
Marvel: Judgement System

A figure wearing black suit that resembled a amnesia mc from a certain anime that revolved around the ghoul. He hold his sword in his right hand and black magnum in his left hand looking at his opponent who are actually anime character but this is not your ordinary anime characters. It's fucking Dio. If it's just a Dio from the Jojo S2 then it's good but it's not, why? because he is a transmigrator and his job is to kill those to avoid chaos the world he currently lived with his revived family. He sighed, he just want live peacefully okay? he thought he can get reincarnated in MHA world or some easy anime world or medieval world but it's not. It's Marvel Universe Cinematic, a world full of mystery and chaos. Join his Journey along with the Avengers to the MCU to kill transmigrator who make chaos along with the villain.

MidNightBeast_Tv · Filme
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7 Chs


In the abandoned warehouse, a person with police uniform laying upward facing the person wearing the same clothes as him before him who aim his pistol at the figure head below.

"Marvin you know that curiosity killed the cat now you see a secret that you shouldn't seen, so good bye from this world."

Hearing the other person words, Marvin glared at him with hatred at the person because this person before him is his long-time partner. He never thought that even his long-time partner betrayed him just to get a favor from the higher ups.

The secret his partner talking about is the police department involving in kidnapping, smuggling, drug dealing and etc. which let him mad because the police should protect the civilian from the danger not make any.

After finding this horrible secret, he call his partner to report this to the FBI which is the only choice but he didn't tell this detail to his partner only the important to avoid risk being discovered.

He tell his partner to go the usual spot where they drink and gamble but he never thought after he arrived and enter the house, he got knocked out from behind using a pistol.

Which he drag him to the warehouse where he can kill me without trouble and that's what happen currently.

The moment he said that, he click the trigger at his head with a smile which is creepy.


Looking at the bullet heading to his head in slow time, he close his eyes and muttered.

"Looks like I can't get revenge on you mother, father and my little sister."

Tear flow from his eye then a bullet hit his forehead and his consciousness darken.

Looking at the former partner dead body, he spat then left without even cleaning the mess he did because his confident that no one can find this warehouse without wasting large resources because nobody want to waste resources to find a not-so-important cops.


He die from the bullet in the head then his consciousness drift into darkness, as he drift he arrived in the darkest room called void.

A white orb expecting someone to arrive at last a figure appeared that you can tell from the glance that this is God himself why? you can see a white shirt, pants, hair and long beard.

The God approach him then stop 2 meters then said casually to the white orb in the void.

"Marvin K. Lee, a person who have a good sense of justice and helped a lot of innocent people in the name of justice."

"I grant you 3 wishes due to your good deed."

Hearing he got 3 wishes, he thought deeply because this is a important thing.

He said sadly because this is the first ever he do when he got a wish.

"I wish to bring back my family to life."

"I wish for a powerful System."

"For my last wish, give me Whitesnake Stand."

'With this 3 wish, I can now finally released my self-blame, hatred and powerless when my family die before me when I hide from the closet although I can now release my negative emotions I should not lower my guard because I don't know where the world I'm heading to and as for the last wish, it's because Whitesnake is a evolution stand with Made in Heaven in last and for it's ability like memory and stands extraction which is useful for getting information without a single mislead and control people with special disc which the stand are stored.'

Interrupting his thought, God snap his finger then said with a smile.


"With that, have fun with your new life."

God walk closer to Marvin then push him down in the ground which a deep black circle appear.

Marvin who just got push down from the God start his journey to another world.


In the room, where a person sleep in the bed that looks likes 20 years old just by looking at his appearance.

The person who sleep peacefully suddenly woke up, he look around what the current situation is and where he is.

As he look for a information what the current situation and where he is, suddenly information or most accurately memories which the body he take over transmit to his head then clutched his head and gritted his teeth from the pain what he got from the sudden information.

After 5 minutes the pain then stop, he look up blankly at the ceiling above him then cursed in his mind.



New author here so don't expect something good from the start and English is not my first language which is pretty bad at the start, so bear with it.