
Marvel: Judgement System

A figure wearing black suit that resembled a amnesia mc from a certain anime that revolved around the ghoul. He hold his sword in his right hand and black magnum in his left hand looking at his opponent who are actually anime character but this is not your ordinary anime characters. It's fucking Dio. If it's just a Dio from the Jojo S2 then it's good but it's not, why? because he is a transmigrator and his job is to kill those to avoid chaos the world he currently lived with his revived family. He sighed, he just want live peacefully okay? he thought he can get reincarnated in MHA world or some easy anime world or medieval world but it's not. It's Marvel Universe Cinematic, a world full of mystery and chaos. Join his Journey along with the Avengers to the MCU to kill transmigrator who make chaos along with the villain.

MidNightBeast_Tv · Filme
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7 Chs


Marvin who just woke up from his beautiful dream went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, he then cook and eat his breakfast while looking at his translucent screen that show his status.


Marvin Lee

Race: Human/???

Lvl 6 [Experience: 0/7000]

HP: 200

Mana: 2000


STR -30

VIT -30

DEX -30

INT -20

WIS -20 (+3)

SP (Stat Points): 18

JP: 8,900


Looking at his status especially the SP point, he thought.

'So, I can get 3 SP for level, I wonder what SP I get from lvl 50? 5? well no use thinking because I will later know from the future.'

He then put his SP to INT and WIS because his stats in that area is low and he know how important Mana are.

INT 20 > 30

WIS 20 > 28

(INT increase Mana pool, magic attack and defense as for WIS increase Mana regeneration, resistance to mind attack and can understand entity)

With that, his Mana became 3000 and mana regeneration 310 Mana for 30 minutes if he doesn't take a rest and 15 minutes if he take a rest.

(100 Mana for 1 SP and don't worry for MC to have high Mana pool because he still having a hard time when fighting enemy in the future.)

After putting his SP to his low stats, he then take out the item in his inventory which a yellow ticket and rip off the ticket.

The moment he rip off the ticket, a rainbow wheel appeared before him that have 100 items on it that will randomly change each spin.

He look at the spin which show a lot of good skills, items and anime things of course they are useless stuff like Jotaro cigarette, Midoriya collection of All Might and panties of all anime characters he know which is tempting for a young man but later erase that thought.


The moment he said the word in his mind, the rainbow wheel then spin around.

Waiting for 5 minutes, the rainbow wheel slow down and stop at the skill which is.


[ Night Vision ]

- The ability to see in low-light conditions.

Mana: 100 for 5 minutes.


Looking at his second related eye skill, his satisfied because with this skill he can no longer rely on the light of surrounding to see something.

As he feel satisfied about his new skill, a translucent blue screen suddenly appeared before him which Marvin sighed because the system don't stop giving quest which making him busy and a upcoming appearance of his fellow transmigrator but evil which God told to him.

"I'm gonna kill those bastard if I see them because they the only one reason why I transmigrate in this world which full of troubles."

He said angerily, he then take a deep breath to calm him because he can only show his anger to them.

He then glance to the translucent blue screen but feel surprise because he see a two quest which is.


Main Quest:

- Make all guilty hear your name in New York.

Condition: Became a symbol of Judgement by executing the guilty in New York.

Deadline: 1 Month

Penalty: -5 All Stats

Training Quest:

Headshot the target practice [0/500]

Kill the robots with a sword [0/50]

Increase Mana control and capacity.

Deadline: None

Reward: Sword skill/gun skill/Mana skill.

Penalty: None


As he look at his two quest, he suddenly heard a notification from the system.


[Training function is open to the Host if the system give the Host a quest that involve training.]

Not feeling surprise because he knew that system will provide training area to avoid someone to feel Mana in the area which are the evil transmigrator trying to kill him because he know them that they got a warning from the entity that want to make the world to become chaos which he want to try to kill him.

Unfortunately, he can only warn not tell them his current location because high-rank entity can't make a move in Marvel World because of the law or his energy is low because he send lot of transmigrator to Marvel which is far from him but he just erased that idea because he still weak to understand strong.


A translucent blue screen then appear along with a sound.


[Do host want to train with newly function?]

Hearing the mechanical voice in his mind, he then reply.


He close his eye while replying then he feel his surrounding change he then open his eye to see a orange wall, wooden floor that look smooth in the eye and mostly training equipment for shotting, sword, magic, physical and the most eye catching to them is a humanoid robot that have a height of a adult with a sword, gun, archer, spear, shield and all type of weapon in their hands.

Glancing the robot, he said with a smile because the most problem he wanted to have a good combat experience gone because of the appearance of robots.

"Looks like I have a sparring partner right now although is a robot, it's still better than nothing."

With that, he then went to the target practice to practice his shotting first.