
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

Webnovel_Addicted · Filme
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65 Chs

Chapter 9 Flame Phoenix

In just half a minute, Qin Haisheng picked up six attribute bubbles from Little Naughty Pet.

And only one of them was a recovery attribute bubble.

The rest were all Ability Core bubbles.

In an instant, Qin Haisheng had obtained 35 plunder Ability Cores!

Before this, Qin Haisheng didn't get anything from Little Naughty Pet for a month!

Little Naughty Pet's ability was too special!

Her ability was considered a passive ability, but it was different from forget-me-not. As long as she controlled herself and didn't touch others, the ability wouldn't activate.

No one would want her to take away Super Ability, and she didn't dare to touch others.

Therefore, Little Naughty Pet was the laziest one in the Mutant Academy.

Moreover, she had never practiced Super Ability, so how could Qin Haisheng get anything out of her?

In the end, he either couldn't get anything, or he got a lot of it!

However, the continuous loss of Super Ability made Qin Haisheng feel quite uncomfortable.

The feeling was almost like drowning.

Even breathing had become an extravagant hope!

However, Qin Haisheng found that he recovered quite quickly.

If it wasn't for the continuous recovery, Little Naughty Pet would have sucked his Super Ability dry.

Moreover, when Qin Haisheng picked up the Ability Cores that were dropped in the small elimination …

Maybe it was because the attributes of the two were gradually assimilating, the speed at which his Super Ability was being stolen began to slow down.

Qin Haisheng wanted to see if he could get Little Naughty Pet's Ability Cores in one go.

Little Naughty Pet finally reacted.

It looked at Qin Haisheng's pale face and cried out in surprise. It quickly took two steps back and finally escaped from Qin Haisheng's "evil claws"!

"Mary …"

Qin Haisheng took a deep breath and was about to explain to Little Naughty Pet.

However, he suddenly felt a bone-piercing chill.

When he turned his head … he saw Bobby from Iceman staring at him with a pair of blood-red eyes. He roared angrily and blew a white cold mist towards him.

"No — Bobby!"

Little Naughty Dog saw that Bobby had launched a super ability attack on Qin Haisheng without asking any questions. He could not help but feel anxious and angry.

Under normal circumstances, she didn't know whether Bobby's Frost Ability or Qin Haisheng's Flame Ability was stronger.

But now … Qin Haisheng had just been sucked dry by her!

If he was hit by Bobby's Super Ability, wouldn't he die?

She screamed and quickly stood in front of Qin Haisheng. At the same time, she waved her hand in front of her …

Suddenly, a huge fireball appeared out of thin air and flew through the cold mist.

Although Bobby hated Qin Haisheng for touching Pixie's face, he did not lose his mind.

The cold mist that was spat out just now could at most freeze people for a while. There was a high probability that it wouldn't kill them.

But … Pixie didn't know that much.

Seeing the cold mist coming at her, she instinctively used the [Flame Ability] that she had stolen from Qin Haisheng …

Then, she realized that she had used too much strength.

Originally, she just wanted to shoot out a fireball.

As a result, it wasn't a fireball at all. It was more like a small volcano!

The small volcano smashed towards Bobby's face.

Bobby was stunned at the time …

On the one hand, he was shocked by how Pixie could release such a powerful super ability.

On the other hand, he couldn't believe it …

How could Pixie attack him because of an "outsider"?

But when he felt that the cold mist he spat out was instantly dispelled by the high temperature of the fireball, he no longer dared to be careless.

He roared at the moment, and his whole body completely turned into a block of ice.

At the same time, a cold mist came out of his palms and quickly condensed into a thick ice wall in front of him.

However, the ice wall that Bobby condensed with all his strength only lasted for less than a second.

There was a loud bang, and the ice wall suddenly shattered.

The middle part was directly burned with a big hole.

Then … the fireball that seemed to have shrunk by only one-fifth continued to go straight to Bobby's head.

Bobby couldn't help but be scared out of his wits when he saw this.

After all, before the fireball hit his body, his frozen body had already shown signs of melting.

If he were to be directly hit by such a terrifying fireball, would his body be able to withstand it?

But at this moment of life and death, he heard a delicate voice suddenly:

"Come back!"

"Buzz —"

The rapidly flying fireball trembled slightly at the moment when the voice sounded, then it stopped in mid-air …

The fireball quickly tumbled, then slowly shrank, and its shape was constantly changing.

In the end, the big fireball that was originally comparable to a water tank turned into a small fire bird the size of a palm …

Oh no!

That should be the shape of a burning fire phoenix.

Then, the small fire phoenix flapped its flame wings and drew an arc in the air. With blazing heat, it slowly flew into the palm of a woman with red hair and a beautiful appearance who looked to be in her thirties …