
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

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65 Chs

Chapter 24 Emergency Special Training

"This is so boring … So annoying, let's destroy it!"

Qin Haisheng was only dazed for a moment before he realized that he must have been pulled into an illusion by Wanda.

Wanda did not really know Qin Haisheng's past. She only used the illusion to directly reflect the deepest part of Qin Haisheng's heart, the most terrifying scene.

But … the thing that once made Qin Haisheng the most fearful seemed to be nothing at all!

Because of this, Qin Haisheng was able to see through the illusion in a very short time.

Then, Qin Haisheng's heart skipped a beat … He turned into a flaming giant, and then he swung his flaming fist at the air in front of him.

"Boom!" A loud sound was heard.

The whole world seemed to shake violently.

Then … the scenery around him shattered like glass, and countless fine cracks appeared like a spider web.

Then, there was a crisp "Kacha" sound.

The next moment, Qin Haisheng had returned to the real world, and was still standing in front of James.

But … an extremely beautiful little face, at some point … had moved closer to him, and was less than five centimeters away from him.

Qin Haisheng, who had just woken up from the illusion, was still a little confused.

Seeing such a devastatingly beautiful face right in front of him, he instinctively leaned forward.

Then, there was a soft "Pop" sound …

A sweet taste immediately filled Qin Haisheng's heart.

"Ah —"

Wanda, who was suddenly attacked, was stunned for a full three seconds before she suddenly screamed. Then, with a very strange speed, she left the room with a "whoosh" and disappeared without a trace.

The scream woke Qin Haisheng up from his stupor.

Only then did he realize what had just happened.

F * ck … this isn't my fault, eh!

You, the witch, pulled me into the illusion, and then took the initiative to come to me!

It was as if you had brought a plate of hot meat buns to a beggar who had been hungry for three days.

Then can you blame the beggar for snatching the meat buns and eating them without your permission?

Qin Haisheng felt that … human nature could not withstand the test!

Well, if the word "human" was removed, then it could not withstand the test!

After all, Qin Haisheng was a man who had been single for decades in both his previous and current lives. If he did not react at that moment, wouldn't he be crazy?

It was just that Qin Haisheng did not expect that he would use such a method to scare Wanda away!

As expected, he was still the best …

Origin Magic Power, it was not as good as his kiss.

Qin Haisheng was the one chosen by the Heavens, right?

James was also shocked.

This weakling Mutant was dumbfounded by what he saw.

What was going on?

How did that witch get defeated so easily?

Shouldn't she directly go berserk after being offended like this?

Earlier on the street, James had only because she was pretty, she was just a little bit.

He wanted to bring her to see goldfish …

But he hadn't even see the goldfish?

In the end, the little girl chased after him as if she had gone mad.

Especially when she found out that he was a Mutant, she was even more merciless and killed five of his duplicates in one go.

What was even more frightening was that … the witch somehow knew where his original body was.

Later, when his original body escaped back here, he found out that … the ability that his original body exchanged with his duplicates could not be activated.

However … Qin Haisheng was clearly ten thousand times worse than him just now.

But why didn't the little girl fight Qin Haisheng to the death? Instead, she ran away!

What was the reason behind this?

Could it be that he was too reserved? If he wanted to flirt with this witch, he would have to do it the moment they met?

Qin Haisheng gently licked his lips, which still had a lingering fragrance, and sighed softly. Then, he turned to look at James behind him and said,

"You're really something!

You even dared to mess with this lady! "

James said with a look of fear and unease,

"Who … who is she?"

Qin Haisheng said expressionlessly,

"Someone you can't mess with!"

James was about to cry …

Now, he knew that he could not mess with her, but it was useless … he had already messed with her before!

"Then what should I do?"

Qin Haisheng really wanted to say, "Then you'll have to pray for yourself!"

However, he was afraid of discouraging this poor weakling, so he encouraged him and said,

"Actually, I feel that your super ability still has potential. Why don't you take advantage of the current opportunity to explore it properly!"

James said in a daze,

"How do I explore this?

My ability is a bit like a passive ability … Sometimes, when I accidentally stumble while walking, I can automatically split into duplicates. "

"For so many years, I've been studying this ability, and I've only managed to research the effect of duplicates and the original body exchange."

F * ck … If you stumble while walking, one person will instantly split into two!

Qin Haisheng's eyes lit up as he said,

"Then if you were punched by someone, you would definitely split into duplicates, right?"

Seeing James nod repeatedly, he continued to ask, "Then, was it your original body or your duplicate that got hit?"

James said with certainty, "It was definitely a duplicate!"

"Then that's it …"

Qin Haisheng snapped his fingers and said,

"I know the direction of your next research!

You have to strive to make it so that when you're punched, the one that flies back is your original body, and the one that stays in place to take the damage is your duplicate. Then, you'll be almost invincible in close combat! "

James was stunned for a moment, then as if he had been enlightened, he repeatedly agreed …

Indeed, if every time he was attacked, he could split his original body and leave a duplicate in place to take the enemy's blow … Then theoretically, his original body would never be attacked!

Therefore, in the following period of time, James began to receive Qin Haisheng's emergency special training …