
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

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65 Chs

Chapter 17 Confessing To Meet Each Other

Wolverine could not help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

"What's with the potion?

Where did it come from? Did you find out? "

Mystique nodded but did not elaborate. Instead, she changed the topic.

"Of course, I still have to thank you for saving me!

"Our original plan was that after I found out about the potion, Eric would come and rescue me personally. These two friends were also targets that we had planned to recruit.

"But we didn't expect that … Eric would be ambushed and captured. So … Well, I still have to thank you. But now, I have to bring people to rescue Eric!"

What was going on?

Magneto had been captured again!


Magneto and Mystique were indeed experts at courting death.

Magneto, in particular, had probably spent half of his life in prison, hadn't he?

Qin Haisheng felt a little speechless.

He had thought that they might meet Magneto on this trip to rescue Mystique. But this guy … was still in prison!

Then wouldn't the plot be messed up again?!

Would Magneto be able to gather nearly a hundred Mutants to attack the Worthing Laboratory on Devil Island?

He had been looking forward to the big scene, the opportunity to wholesale attribute bubbles. He could not lose it!

Wolverine originally did not want Mystique to take Multiple Man and Juggernaut away. But when he heard that Magneto had been captured, he could not help but hesitate.

He did not like the old man.

If Mystique asked him to rescue Magneto now, he would most likely refuse.

But now, Mystique wanted the two Mutants who had just been rescued to go with her to rescue Magneto …

If he still wanted to stop her and something happened to the old man because of this, he was afraid that he would not be able to explain it to Charles!

The relationship between Charles, Magneto, and Mystique had always been quite messy.

But Wolverine knew that if any one of them was in danger, the other two would risk their lives to rescue them.

So …

Wolverine could only wave his hand and say, "Alright then … Take them away!"

Then, he waved at Qin Haisheng and the others.

"Let's go … The mission has been completed. Whatever happens next has nothing to do with us. Let's return to the academy!"

Hearing that, Polk and Pixie jumped out of the carriage after Wolverine.

However … Qin Haisheng hesitated for a moment.

Save Magneto!

This was definitely going to be another huge battle.

Only in the battle with the Mutant could he rapidly increase his strength.

Although … Qin Haisheng had been staying in the Mutant Academy and picking up stats, it wasn't impossible.

But the problem was, he couldn't find Mystique and Magneto's ability in the Mutant Academy!

Oh, that's right … Now I have to add Multiple Man!

[Multiple Man] was a useless ability that could only be used by Multiple Man himself.

If it was any other Mutant above level three, if they had this kind of infinite duplication ability at the same time, they would have long been able to fly!

That's right, Qin Haisheng was considered a member of the X-Men camp.

Magneto's Mutant Brotherhood could not be said to be the exact opposite faction, but it was more or less the same.

But … Qin Haisheng was not really going to defect to the enemy. He was there to take advantage of them.

If there was an opportunity to take advantage of the enemy, why should he be polite?

Qin Haisheng ignored Pixie's call. Instead, he moved closer to Mystique and asked, "What's the matter?

"Senior Wolverine, Magneto is also my idol. Can you take me with you to save him?"


Are you serious? "

Mystique turned her head to look at Wolverine with a puzzled expression.

Wolverine's face darkened and he quickly said in a stern voice,

"Qin, don't joke around.

Get down now and come back to the academy with me! "

Qin Haisheng waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "It's fine.

I'm just going to ask Magneto for an autograph. When I'm done, I'll go back to the academy by myself! "

Wolverine was so angry that his beard curled up, but there was nothing he could do about Qin Haisheng.

Because he realized … if they really fought, he might not be able to beat this kid.

Therefore, as the temporary captain, he had no face at all!

When Pixie saw that Qin Haisheng was going to go with Mystique, it was very disappointed. It could not help but look at Qin Haisheng pitifully, hoping that he would change his mind.

But … even she did not know whether she was reluctant to part with Qin Haisheng as a person or the Mutant Gene Suppressor Potion in Qin Haisheng's hands!

After Wolverine and the others left, Qin Haisheng followed behind Mystique and got out of the car.

Previously, when he was face to face with Mystique, he did not feel much.

But this time, as he followed behind this she-devil, he could clearly see the perfect curves of her waist. He could not help but panic!

Damn it … It can't be!

She's an old grandma, I can't be tempted by her!

Absolutely not …

Thinking of this, he quickly took a few steps forward and walked side by side with Mystique. Then, he asked,

"Senior Raven … Senior, can you change yourself into any form you wish?

Or … can you change into something other than your body? "

Mystique glanced at him and asked with an unfriendly expression, "What are you trying to say?"

Qin Haisheng looked at her body and then tried to persuade her.

"Since you can change into different clothes when you change into someone else's body!

Then … when you change back to your original appearance, why don't you change into a different set of clothes?

If you meet me like this … I'll be too embarrassed to look at you! "