
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

Ashinydecapod · Filme
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98 Chs

Machine Man 61 100K vs 80 Praetorians

------------Inside the Hellicarrier----------

As Natasha led Alex through the corridors of the Helicarrier, he couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer scale of the floating fortress. It's the biggest aircraft he had seen, even he himself doesn't have anything of this scale. Although it's in the midst of being built, it's almost complete and ready for action. The hum of machinery and the distant chatter of agents filled the air, creating an atmosphere of controlled chaos.

"So, what do you think?" Natasha asked, glancing at Alex with a smirk as they walked. "Impressive, right?"

Alex nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Very impressive indeed," he replied, his gaze sweeping over Natasha's voluptuous body as her form fitting suit couldn't hide her accentuated curves. "Quite the marvel."

Natasha rolled her eyes at the blatant perverted gaze that Alex gave her. "You're not so bad yourself," she retorted, shooting a glance at Alex's now chiseled physique, a far cry from his earlier days in Marvel. However, her expression soon turned more serious. "But enough small talk. We've got business to attend to."

Alex nodded in agreement, his demeanor shifting slightly as they approached the command center. As they walked, Natasha couldn't help but recall their last encounter, where Alex had showcased his remarkable combat skills using the Endoskeleton of the Rev-X.

"I have to admit, I've never seen anyone fight like that before," Natasha said, her curiosity evident in her voice. "What sort of martial arts do you practice?"

Alex smiled, the memory of their fight still fresh in his mind. "It's called Panzer Kunst," he explained, his tone thoughtful. "It's a martial art I developed with my powers in mind. It's designed to anticipate beings with great strength in combat and zero-gravity environments."

"Panzer Kunst... German for Armored Art?" Natasha repeated, a hint of intrigue in her voice.

Alex nodded, knowing she's just trying to dig info off of him using her charms as he can see how Natasha has her not fully zip revealing the deep ravines in between her top. "Yes, exactly," he confirmed. "You can consider it as the first fighting style developed specifically for combat in outer space. It emphasizes speed, agility, and fluidity, while using an armored body to block and counter attacks."

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise. "Zero gravity combat?" she echoed, disbelief coloring her tone. "So, you're saying this martial art is designed to fight in outer space?"

Alex nodded again, a hint of pride in his voice. "That's right," he said. "Panzer Kunst allows the practitioner to adapt to any atmosphere, making it incredibly versatile in a variety of combat scenarios."

As they entered the bridge, Alex couldn't help but be impressed by the advanced technology and bustling activity around him. Although technology from cyberpunk is way more advance than what they carry, its still not that far off from what they are currently using. The room was a hive of activity, with SHIELD operatives manning various stations and monitoring the ship's systems.

"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Fury remarked, gesturing towards the massive carrier. "This is the crown jewel of SHIELD."

Alex nodded, impressed. "I must admit, I didn't expect SHIELD to have something like this. A flying aircraft carrier, it's quite the feat of engineering." Although to him this flying aircraft might be big, but its no different than a huge heap of metal.

Fury grinned. "We like to keep a few surprises up our sleeves. Now, let me introduce you to Maria Hill, one of our top agents."

Hill chimed in, "We've spared no expense when it comes to protecting the world Mr. Arasaka."

Maria Hill stepped forward, extending her hand to Alex. "It's a pleasure to meet you" she's finally seeing the man who have brought a huge headache to SHIELD, but is also giving them an incredible technology.

Alex shook her hand firmly. "Likewise, Ms. Hill."

Fury chuckled, overhearing Alex's comment about the Hellicarrier's flying capabilities. "A sharp eye you've got there, Arasaka. Most people don't realize that at first glance. How did you know?"

"It's all in the details," Alex replied cryptically. "The turbines and engines give it away."

Fury raised an eyebrow, impressed by Alex's observational skills. "Impressive as always when it comes to technology. By the way Alex, have you reconsidered working for SHIELD? Or perhaps joining the Avengers?" his asking again, hoping that with the impressive ship Alex Arasaka would be move and hopefully join in to their cause.

Alex shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but as I mentioned before, I really don't like working for someone. However, I'm more than willing to collaborate on certain projects."

With business at hand, Alex wasted no time in getting down to the matter at hand. "Let's talk business. The shipment of Militech Robots that SHIELD ordered will be completed in 2 days. I'm here to ensure everything goes smoothly."

Opening his sleek suitcase, Alex retrieved a futuristic-looking computer – a portable cyberdeck, its unlike anything Fury had seen before. Its minimalist design and advanced features spoke volumes about Alex's technological prowess.

"This is my cyberdeck," Alex explained, showcasing the device. "It's equipped with state-of-the-art security measures and interfaces. I'll be installing a firewall that you requested to ensure the security of SHIELD's systems."

Fury nodded, impressed by the technology before him. "Alright, Arasaka. Do your thing. We'll provide whatever assistance you need."

With practiced efficiency, Alex pulled of a cable from his pulse then connected it to his cyberdeck at the same time he plugs another cable to the Hellicarrier's onboard system, his fingers flying across the interface as he implemented the firewall. Hi eyes glowed as data got hack from SHIELD's direct database that is not connected to the internet. He even goes so far as leaving a backdoor for him for future use. Within moments, the ship's defenses were bolstered, ready to withstand any cyber threats.

As Alex worked, Fury and Hill observed, marveling at his skill and expertise. Despite his reluctance to join SHIELD, there was no denying that Alex Arasaka was a valuable ally to have on their side. And as the completion of the Militech Robots drew nearer, they knew they would need all the help they could get in the days to come.

------Final War at Savage Land Part 1------

Sauron, the powerful ruler of the savage land, sat impatiently on his throne, waiting for news of his army's victory. He had sent 500 soldiers to crush a human settlement that dared to encroached his land, but weeks had passed with no word of their success.

"Gah! Where are they?" Sauron growled, his voice a guttural snarl that echoed off the temple walls. His eyes narrowed as he surveyed the dimly lit chamber, his patience wearing thin with each passing moment. "I send them to do one simple task, and they can't even manage to send any one back with a report!"

With a frustrated grunt, Sauron rose from his throne, his massive wings unfurling behind him in a menacing display of power. "Enough waiting," he declared, his voice reverberating through the chamber. "Send a squad of my finest Pterons to investigate. If those fools have failed me, heads will roll!"

Turning to his most trusted lieutenant, Sauron issued his orders with a commanding authority. "You, gather a squad of ten of our strongest warriors. Tell them to find out what happened to our forces and report back to me immediately. If they encounter any resistance, crush it without mercy."

The Pteron nodded in obedience, bowing low before his master. "It shall be done, Lord Sauron," he replied, his voice filled with fear. With a flap of his wings, he took to the air, rallying his comrades for the mission ahead.

As the Pterons soared into the darkened skies, Sauron watched them go with a mix of anticipation and dread. Whatever fate had befallen his army, he was determined to uncover the truth and exact vengeance upon those responsible. For in the savage land ruled by Sauron, failure was not an option.

As the 10 Pteron Soldiers approached the base, their hearts sank at the sight before them. The settlement that were supposed to obliterate still stood tall, and to their shock, it had even expanded in size. It was evident that their previous army had been vanquished, and the humans had fortified their defenses in response.

Fear and uncertainty gripped the soldiers as they realized the gravity of their failure. Before they could retreat to report to their lord Sauron, a sudden shot rang out, one of their comrades head have exploded as his lifeless body fell to the ground.

Target down," Vincent's voice crackled over the comm link, his tone calm and composed despite the chaos unfolding around him. "Moving to intercept the others. They won't make it out alive."

Panic erupted among the remaining Pterons as they scrambled to flee from the unseen assailant. But their attempts at escape were in vain, as one by one, they were picked off by Vincent, the expert sniper of the Praetorian guards. His shots were precise and deadly, leaving no chance for the soldiers to retaliate.

Meanwhile, within the base, Skynet monitored the situation closely, her advanced sensors detecting the presence of the intruders. With a swift analysis of the threat, she relayed the information to Alex, alerting him to the imminent danger.

"Alex, intruders who have approach the base perimeter, have been eliminated" Skynet's voice echoed through the command center. "Vincent has engaged them and neutralized the threat swiftly. The base remains secure."

"Understood, Sky," Alex replied, his voice resonating with determination. "We must remain vigilant. Send out more patrols, and be prepared for an attack. Sauron himself may come seeking vengeance for their failed attempts. We cannot afford to let our guard down." With a firm nod, Alex turned his attention to the looming threat, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the days turned into weeks, Sauron's frustration simmered into rage. His once-mighty army of 500 warriors had vanished without a trace, and the 10 Pteron soldiers he had dispatched to investigate had not returned. Furious at this turn of events, Sauron stormed out of his temple, his wings flaring with anger as he issued commands to his guards and troops.

"Prepare the army!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the halls of the temple. "You will march on the human base! Bring me their heads as trophies of our victory!"

His soldiers, fearful of his powers and obedient, obeyed his orders, eager to prove themselves in battle. They armed themselves with weapons forged from Vibranium, rode on powerful beast and raptors, some mounted on flying pterodactyl. They prepared for the onslaught ahead.

Meanwhile, Sauron remained in his temple, his confidence unshaken. He believed the humans to be weak and feeble, their weapons incapable of penetrating his mighty skin. He saw no need to dirty his claws with their blood when his army could easily crush them beneath their heel.

With a triumphant roar, the army set out from Pteron City, their ranks swelling with pride and determination. The ground shook beneath their feet as they marched towards the human base, eager to demonstrate the power of the Pteron Empire.

As the vast army of 100,000 Pterons, Beastmen, Tubanti, and Lizardmen advanced towards the Praetorian base, their confidence was high, their weapons gleaming in the dim light of the Savage Land. Unaware of the advanced technology that awaited them, they marched forward with determination, eager to claim victory.

Meanwhile, within the fortified walls of the Praetorian base, Alex stood at the center of the command center, his gaze fixed on the holographic display before him. As Skynet's report came in, detailing the size and strength of the approaching enemy force, a sense of urgency filled the room.

"Activate the system defenses," Alex commanded, his voice echoing with authority. "We must be ready for whatever they throw at us."

Acknowledging his orders, the Praetorian guards sprang into action, moving swiftly to reinforce the base's perimeter and activate its formidable energy barrier. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew palpable, the anticipation of battle hanging like a heavy cloud over the base.

As the enemy army drew nearer, their ranks began to thin as unsuspecting soldiers stumbled into hidden mines laid out by the Praetorians. The sudden explosions sent shockwaves through their ranks, Panicked cries filled the air as soldiers stumbled into hidden mines, their bodies torn apart by the deadly blasts. Chaos spread through their ranks as more and more of them fell to the unseen danger, their numbers dwindling with each passing moment.

"Retreat! Fall back!" shouted one of the commanders, his voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction. But it was too late – the relentless barrage of mines continued to wreak havoc among their ranks, leaving devastation in its wake.

As the Praetorians watched their enemies fall victim to the hidden mines, they knew that the battle was far from over. With their numbers still overwhelming, they braced themselves for the next phase of the onslaught.

Alex commanded, his voice ringing out over the din of battle. "Release the attack drones!"

"Initiating drone deployment sequence," Skynet's voice echoed through the command room, its tone calm and composed despite the chaos unfolding outside. Activating the drones propulsion systems and guiding them into the sky.

High above the battlefield, the Griffin drones hovered like silent sentinels. The sky darkened as the swarm of drones descended upon the unsuspecting enemy army.

With deadly precision guided by Skynet's calculations. "Targets acquired. Commencing fire," Skynet relayed as the drones rained destruction upon the savage land army, their advanced weaponry cutting through flesh and shields alike.

Amidst the chaos, a lizard man hissed in disbelief as he watched the sky fill with the menacing silhouette of the Griffin drones. "What in blazes is that?" he exclaimed, another said, "Are those iron eagles?" but his voice got drowned by the roar of explosives and guns.

The enemies below were caught off guard by the sudden onslaught from above. Panic spread through their ranks as they struggled to defend against the relentless assault of the drones. Primitive bows and arrows were no match for the advanced technology of the drones, and many fell with each passing moment.

Despite their best efforts, the enemy forces were overwhelmed by the sheer number and speed of the drones. Some managed to take down a few drones with well-aimed shots of Vibranium-tipped arrows, but it created more problems for them as each drone shot down created a small nuclear blast decimating their ranks further.

As the enemy horde continued its relentless assault on the Praetorian base, a portion of their forces managed to approach the edge of the barrier. However, they were met with a barrage of firepower from the base's automated systems.

"Advance! Break through their defenses!" a Pteron commander bellowed, his voice drowned out by the cacophony of explosions and gunfire. "We must kill the humans, King!"

At the same time, a Beastman chieftain roared commands to his warriors, urging them to press forward through the chaos. "Charge! Tear down their magic shield! Show them the might of the Uruburians!"

But their efforts were in vain as the automated defenses continued to rain down destruction upon them. Rockets streaked through the air, locking onto any enemy flyers with relentless pursuit. Anti-air turrets and missiles tore through the sky, intercepting enemy beasts ridden by warriors, including raptors, pterodactyls, and other prehistoric creatures, bringing them crashing down to the ground.

Another Pteron commanded quickly shouted "Retreat! Fall back!", his voice tinged with panic as the enemy forces began to falter under the onslaught. "We cannot breach their defenses! Withdraw!"

Meanwhile, the Beastman chieftain issued conflicting orders to his warriors, causing confusion and disarray among their ranks. "Stand your ground! We must not retreat! Push forward and crush them beneath our feet!"

Amidst the chaos of battle, the Praetorian base stood as a bastion of defense against the relentless onslaught of the enemy forces. Vincent, a seasoned marksman, took command of the troops, his keen eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness in the enemy's advance.

"Steady, soldiers!" Vincent's voice cut through the din of battle, firm and commanding. "Maintain your positions and focus fire on those approaching the barrier. Our shield will hold!"

With unwavering determination, the Praetorians unleashed a barrage of firepower upon the encroaching enemy horde. Turrets sprang to life, unleashing a storm of laser beams and plasma blasts that tore through the ranks of the attackers with deadly precision.

"Keep those rockets locked on the flying targets!" Vincent shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the cannons. "Don't let any of them get through!"

The unending assault of Sauron's army push through trying to destroy the barrier while on the opposite side the praetorians automated defense tries to dwindle down the enemies' numbers. Some Praetorians specialize in long range battle use their weapons to defend their base against their unrelenting enemies.