
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

Ashinydecapod · Filme
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97 Chs

Machine Man 33

Waking up from what felt like a being wrap in a cocoon, thoughts raced through my mind. I reflected on the experience of gaining superpowers and couldn't help but wonder if I would willingly choose to do it again. Most likely not. Note to self be more careful, this might be my second life but I don't want it to end prematurely.

Felicia, my loyal secretary, sat by my side, her hand holding mine. Her swift retreat when she noticed my awakening didn't escape my notice, and with a playful smirk, I decided to tease her.

"Hey there, how long was I out?" I inquired, breaking the post-slumber silence.

Felicia, with a reassuring smile, replied, "You're the sleeping beauty boss, It's been a day and a half, boss." Her face reflected a mix of relief and concern.

"A day and a half? You've been playing nurse for that long?" I raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "How did you even manage to get in here? Aren't we supposed to be in quarantine after the space escapade?"

With a playful grin, Felicia shared her secret. "Well, I told them I was your fiancée and threatened to sue if they didn't let me in."

I chuckled at her audacity, deciding to play along. "So, you're my fiancée now?" I shot her a playful smile.

In response, Felicia's flirty demeanor emerged, "Unless you give me a 20 million dollar ring. I might think about it."

"Still hung up on that 20 mil, huh?" I quipped, ignoring her playful remark. Shifting the focus, I suggested, "Well, let's get out of here, shall we? I feel like I can devour a whole cow after this."

Before we could make a move, a nurse walked in, shattering our plans.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Arasaka, but you need to be quarantined. You can't leave until we finish the tests," the nurse informed, putting a temporary halt to our escape plans.

Felicia, my confident secretary, placed her hand on her waist, her eyes fixed on the medical staff. Her authoritative tone declared, "We do have a personal medical facility. My fiancé would feel a lot more comfortable at his house. Or would you like me to sue Doom Industries for holding my love captive?" Her threat hung in the air, leaving the medical staff uncertain.

The staff exchanged glances, seemingly caught off guard by Felicia's bold stance. Admiring her knack for turning situations to her advantage, I rose from the hospital bed, my senses still foggy from the recent ordeal. I reached out and placed my hand on Felicia's shoulder.

"Let's go home," I said, breaking the sterile atmosphere of the medical facility. The room quieted down as we prepared to leave, Felicia wearing a relief smile.

As we made our way to the exit, where Flint, my trusted bodyguard, awaited with the Alvarado Executive car. With a simple greeting and asking for my wellbeing he, opened the door for us. Felicia took the seat beside me, settling in the back.

The car smoothly glided through the city, its crystal dome shield windows providing privacy from prying eyes. As we drove, I couldn't help but reflect on the recent events and the cosmic powers that now coursed through my veins.

In the hidden confines of a testing room beneath the towering structure of Arasaka Tower, a full check of my Fathers genetic makeup was underway. It had been days since the ominous encounter with a bald-headed witch who had menacingly threatened his life, leaving me feeling weak and helpless.

Determined to protect him, I embarked on a secret mission to build a strong body for me to protect my father without him knowing. I haven't even informed him about the old hag who tried to kill him, not wanting him to worry. He's inside the Danger Room, undergoing tests for his newfound changes.

Incredibly, I feel closer to him now more than ever; you could even say that I can now communicate with him on a personal level in the digital space. But it seems he has not found out about this particular ability yet. The only thing I can think of that's hindering him is his attempt to retain a human form.

As Skynet ran a full-body scan, the hum of machinery surrounding me brims to life, as the futuristic technology did its work. Skynet's digital voice echoed, providing updates on the ongoing analysis.

"Initial scans complete," Skynet reported. "All internal cyberware implants have integrated into your body. The only thing that physically remains is your prosthetic hand, which is still operational due to the changes in your DNA makeup."

I furrowed my brow, thinking about it. It seems Skynet has more autonomy although I made sure not to show it, her programming is gradually evolving somehow. It gives me joy seeing something I have created grow on its own. But If I'm being honest, it scares and intrigue me as well. I can't even imagine the possibilities she will do once she broke of the confines of her core programming. But for now she is my most trusted ally.

With regards to the changes in my body. I'm trying to comprehend of what was revealed during the scan. My cybernetic enhancements, the very core that keeps my body alive, had somewhat melded in my own body, leaving me with a sense of confusion and curiosity.

Skynet explained, its tone measured and informative, "Your body and DNA makeup has undergone a transformation. It's become akin to microscopic nanites. They have absorbed and assimilated the cyberware, leaving behind only the prosthetic hand, which still functions due to your altered genetic structure."

As I processed this revelation, a sense of wonder mingled with uncertainty. My very essence had undergone a metamorphosis, and the implications were both profound and puzzling.

"Nanites?" I questioned, seeking clarification. "So, my body is now like a swarm of microscopic machines?"

Skynet nodded, providing more detail. "Exactly. These nanites have become an integral part of your genetic structure, replicating the functionality of your cyberware and body. Like a hive of uncountable nanites within your whole body."

"So, my body" having trouble accepting the changes I ask the thing that is troubling me, "Can I still... you know, start a family?" my question is filled with a mix of jest and genuine concern.

Skynet hearing this. There he goes again, it seems father is torn about maintaining his human form rather than freeing himself and fully exploring his current capabilities, if my scans are correct, he can take on any form with his body, use all form of machinery, create a thousand eye in his body. He can even grow wings, tail or multiple arms if he wants to, but his humanity is limiting him, someone who is stuck between choosing flesh or steel.

Skynet put her thoughts behind, as someone who's always efficient in processing data, she pulled up information on potential candidates, displaying profiles of various women from around the world. Among them, Susan Storm and Felicia Hardy were highlighted. Skynet, in its pragmatic tone, suggested, "Considering your unique situation, Felicia Hardy seems to be the better candidate. I've analyzed her genetic makeup, and there shouldn't be any complications. Although I suggest you inject her with a super soldier serum so there won't be any complications when she conceives a child. The child has a high possibility of inheriting your powers or possibly something more."

I chuckled at the unexpected turn of events. "Well, isn't that a way to spice up family planning? Superpowers and nanites, who would've thought?"

Skynet continued its analytical exposition, "However, it's worth noting that Susan Storm's genetic makeup has also been altered due to exposure to cosmic rays. The possibilities are uncertain, but given both of your extraordinary digital makeup, there's a higher chance of creating a child with incredible powers or, perhaps, even a new species."

As I pondered the intricacies of my altered DNA, I shot a bemused glance at Skynet. "That's not exactly what I meant; you know that. Let's get back to the changes in my body," I added, attempting to refocus the conversation on the more immediate concerns.

However, the moment I uttered those words, I Inadvertently brushed my hand against a dormant T-800 lying on the nearby table. To my shock, the T-800 vanished into thin air.

"Hold on, what just happened?" I questioned, my own voice sounding different more robotic, adding to the perplexity of the situation. As I tried to make sense of the unfolding events, Skynet with a slight hint of amusement, responded, "It seems you are now fully Borg, as you put it. You've taken on a complete machine form, a T-800 fully infused with all your cyberware. Every part seems to have been upgraded to operate in conjunction with your current body, It even operates with a higher parameter better than it should be."

The surreal transformation unfolded before me – my body, now a seamless fussed with all my cybernetic enhancement. I am now more machine than ever and everything seems to operate flawlessly. Even my sensory senses remained intact like the sense of touch, taste and smell. I can even still think normally, we actually better, faster. It's like my brain operates like a quantum computer when I'm in my borg form. 

The revelation that my cells could absorb or assimilate any machines I touched left us both intrigued so we continued to run some more test.

"So, it looks like I can absorb or assimilate any machine. I can even revert back to look like my usual ganic self," I remarked, my tone a mix of fascination and uncertainty.

Skynet, ever analytical, responded, "Indeed, it's an extraordinary ability, one that seems to offer a blend of machine and synthetic-organic integration but can still function as one. Let's explore the limits and implications."

"I was able to assimilate a number of T-800s, as long as they lack an AI. The absorption is bound by certain rules; first, I need to understand how a machine works before I can absorb it," I shared, the experimentation taking an intriguing turn.

An attempt to absorb a Breguet Grande Watch, however, proved unsuccessful. "It only works when I open the damn thing and learn how it was designed. I can also expel these absorbed objects from my body, yet they retain a telepathic connection. However, if they stray too far or too long away from my body, they revert to normal objects," I explained, marveling at the intricacies of the newfound abilities.

As Skynet meticulously observed, I revealed a significant limitation, "There's a downside, Skynet. It seems I can't absorb anything larger than 8 feet. There's a peculiar lack of power for larger objects. Despite having over a hundred nuclear power cells in my body, nothing changes. It feels like there's something else at play."

As the examination progressed, I decided to push the boundaries, transforming my left elbow into a booster and launching my entire forearm with the fist hitting a wall and creating a huge dent. Chuckling, I remarked, "Look at that, I can actually do a rocket punch now."

However, the experimental zeal led to a missing arm. Unfazed, I willed the gold and silver prosthetic arm to reappear, seamlessly replacing the absent limb. "Fascinating," Skynet interjected, analyzing the spectacle. "It seems you can heal from any damage as long as you have a replacement machine absorbed beforehand."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, it seems like it. It even feels like if I lose my head, I can still recover from that by using a replacement." The notion of such rapid regeneration sparked a cascade of potential scenarios in my mind.

As the series of tests continued, Skynet suggested introducing a variety of cyberware and weapons for absorption. Parts of a sentinel robot resembling Squids from the Matrix, an assortment of EMP shield, Faraday suits, bombs, guns, freeze ray, missiles, and plasma cannons were dropped into the testing arena.

"Here are some things you can absorb," Skynet conveyed, overseeing the process.

I attempted to absorb an array of items, a cyber deck which was useless, since most of the things here are analog rather than digital and I could just ask Skynet to do those things for me.

Adding to the list of things I absorb the gorilla arms a blunt weapon prosthetics shaped like an arm, even absorbing a full T-900 that was lying around as spare parts for Ghost.

I absorbed my old armor, pushing the limits of my assimilation capabilities.

One of the sentinel drone that looks like an octopus with multiple arms brought something I didn't think Skynet would bring…

"Really, an apple?" I quipped as Skynet proposed a seemingly mundane test.

"Go ahead. We need to test if you can absorb organic matter as well," Skynet urged.

Despite my attempts, one thing became evident – I couldn't absorb organic matter. However, I could assimilate non-organic raw materials, expanding the understanding of the boundaries within which my powers operated. The lab echoed with the hum of technology as we continued to unravel the mysteries of my evolving capabilities.

Interrupting my contemplation, Skynet's voice resonated with urgency, "Sorry to cut you off, Alex, but there is a disturbance on the Brooklyn Bridge."

Swiftly responding, I acknowledged, "Well, let's get suited up then." Wearing a modified inner suit that I wore when we got bombarded in space. Just incase my powers failed and I won't be naked like that someone.

I Move towards the cabinet, revealing a new armor – a modified version of the Predator Killer armor. This advanced suit boasted two long plasma beam cannons on the sides, equipped with boosters for flight in various areas like soles, palms, elbows, and main boosters on the back.

As I marveled at the suit's appearance, I decided to experiment with my new capabilities. "Well, maybe we'll try something different." Placing my palm over the suit, I initiated a transformation, causing it to disappear with an electrifying zapping sound. "Well, that was cool. Now, let's try this."

Imagining an arsenal of cyberware enhancements, I activated all my cybernetic implants, transforming into a fusion of the T-900 skeletal frame, gorilla arms, and T-X moldable weapons. My once-bulky armored body, morphed into a more compact, Genos-like form from OPM, adorned with a sleek Arkham helmet featuring a blue circular visor covering the entire face and metal plates extending like pointed ears, evoking a skull-like appearance. The serrated claw blades, inspired by the Yautja warriors, emerged seamlessly from my morphable arms, ready to switch into any forms like projectile launchers at my mental command.

Eager to run more tests, but duty calls and a real field test seemed more fitting than simulated trials. With resolve, I prepared to confront the disturbance on the Brooklyn Bridge, armed to the teeth with all my new enhancement.

Leaving the danger room behind, I made my way towards the expansive bay where an array of formidable vehicles awaited. The Javelina, an imposing vehicle, stood with an air of readiness, its sleek design hiding an arsenal of cutting-edge weaponry.

Next in line was the HK-Aerial, a versatile aircraft designed for swift and strategic movements. Its silent hum resonated through the bay, ready to take to the skies at a moment's notice.

The AVP Scout ship, a recent addition, stood as a testament to futuristic engineering, its seamless form suggesting modifications beyond conventional limits. This advanced vessel, heavily enhanced to withstand the onslaught of modern weaponry, even chucking a nuclear cell on this won't do any damage specially with its shield on, it promised unparalleled defense and durability.

Though the modifications had trimmed its speed, the ship retained the ability to outpace anything made on Earth. Its potential to leave adversaries in the dust remained intact, a testament to the fusion of technological innovation and extraterrestrial design.

With a final glance at the formidable collection of vehicles, I stepped into the AVP Scout ship, ready to embark on the next chapter of challenges that awaited beyond the bay doors. The hum of advanced technology surrounded me as the ship came to life, preparing to carry its cybernetic pilot into the unfolding mysteries of the world.

Note: forgot to upload the chap, lol. may bad.