
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

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65 Chs

Chapter 36 I Solve It By Myself

"You're Clarice, right?"

While waiting in boredom, Qin Haisheng went up to Blink and greeted her.

Blink's emerald green eyes blinked, then she nodded and said,

"Yes, I'm Clarice.

Hello, Qin! "

Seeing the two of them chatting together, Wanda, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, lowered her head awkwardly.

Quicksilver sneered, got up, and pulled Wanda back to the Supreme Suite next door.

Blink looked at the backs of the two men as they left. She then patted Qin Haisheng, who was beside her, and said with uncertainty,

"You and Wanda … You guys … Did she misunderstand something?"

Qin Haisheng waved his hand and said,

"I don't think so!

I only got to know the siblings two days ago. "

Blink covered her mouth and chuckled, then said,

"But I feel like that girl is jealous!

Do you want me to go and explain to her?

I don't want to ruin other people's relationships for no reason. "

Qin Haisheng smiled awkwardly, but he did not continue to clarify his relationship with Wanda. He just shook his head and said, "No need.

I'll take care of this myself. "

Speaking of which, the future Scarlet Witch did have some feelings for Qin Haisheng, but after all, the two of them did not have much contact. It would be unrealistic to say that they fell in love the moment they met.

Qin Haisheng did not give up on the idea of saving the Scarlet Witch and the world, but he was not in a hurry.

He did not look for Blink because he wanted to woo this girl.

The main reason was that he wanted this girl's … Teleportation Gate's Super Ability!

He wanted to see if there was a chance to get this girl's Ability!

Because everyone was staying in a hotel, no one would casually train their Super Ability here. This made it very difficult for Qin Haisheng to pick up any attributes. It was very uncomfortable!

Therefore, Qin Haisheng continued to patiently ask,

"That, I want to ask … Your Super Ability allows you to set up a teleportation gate at will, right?

Then how far can your teleportation gate teleport you? "

Blink held her chin and thought for a while, then said,

"Currently … It can probably teleport up to a hundred kilometers!"

"But my ability has been improving. When I first awakened, I could only teleport one kilometer away!"

Qin Haisheng's eyes lit up.

"A hundred kilometers is already very impressive!"

"Since we have an Ability like you, why would Raven need to find a Mutant suitable for underwater combat?"

"You can just open a portal in the prison where Magneto is being held, and then we can bring him out!"

Twinkle smiled bitterly.

"It's not that easy!

The teleportation point of my teleportation gate must be a place that I have visited in the past 100 days.

I can't teleport to places I haven't been to! "

"However, if everything goes well, and we successfully sneak into the underwater prison and rescue Lord Magneto, we can open a portal and return directly to the surface of the sea or even land. Then, we won't have to fight our way back."

So that was how it was!

Qin Haisheng nodded in understanding.

The portal was a very strong support ability. It would be unreasonable if there were no restrictions at all.

But even if there were limitations, this Ability was still awesome!

Qin Haisheng wanted it even more …

So he began to bewitch her.

"Your Ability is really amazing!

Can you show it to me? "

Twinkle frowned slightly and said,

"I don't think so … Lord Raven won't let us leave the hotel."

Qin Haisheng curled his lips. How could he not see that … Twinkle was a good girl!

For the time being, he didn't want to instigate Twinkle to join the X-Men camp.

Because he knew that Twinkle was Sabretooth's adopted daughter.

Sabretooth, on the other hand, was Magneto's loyal subordinate. So … Although Blink looked quiet and obedient, she had most likely been brainwashed by Magneto a long time ago. It would not be easy to make her change her mind.

"It's okay, we don't have to leave the hotel.

You can just open a portal here … and the teleportation point is also in this living room. That's it! "

"Ah … What's the use of that?"

Twinkle didn't understand Qin Haisheng's intention. She felt that the purpose of her portal was to allow people to travel hundreds of miles in an instant.

If both ends of the portal were in the same living room, wouldn't it be a joke?

A place that could be reached by walking at most a few steps, what was the point of teleporting?

Qin Haisheng smiled and said, "How can it not be useful?

If it's during a battle, your portal can do so many things! "

"For example, if I kick an enemy out, you can seize the opportunity and open a portal behind the enemy.

He will fall into the portal involuntarily … "

"And you can also set the teleportation point behind me!

This way … the enemy will enter the portal and come out from behind me.

And if we cooperate well, I can launch an attack in advance and blast the place where the enemy will appear. Then … do you think the enemy can escape? "

Twinkle's eyes widened and said, "Can it be done like that?"

"Of course!"

Qin Haisheng excitedly pulled Twinkle up and said, "Come on … Let's try it now. Maybe when we rescue Magneto, this trick will come in handy!"