

[Synopsis]- Dying wasn't a fun experience. Alone in a dark Void-like space for who knows how is in no way good for your health (mentally or physically). Fortunately, it seems my luck was not that bad as I had been chosen by a mysterious system which seemed pretty convinced on 'isekai-ing' me. I had no problem with it, I mean who will refuse a chance to live again with all your memories? Getting a chance to go back home was just the icing on the cake... I have just one question, What the hell is this CYOA thing? ------------------------------ A Self-Insert CYOA Fic Slightly-AU Marvel Cinematic Universe NOTICE- This CYOA is basically the WORM CYOA Vers. 1 but with some changes made by me to better integrate it into the world. DISCLAIMER- I don't own MCU, Marvel, Fate or any other franchise that may or may not feature in this piece of work. This only a fanfiction and is not to be taken seriously as it is just for fun and entertainment.

GodOfHeroes · Filme
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

Arc 2: Magic! YAY!


This is the second half of the promised double chapter release.

Vote Power Stones!


I sat back down and said "This is enough for today Pup. You can rest now." I said softly while patting the soft head of the white pup. "Bark!" He said with his tail waving excitedly.

I chuckled "Yeah, I'll get you one of those to try."

"Bark, bark!" He barks happily and paddles over to the TV to resume his movie.

I smile at his positivity and then turn to my other companion who was looking at me with half-lidded eyes.

"Meow, meow meow." She sighed in exasperation.

"Yeah well, you both are just so CUTE! I just can't resist spoiling you both." I gushed.

"Meow, meow. Meow." She said and closes the book she was reading and walks up to me and being the 'Protector Of All Cute Beings' that I am, I pet her cute little head.

"Yeah, I'll buy you a new book too." I said nonchalantly. 'Man, her fur is really smooth.'


"All right then, it's your turn now Kitty." I said to her and she happily said "Meow!"

I once again focused deep inside of myself and was once again greeted by the two warm and affectionate presences.

This time rather than choosing the visibly excited one, which I knew to be the Pup, I chose the calm and curious presence of the Kitty.

I managed to resist the pull to fall into a trance but still instinctively muttered.

"[Kaleidoscope: Open]"

And in an instant, I felt...


Power flowing through my veins.

But on the contrary, it was merely energy that flowing through them.

Pure infinite energy from the multiverse ready to be siphoned into little ol' me with just a thought.

It provided me with a feeling of freedom like never before. It was as if I had an ear that was blocked my whole life, and suddenly it was free.

'It was probably the feeling of my Magic Circuits being opened for the first time.' And I was right as I saw the light green circuit like design spread throughout my arm, and presumably my body.

It was weird, sure! But I wasn't going to kick a gift horse in the mouth.

But of course, my body couldn't possibly ever contain that much Power, but truthfully? It didn't need to.

With the basic knowledge of Kaleidoscope fixed permanently inside my mind, I was already quite knowledgeable on this subject.

You see, Kaleidoscope wasn't just about manipulation of Time and Space, and Multiverse Travel. It also had a secondary function, that was harnessing the infinite energy from the infinite parallel dimensions of the multiverse.

This was presumably the ambient Magical Energy that existed on every version of earth.

This energy could then be stored in protected containers, power multitude of spells or to fire giant moon-stomping lasers.

Did I say moon-stomping laser? Yes, firing a moon-stomping laser.

What was limited about this secondary feature was that the User's capacity of drawing this energy was limited due to the inherent Magical Circuits within a Magus.

Now a normal Magus can't increase the quality nor quantity of their Magic Circuits, but I suspected I could because of the [Shattered Limiter] perk.

Though the Magic Circuits could also be injured, or in the worst case crippled, if they were overused.

For example, the original user of this power, Zeltrech overused Kaleidoscope in his fight with Crimson Moon which significantly limited his use of using the Kaleidoscope. He went around this obstacle by storing the energy that he had access to in jewels for later use.

So there went my fear of exploding due to my own power.

But unfortunately, this meant that firing big moon-busting lasers were long way off from being a reality.

'Hmm... Maybe not.' I thought as I remembered my perk, [Shattered Limiter] which also drastically accelerated my growth.

'Hmm... but it's better to not be too hasty. I wouldn't want to cripple myself would?' I thought rhetorically and started my experimentation with Kaleidoscope.

I opened my eyes in the real World and saw that barely any time had passed. Maybe an hour or two but not that much.

It wasn't too out of the world but it was still freaky. Similar to how sometimes you went to sleep and when you wake up barely a hour has passed but all your exhaustion has been washed away.

Or does that only happen to me?

Anyways, I took out the few coins from my pocket that I had exchanged from the cashier at McDonald's and put one of them on the grass in front of me.

-Test #1-

-Teleportation of Objects-

For this test I had chosen a small coin of 50 cents. I reckoned that it was small and light enough that I may as well be able to teleport it with my newbie skills.

The goal was to teleport the coin from the patch of grass in front of me, to my open palm.

Sounds easy? Wrong!

On my first try nothing happened. I was just left there standing like a fool.

On my second try I focused more and put more willpower behind my actions. Still nothing happened.

On the third try, I did the previous actions but also sent more Magical Energy to realise the effect I was trying to create. Still nothing happened.

By this point I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong.

But the encouragement and reassuring from my companions helped me move past it.

On the fourth try, I concentrated even more. Put more Willpower behind my Intent, and utilizes even more Magical Enegy to fuel it.

And finally, I saw movement.

In a blip, my eyes managed to saw the coin shine an , rainbow for a split second and in the next the coin was in my clenched palm.

I jumped up in joy! "Yes! Yes! Yes! I did it!" I laughed and jumped in victory.

Sure, it might seem like a small thing to others. But for me it was everything.

I was just soo happy.

"Meow!" "Bark!"

And let's not forget about the Kitty and the Pup. My loyal companions.

I was even more happy cause I was able to share this moment with my friends.

Where would I be without them?


But not to get too much into the fluff category (no matter how cute my adorable companions were), the tests continued.

After the first success of Test #1, I redid it again, and again, and again until I managed to master it to a good enough level where I could teleport that coin with just a few seconds of concentration.

I also managed to do it a little more efficiently than before and saved more energy with each use.

Maybe it was because my body or Soul was becoming accustomed to using Kaleidoscope? Hmm... Must think more about it.

Unfortunately, doing all of this cost me a lot of time and made a little out of breath.

And seeing as it WAS afternoon, I decided to have lunch. Now, I had foreseen that the testing and experiments may cause me to become hungry, so I had thankfully ordered an additional meal when I was at McDonald's.

Now that my lunch was decided, I opened my water bottle and got to eating.


"Burpp!" I patted my stomach as I lied there after a satisfying lunch.

Burger, Fries and Coke were practically match made in heaven.

To be honest, Coke went with practically any fast food item (except donuts but they barely qualify as fast food).

You can't change my mind.

But leaving that aside, I once again got to testing.

But I think a revision was in order first.

This has definitely nothing to do with me having super-powers and wanting to actively use them for fun.

Definitely not.

'Man this is so fun.' I thought as I constantly teleported the coin around the small clearing.

By now, the teleportation had practically became instant to the naked eye and I was able to easily teleport it all over the clearing with no problem.

'[Shattered Limiter] sure does work fast.'

I could probably move on to heavier objects now, but I'll do that tomorrow as I didn't have much time left as the sunset was close judging from the orange hue of the sky.

And now that I had played around, it was time for the Test #2 to begin.

-Test #2-


Once again, I put the 50 cent coin on the grass patch and sat down in front of it.

After activating my Magic Circuits for the first try, I closed my eyes and put my right arm forward like a cheesy person who thinks they're psychic.

Of course nothing happened so I opened my eyes and brought my hand down.

Thankfully there was nobody there to see my little cringey action.

On the second try, rather than acting cliche, I sat in a meditative pose with my back straight and my hand down.

I still kept my eyes opened and Focused.

Syphoning off energy from Kaleidoscope, I felt the Space around me.

It was like a blue field of energy to my eyes. Ready for me to control it. As if it were almost eager.

But while it seemed malleable, it also seemed tough and dense at the same time.

Channeling more energy, I focused all of it on the Space surrounding the coin. As if responding to my Intent and the Power behind it, it Obeyed.

As the small coin slowly floated it's way into my palms, I relished in the feeling of victory encompassing me.

But while I enjoyed the feeling of success, I couldn't let it get to my head. I had seen too many movies and examples to know that arrogance was the downhill path to failure.

It did put a smile on my face though.

I spent the rest of the remaining time practicing the Telekinesis, and while it was weak now I knew it would be able to accomplish great things one day.


I headed out of the woods after packing up all of my belongings in my bag. I walked through the park as the sun produced an orange hue that painted the sky beautiful orange and blue.

After getting rid of the day's garbage, I decided to relax for a moment, today was afterall a very tiresome day.

So I sat on a bench and watched the beautiful sunset, and at that moment?

I felt melancholic. In remembrance for the family I had lost and the loneliness and grief that followed.

I was so alone here, and it was sad that there was no one there to enjoy this moment with me.

But responding to my sadness, my faithful companions and friends sent me their feelings.

Concern, Worry and most of all Love.

A small smile spread on my face as I involuntarily teared up as I came to a realisation.

That while I was far, far away from my family, I was not alone. Far from it.

I had both of my friends and companions after all!

"Bark!" "Meow!" They nodded together in agreement.

I chuckled and my mood gradually lightened as I spent time with my companions.

"Yeah. You guys are with me." I said and smiled as I wiped my tears "Let's go." I said and stood up to walk away as the orange sky turned to dark.

Whatever happened in this world, one thing was for sure.

I would never be lonely ever again.


And Done!

Hope you enjoyed this! I would love to hear your thoughts about it.

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1973 Words

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