
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

Ashinydecapod · Filme
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99 Chs

Machine Man 81 : A new Cyber Skeleton Frame.

A few days had passed since the last debacle with the Turtles and forming a new superhero team they named Overwatch. Alex, now high above Harlem inside his predator scout ship, was meticulously tracking the Green Hulking figure, hoping to obtain Banner's blood. After successfully securing blood samples from the mutant turtles, Alex's focus shifted to a more formidable quarry: the Hulk. Known in legends as the God of Rage and Anger, the World Breaker, Hulk was said to be capable of defeating foes powered by a million suns. This made Banner's blood an invaluable asset.

Alex knew Banner was in contact with Dr. Samuel Sterns, their codenames Mr. Green and Mr. Blue signaling their clandestine communications. He had been following recent intelligence reports about incidents in Rio de Janeiro and a culvert attack, both of which hinted at Banner's involvement. These events only fueled Alex's obsession, making him more determined to procure the Hulk's blood without anyone knowing. Hovering invisibly in the night sky, he watched a tense scene unfold below him.

On the gritty streets of Harlem, inside a Lab that has been set as the stage for a dramatic confrontation. The laboratory lights and machines, cast long shadows in the room. The air was thick with tension as Dr. Samuel Sterns, known as Mr. Blue, stood at gunpoint. He was a slender man, his lab coat smudged with the evidence of countless experiments, his eyes wide with fear.

Emil Blonsky, a super soldier under the command of General Ross, had just knocked out a female soldier who had been holding Sterns at gunpoint. Her body lay unconscious on the cold, damp pavement, her firearm, a sleek black pistol, now useless beside her.

"She's an annoying bitch," Blonsky muttered, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Why are you always hitting people?" Sterns asked, his voice a mix of exasperation and curiosity.

Blonsky ignored the question, his eyes narrowing as he turned the gun on Sterns. The metal of the gun gleamed ominously in the dim light.

Sterns, trying to maintain his composure, asked, "Now, what possibly could I have done to deserve such aggression?"

Blonsky's gaze was steely. "It's not what you've done. It's what you're gonna do." He took a step closer, the menace in his voice unmistakable. "I want what you got out of Banner. I want that."

Sterns looked taken aback. "You look like you've got a little something in you already, don't you?"

Blonsky's eyes burned with a fervent intensity. "I want more. You've seen what he becomes, right?"

"I have," Sterns replied, a strange glint in his eye. "And it's beautiful. Godlike."

"Well, I want that. I need that. Make me that," Blonsky demanded, his voice a growl of desperation and determination.

Sterns hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I don't know what you've got inside you already. The mix could be an abomination."

Blonsky, not one for patience, grabbed Sterns by his clothes and lifted him effortlessly into the air. Sterns gasped, the breath forced from his lungs.

"I didn't say I was unwilling," Sterns stammered, his voice shaky but clear. "I just need informed consent. And you've given it."

With that, Blonsky dropped Sterns to the ground, and the scientist scrambled to his feet, leading the way to his makeshift laboratory. The room was cluttered with equipment, wires snaking across the floor, and shelves lined with vials and canisters. Sterns moved with frantic energy, preparing a machine for the procedure. He picked up a canister labeled "Mr. Green," containing Bruce Banner's blood infused with gamma radiation, and carefully inserted it into the dialysis machine.

Turning on the lights, the lab was bathed in a harsh, sterile glow. Blonsky lay strapped to a metal bed, the leather restraints creaking under the tension of his muscular frame. A green light scanned over his head, the machine humming ominously.

Blonsky began to grunt, his body convulsing as the transformation started. Sterns watched with a mixture of fascination and horror.

"I don't know what you've been ladling into yourself," Sterns said quickly, his voice high-pitched with fear, "but clearly it worked. Let's assume you don't understand a word I'm saying."

Blonsky's grunts turned to growls, his body swelling, muscles bulging grotesquely, bones protruding from his spine making him look like a monster. Sterns took a step back, eyes wide with panic. "But if you'll just get back on the table, I can fix this."

Blonsky, now fully transformed into a monstrous figure, roared in ecstasy. He reveled in the sheer power coursing through him, his laugh a deep, terrifying rumble. The walls of the lab shook as he burst through the door, smashing it to splinters.

Outside, the soldiers stationed in the area reacted with shock and horror, seeing what they thought the Hulk now standing menacingly infront of them. They opened fire, their bullets pinging harmlessly off the Abomination's thick, hideous skin. The creature laughed louder, relishing in his newfound invulnerability and strength, as he tore through the soldiers killing them off with ease, making his way to the street while leaving chaos in his wake.

Above, Alex watched from his ship, his mind racing with possibilities. The blood of such a powerful being, is definitely one of the keys to unlocking unimaginable power. As Emil Blonsky a former elite of SOCOM now an Abomination rampaged creating destruction in his wake, flinging off buildings, destroying buildings to the streets below, relishing in his new found powers. Alex knew that this is the perfect time to secure one of the most important powerup for any transmigrator in Marvel, it might be a double-edged sword of sorts, but he can't deny the incredible power it will give him. He flew off the ships followed by a multitude of Squiddy drones all in stealth mode.

Alex and the drones enter the building, he quickly move to the location where the blood are located making sure he can take it before anyone can, he watched as his drones meticulously secured the remaining samples of Banner's blood. Invisible, squid-like drones deftly collected the precious fluid, incinerating any remnants they couldn't retrieve. With a nod of satisfaction, Specter deactivated his chameleon cloak, revealing himself. He turned his attention to Samuel Sterns, who was undergoing a grotesque transformation himself, his head elongating and skin turning green.

"And here we are, another headache," Specter muttered, drawing his sleek, sidearm and pointing it at Sterns. "Should I end you now?"

"No, please! No!" Sterns begged, his voice trembling. "I can help you! I have all the data on Banner's blood!"

Specter's eyes narrowed. "We'll see." With a swift motion, he knocked Sterns out, stuffing him into a bag lined with the same chameleon cloak material. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, Specter and his drones disappeared, reappearing moments later inside the predator scout ship.

As the ship ascended, Skynet, Alex's AI companion, spoke up. "Should we call the rest of the team? Make it a debut to deal with Abomination?"

Alex, still in his Specter persona, shook his head. "Not now. Abomination has strength far surpassing Spider-Man's. I don't want to put them in danger. I'll handle this myself. Besides, I need to test the new toy."

"Which one?" Skynet asked eagerly. "Is it Ark? It might be dangerous to use that here, Father. You might end up turning the whole city to dust."

"Not Ark," Specter replied firmly. "Until we have a metal that can handle emotion spectrum energy, we won't be using it. I'm talking about the new Arasaka Cyber Skeleton."

Skynet's excitement was palpable. "Got it, Father. I can't wait to see the gravity and magnetic manipulation capabilities of the new cyber skeleton."

Specter nodded. "Indeed. Not only would it allow me to have some control over magnetism and gravity, it should allow me to generate an approximate force of 100 tons or more, enhancing my physical prowess significantly."

With that, Specter leapt from the predator scout ship, landing in the chaos below. The sight of New York's dark hero appearing in the midst of devasted and torn streets, inspired hope to the people of Harlem, that finally a super hero have come to save them. Specter's imposing figure, clad in advanced, sleek armor, moved with purpose his eyes glowing with bluish hue through the streets, now the place looking more like a battlefield rather than a lively city.

Bodies and vehicles were strewn about like toys by the rampaging Abomination, formerly Emil Blonsky. Amid the chaos, some civilians recklessly recorded the scene on their phones, not caring about the danger they are in.

In a nearby Humvee, two military personnel conversed nervously. "I still can't believe General Ross is so obsessed with these super freaks. Now we've got another Hulk problem," one soldier said.

"Right? Can't he just buy those new Militech Mark 4 robots? I heard they're as good as Stark's Iron Man armor," replied his companion.

Their conversation was cut short as Abomination charged at them "Hulk! Come out and fight me!", Abomination screams. Seeing this the soldiers frightened remembering their recent encounter with the Hulk. "Oh crap, he's rushing here! Blow him to pieces!" one soldier shouted, arming a rocket launcher and firing. "Booyah!" he yelled as the rocket launched.

Abomination caught the projectile mid-air, took a bite, and allowed it to explode in his face. The explosion and fire did nothing but amuse him, his hearty laugh echoing as the flames died down. "Ha ha ha, this won't hurt me!" he said, with mock disdain.

As the Humvee tried to escape, Specter opened fire. His advanced smart guns, Skippy 1 and Skippy 2, synchronized their attacks. The Bullets swerve and curve making sure not to hit any civilians that are running away from Abomination, the bullets found its mark and hit Abomination with pinpoint accuracy, exploding upon impact.

"Oh ohhh, looks like we can't do any damage at all, boss," Skippy 1 commented.

"Let's just run away, boss. It's not too late," Skippy 2 added.

The bullets although it packed a hefty punch, they still weren't able to penetrate Abominations thick hide, the bullets fall into slugs creating metallic clank as they hit the pavement. Abomination turned his gaze toward Specter, pointing a massive finger. "You! The vigilante! Show me what you've got!"

Specter holstered his guns, his eyes narrowing behind his visor. "Gladly."

The battle began with Specter using his incredible agility and speed, darting around Abomination, landing precise strikes. His mechanized cyber implants whirred as he moved, a blur of motion. Specter activated his plasma cannon, firing searing blasts at Abomination, who grunted but barely slowed down. Abomination seeing the burn mark and wound done to his body just laugh it off and said, "Now that is more like it! Show me more!" as the damage in his skin regenerate and heals in an alarming rate.

Specter seeing this, said "You're nothing but a mad man drunk in power," as eight mechanized tentacles extended from Specter's back, each equipped with laser beams and energy blades. They slashed and fired at Abomination, leaving charred marks and deep cuts on his thick hide. Yet, it wasn't enough.

"Is that all the boogeyman who spooked one of the best mercenary groups in the world can offer?" Abomination taunted, laughing through the pain. "Show me more!"

Specter's eyes blazed with determination. "You want more? You'll get more."

With a thought, Specter activated the full capabilities of the Arasaka Cyber Skeleton. His suit's motors hummed with power as red lightning crackled across his body. Nano machines surged from his core, racing to his hands, feet, torso, and finally his head. His frame expanded rapidly, shoulders morphing into preposterous size with glowing circular red lights. The Gorilla cyberware implant arms, grew thicker and more menacing, and his armored legs reinforced themselves, supporting his now massive body. The adamantium armored shell covering him grew proportional to his new size, standing an imposing 12 feet tall.

Specter's own version of armored frame, the Arasaka Cyber Skeleton, was a marvel of technology. Capable of generating magnetism and manipulating gravity, the cyberskeleton featured a large frame designed for maximum impact.

The Gravitational field generators and two compacted thrusters on his back allowed for swift movement. By increasing gravity within a specific area, Specter could crush vehicles until they explode. Conversely, by decreasing gravity, he could make someone fly or manipulate the magnetic fields around him to control metal objects.

Fully transformed, Specter summoned his cosmic powers, deploying multiple golden, orb-shaped machines that floated around him. These orbs can generate energy shields and fire concentrated energy beams, ready to engage at his command, each one powered by a miniature sun reactor.

Specter launched himself at Abomination with a force that cracked the pavement beneath his feet, while the punch he threw created sonic booms destroying glass and mirrors near them. The impact sent Abomination skidding meters away, smashing into a parked car and crumpling it like paper. Abomination, hurt and stunned, struggled to his feet, a mixture of joy and threat flashing in his eyes.

"You've got some tricks, vigilante," Abomination growled, his voice rumbling like distant thunder. "But it'll take more than that to bring me down!"

Specter advanced, his eyes cold and focused. "Let's see how you handle this."

With a wave of his hand, the golden orbs around him fired beams of concentrated energy, each one powered by miniature Sun Reactors. Abomination roared, swatting at the energy beams, but he made a mistake, he could now feel searing pain as those red energy beams connected to his flesh, the beams are capable of injuring him, the heat they generate is no joke as they have the same temperature as the sun, it is also able to limit his healing factor due to the burns it cost. Specter then activated the gravitational field generators, increasing the gravity around Abomination. The ground beneath him cracked and sank, cars nearby were flattened, and Abomination felt the immense pressure forcing him to his knees.

"Argh! You think this will stop me?" Abomination bellowed, his muscles straining against the overwhelming force. He managed to push himself back up, shaking off the intense gravity.

Specter didn't relent. Using the compacted thrusters, he flew high into the air, then descended rapidly, striking Abomination with the full force of his cybernetic strength. The blow reverberated through the streets, almost deafening causing a small earthquake and debris to scatter around them. Abomination staggered back, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. He grinned maniacally. "You're stronger than I thought. Finally! a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!" as he crackles, laughing wanting to prove that he Emil Blonsky is the very best that ever was.

I felt bad not updating this, finally have some time and sorry if the immersion broke at the last part, i just can't help my self lol. As always thanks for liking this half arse fanfic.

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