
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

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65 Chs

Chapter 59: Out Of Reach

In the sky above the endless Mojave Desert.

The Blackbird fighter jet swept through the air at an altitude of five thousand meters and disappeared in an instant.

However, after the Blackbird fighter jet disappeared, two black dots flashed in the sky and constantly fell in the direction of the ground.

Qin Haisheng's arm was grabbed by the Blue Devil Kurt, and he felt that the surrounding space was constantly changing.

Neither of them had brought a parachute with them, so they jumped out of the plane just like that.

Although they did not have the Flight Ability, but … if Qin Haisheng was willing to run naked again, he only needed to turn his whole body into flames and he would definitely be able to land safely.

However, the Blue Devil could constantly teleport to offset the acceleration of the free fall.

As long as his original speed was not too fast, after one teleport, his original speed would disappear and his body would temporarily become stationary.

In this way, as long as he could constantly teleport, although the distance he could teleport was limited, he could still teleport from outer space to the ground without suffering any injuries.

Qin Haisheng naturally did not want to run naked again!

Not to mention in front of a man …

Therefore, he could only trouble the Blue Devil Kurt to bring him down.

Originally, Scott only wanted Qin Haisheng to find Phoenix by himself, but … Qin Haisheng said that he had to bring the Blue Devil Kurt with him.

The reason was that Qin Haisheng said that he did not know the way.

Charles only told him the approximate location of Phoenix at the moment. Qin Haisheng was afraid that he would get lost in this desert that looked the same in all directions.

In addition, the Blue Devil Kurt's teleportation was suitable for running. With him by his side, Qin Haisheng would feel more at ease.

Of course, there was one thing that Qin Haisheng did not say … That was, he could take the opportunity to pick up more Space Elemental Core bubbles on the way!

Originally, Qin Haisheng thought that the Blue Devil Kurt would have to teleport many times to reach the ground at a height of five thousand meters.

But … the Blue Devil Kurt's teleportation ability was beyond his imagination.

At a height of five thousand meters, the Blue Devil Kurt only teleported six times with Qin Haisheng and successfully landed on the soft sand.

During this process, Qin Haisheng only managed to pick up one Space Elemental Core bubble.

When the two of them landed on the sand, they didn't even stir up any dust.

As soon as he landed, the Blue Devil immediately let go of Qin Haisheng's arm, as if he was worried that Qin Haisheng's body would dirty his hands.

"The Dolani Canyon is in this direction. It should be around 35 to 40 kilometers away from here!"

The Blue Devil looked at Qin Haisheng and said, "It's too far away. I can't teleport you there, so … you can only rely on yourself. I'll be here waiting for you!"

Qin Haisheng was a little speechless.

"Since it's still so far away, why didn't Scott tell us to jump off later?"

The Blue Devil shook his head and said,

"Maybe they're afraid that we'll be discovered if we land too close to the canyon!"

Qin Haisheng was still unwilling to give up.

"Fine … Then you're going to let me pass by myself?

What if I get lost on the way? "

The Blue Devil was speechless. You're already so old, how can you get lost?

However, seeing that Qin Haisheng was still pestering him, he could only say helplessly,

"Then I'll send you off again. When I see the canyon, I won't care anymore!"

Qin Haisheng grinned. His goal was achieved!

If the Blue Devil sent him off for another 20 to 30 kilometers, he should be able to pick up a few more attribute bubbles, right?

It wasn't easy to catch a sheep, so he had to go all out!

However, what Qin Haisheng didn't expect was that this guy would refuse to teleport with Qin Haisheng no matter what.

He said that he was willing to send Qin Haisheng a little further, which meant that he would accompany Qin Haisheng and show him the way!

If they were just walking, the Blue Devil naturally wouldn't use his teleportation skill. How could Qin Haisheng pick up the attribute bubbles then?

However, Qin Haisheng definitely wouldn't give up just like that. He immediately exerted force under his feet and used his full speed. Yellow sand filled the sky under his feet as he ran forward as if he was flying.

From afar, it was as if a winding dragon had appeared on the golden desert.

The Blue Devil Man was stunned …

Didn't you ask me to accompany you?

Why did you run on your own!

And … Why is this guy running so fast?

If I don't use teleportation, I won't be able to catch up!

After picking up a large number of speed attribute bubbles from Quicksilver, Qin Haisheng's speed could now reach the state of sound. Now that he was seriously speeding up, if the Blue Devil didn't have the teleportation ability to cross a thousand meters in one step, he would really be left in the dust by Qin Haisheng!

The Blue Devil had no choice but to activate his ability again. With a "bang", the blue figure disappeared on the spot and appeared a thousand meters away at the same time.

In just three times, he had already caught up with Qin Haisheng, who was running wildly.

When Qin Haisheng saw that the Blue Devil had caught up with him, a bright smile appeared on his face. Then … he suddenly turned around and ran back in the direction he came from.

The Blue Devil paused and looked at Qin Haisheng, who was running further and further away, with a confused expression. After a while, he couldn't help but shout,

"Hey … You're going in the wrong direction!"