards him.

Holding the trident in front of him with both hands Poseidon spoke with authority and commanded "HALT!".

As those words left his lips all the water stopped in an instant, then he spoke "RETURN!" and all the water slowly flow back to where it was pulled from.

Oceanus was watching this with his mouth agape. Never in his life has he felt so hopeless, all his power striped and his water turned. He felt helpless and seeing the young God with a smirk on his lips infuriated him more, but there was nothing he could do. Poseidon dismissed the water they were floating in and the both floated to the ground, and Oceanus fell on his knees. Seeing this Poseidon put his trident to Oceanus throat at attempted to chop his head off but was stopped by a hand.

Poseidon was shock to see this, with all the power he held yet it was stopped with a single hand that didn't even look like it was struggling.

He looked up to see Gaea who was looking at Oceanus with pity. After all the titans did to her she still loved them but she couldn't forgive them.

"what are you doing?" Poseidon asked with a bit of anger in his tone.

"you shall not kill any of the titans, they will be made prisoner in Tartarus" she said not making any room for argument and releasing a bit of aura.

She took out chains of adamantine and seals Oceanus power before teleporting to Tartarus.

Poseidon looked at where Gaea was and sighed in relief, in the moment when Gaea released a bit of her aura he thought he would die. He gripped his trident more and wiped the sweat that was forming on his forehead and began to leave and find Zeus fight, he had the thought if he could help take down Kronos he would gain more popularity.


Hades vs Hyperion

{At the same time as Poseidon's fight.}

Hades faced Hyperion as he was on the ground and Hyperion was floating in the sky.

"I wonder will you be able to keep up with me this time, you only managed last time because of your luck, I wounder if you will still hold out" said Hyperion with a cocky smirk. Hyperion utilised his light to achieve light speed, he massively out sped Hades but Hades always reacted in time to block and counter attack.

Hades was in no mood to banter with his opponent, he wanted to end his fight quickly so he could go to the underworld. Ever since Thanatos told him about the underworld he has started to become agitated, it was like his body and divinity was telling him he need to get to the underworld.

Seeing Hades no reply to him Hyperion lost his smile and charged straight ahead towards Hades at light speed, Hades reacted in time and surrounded himself in darkness. As soon as Hyperion hit the dome of darkness it started to spread until it fully blocked out the sun. Now surround by darkness the only light that could be seen was Hyperion.

" I apologise but I need to end this fight quickly" Hades said and soon his presence vanished form the world and the darkness started to encroach on the light produced by Hyperion who was starting to panic a little. Hades had used his weapon that he got from the Hecatoncheires, the helm of darkness. The weapon boosted his control and output of darkness and erased his presence.

Hyperion suddenly felt danger coming from behind him only for a beam of darkness to pass by. Having thought he dodged it Hyperion sprinted towards where he thought beam came from, only to fell that he was slower that usual. He looked down only to find he was missing a leg.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" screams filled the darkness and blood spilt on the ground.

Suddenly chains formed of darkness surround the downed Hyperion and pulled him to the floor.

The dome of Darkness was dispelled and only a chained Hyperion was seen. Hades walked towards him to finish him only for Gaea to appear.

"Stop" she said and Hades stepped away.

"Thank you" she said and he nodded towards her.

She did the same and Oceanus and bound his powers and took him towards Tartarus.

Hades took off towards his mother and Hestia (Rhea was leading the troops)


Hera vs Phoebe

{At the same time as the previous fights}

Hera was the first to speak "this wont go like the previous fight"

"I am aware, I have seen this battle coming from the first time we fought".

"If you knew how this war was going to end why didn't you switch sides"

"because that is not my destiny, my destiny is far into the future and to complete it I have to be placed into Tartarus"

"then why don't you give up?"

Phoebe smiled "Because where the fun in that" she said and release her aura cause the surrounding to crack.

Hera was stunned for a moment never in her battles against Phoebe she was ever this strong 'so she must have been holding back this whole time.' Hera felt a little annoyed that she wasn't taken seriously enough.

Hera took her battle stance and rushed towards Phoebe who casually blocked her attacks like she was a martial arts master. Hera was gradually picking up sped and strength when Phoebe dodge to the side and kicked her in the stomach sending her flying through a mountain only to stop when she was all the way through it.

As Hera pulled herself out of the rubble she suddenly jump to the side to dodge the fist the created a deep crater.

Hera seeing as she was going to lose this battle soon decided to pull out her weapon she got from the Hecatoncheires. Its was a silver crown with bright jewels along the rim. After she placed it on a regal aura was emitted by her like she was a queen addressing her subjects.

Phoebe seeing this charged smiled and charged after Hera and they engaged each other with martial arts, with kicks and punches deforming the landscape.

{imagine Kakashi vs Obito and Naturo vs Sasuke final fight, just without the jutsus}

Heras crown boosts her physical status as well as give her a massive boost in calculative ability and reaction time. They were now evenly matched together, until a massive thunderbolt fell from the sky cause earthquakes across the globe. Phoebe lost her footing and Hera took her chance a punched her in the chin disorientating her. Not wanting to waste this chance Hera quickly got Phoebe in a chokehold and held on until she felt her go limp. At this time Gaea once again showed up.

Gaea looked lovely at Phoebe, she knew that phoebe never really wanted to dethrone her father but she was following what her prophecies told her. She was always lost looking towards things in the future that she rarely spent time in the present.

Gaea wrapped Phoebe in adamantine chains like her brothers and took her towards Tartarus.