
Age of Ultron (8)

Hyperion flew towards the bottom of the city and saw Tony cut a hole. He flew towards it and saw Tony inside.

FRIDAY: "Boss, power levels are way below opt.."

Tony: "Re-route everything. We got one shot at this."

Hyperion: "Tony, let me do it. You are about to lose power. I don't want you to risk it."

Tony: "It's also my job too old man. I'm not-"

Hyperion: "Hey, I promised you father that I will look after you and that means I'm not gonna put your life in danger. So let me handle this final task."

Tony: "Are you sure?"

Hyperion: "We still have time. Go and help the others."

Tony nodded and got out of the hole and flew back towards the city. Hyperion turned towards the core but heard something. Gunfire. In burst of speed, he flew back towards the city creating multiple sonic booms. Back in the city, Clint just rescued a boy but saw the gunfire heading towards him. Pietro also saw this as he ran towards Clint and the boy.

Clint waited for the pain to sink in but nothing happened. He turned around to see Pietro beside him confused on what just happened as they are now behind a car.

Pietro: "Okay, I'm so confused."

They got out of cover to see Hyperion looking at the stolen Quinjet and saw Ultron inside. He then turned back towards the two and gave them a smile.

Pietro: "Uh, yeah. Thanks for that."

Hyperion: "No problem."

He then jumped up and flew towards the Quinjet but saw the Hulk already landed on the open doors. Hulk threw Ultron out of the Quinjet as he landed on a bus.

Hyperion: "Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church."

Clint and Pietro went towards one of the life boats as Clint gave the boy back to his mother. Clint then touched his wound on the side as it started to bleed.

Pietro: "You alright?"

Clint: "Yeah, yeah. This is nothing. I just need to lie down for a bit."

Pietro: "Rest well old man."

Pietro was about to run back to the city but the life boat started to fly away.

Pietro: "Wait! My sister is still back there!"

Hyperion: "Don't worry, Vision's got her."

He saw Vision floating down with Wanda being carried. Once he put her down, Pietro immediately hugged her sister as she did the same.

Hyperion: "You didn't see that coming huh?"

Wanda: "I thought I lost you."

Pietro: "Me too. What happened to Ultron ?"

Wanda: "He's gone, I killed him."

Hyperion: "Is everyone clear ?"

Steve: "Yeah. We're safe."

Tony: "Do it, old man."

Thor flew back to the church as he saw a broken Ultron bot reaching for the core.

Thor: "No!"

The Ultron bot activated the core as the city started to fall. Hyperion quickly flew down under the falling city as his started to glow red. He fired his Atomic Vision on the core as Thor landed on the church lightning covering the place as he readied Mjolnir.

Hyperion: "Thor, on my mark!"

Hyperion keeps on blasting the core with his Atomic Vision heating it up even more.

Hyperion: "Now!"

Thor hit the core with everything his got destroying the core and the city into pieces. Hyperion flew out and destroyed some of the larger chunks of the city with his punches and Atomic Vision to lessen the damage.

Hyperion: "Thor, you there?"

Thor: "I am Uncle. No need to worry."

Hyperion: "Good. Well done team. The world is safe once again."

A broken Ultron bot walked around the forest until Vision found it with Hyperion as they floated down and landed in front of it.

Vision: "You're afraid."

Ultron: "Of you?"

Vision: "Of death. You're the last one."

Ultron: "You were supposed to be the last one. Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave."

Vision: "I suppose we're both disappointments."

Ultron: "I suppose we are."

Vision: "Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that."

Ultron: "They're doomed."

Vision: "Yes. But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them."

Ultron: "You're unbearably naive."

Vision: "Well, I was born yesterday."

Ultron was about to attack but he got sliced in two by Hyperion's Atomic Vision.

Hyperion: "He is so annoying."

Vision: "Yes, he is."

Hyperion: "So what are you gonna do now? With that thing on your head, you can't be left without supervision."

Vision: "I don't know. Perhaps, explore the world. Learn."

Hyperion: "Or you could join us. The Avengers' might need your assistance."

Vision: "I think that is a good idea."

Time Skip

[New Avengers Facility, Upstate New York]

It's been a few days since the events with Ultron, Clint went back to his family as his newborn son was born. Natasha was on a call and just saw her new godson who is named Nathaniel.

Laura: "Say hi to Auntie Nat."

Natasha: "Fat."

Fury: "One of our tech boys flagged this, splashed down in the Banda Sea. Could be the Quinjet. But with Stark's stealth tech, we still can't track the damn thing."

Natasha: "Right."

Fury: "Probably jumped and swam to Fiji. He'll send a post card."

Natasha: ""Wish you were here." You sent me to recruit him, way back when. Did you know then what was going to happen?"

Fury: "You never know. You hope for the best and make do with what you get. I got a great team."

Natasha: "Nothing lasts forever."

Fury: "Trouble, Miss Romanoff. No matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around."

We see Tony, Steve, Thor and Hyperion walking in the hallway of the Facility.

Steve: "The rules have just changed."

Tony: "We're dealing with something new."

Hyperion: "Vision's artificial intelligence."

Tony: "A machine."

Steve: "So it doesn't count."

Tony: "No, it's not like the person is lifting the hammer."

Steve: "Right, different rules for us."

Hyperion: "Nice guy, but artificial."

Steve: "Thank you."

Thor: "If he can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. It's safe with the Vision and these days, safety is in short supply."

Hyperion: "And I'll keep watch. The infinity stone is dangerous and should not be in the wrong hands."

They all stopped and stood there in silence until Steve broke the silence.

Steve: "If you put the hammer on an elevator."

Hyperion: "It would still go up Steve."

Steve: "Elevator's not worthy."

Thor: "I'm gonna miss this little talks of ours."

Tony: "Well, not if you don't leave."

Thor: "I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. That's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. But once all these pieces are in position..."

Hyperion: "Boom. End of all life."

Steve: "You think you can find out what's coming?"

Thor: "Yes. Besides this one, (pating Tony) there's nothing that can't be explained."

He nodded towards his friends and raised his hammer as the Bifrost shot down and teleported him back to Asgard leaving a sigil burned on the ground.

Tony: "That man has no regard for lawn maintenance. I'm gonna miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears."

Hyperion: "I'll visit you when I have the chance."

Steve: "I will miss you Tony."

Tony: "And you are welcome, everytime old man. Well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book and build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows it up."

Steve: "The simple life."

Tony: "You'll get there one day."

Steve: "I don't know, family, stability. The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago. I think someone else came out."

Tony: "You alright?"

Steve: "I'm home."

Tony gave the two one last hug as he drove off. Steve turned to Hyperion as the Eternal watch Tony's car shrink in the distance.

Steve: "What about you Mark? Got any plans?"

Hyperion: "For now? No. Maybe stay here for a while. Help the new team."

Jasmine: "Hey guys. The team's ready."

Steve: "Shall we?"

Hyperion: "Yup."

Steve walked on ahead as Hyperion approached Jasmine.

Hyperion: "I see you are fitting well quite nicely.

Jasmine: "This is new for me. My first on the field experience is battling a horde of killer robots."

Hyperion: "You'll get used to it. Now come on, let's catch up with the others."

They walked back inside the facility and joined Steve and Nat with the new team that consists of the Twins, War Machine, Falcon, Vision and of course Jasmine.

Steve: "Avengers....."

Hyperion: "Assemble."


Inside a lab on the outskirts of New York, we see two men, drug addicts looking for things they could sell or drugs they could take. They were out of cash to buy some drugs and were also on the run from drug dealers. They were destroying everything trying to find something worth from all the junk they saw.

Dave: "Come on! There must be something around here!"

One of the addicts, a blond scrawny man was looking around until he accidentally pressed a hidden key as a hidden passage appeared. (Played by Alexander Skarsgård)

Dave: "Nice going Robert. There must be down there worth taking. Come on!"

The two went down the flight of stairs until they arrived in a room full of chemicals. Dave found a safe as he tried to open it while Robert looked around. He then stumbled on a test tube that houses a golden liquid on it. He stared at it like it was calling him but his he was broken out by his friend who finally got what they came here for.

Dave: "Stop daydreaming and let's go before the guards notice us."

Robert gave him a nod as Dave went on ahead. Robert was about to follow but he turned back to the serum, grabbed it and gulped it thinking it was a drug. He then ran back to catch up with Dave not knowing what he drank but was satisfied.

The empty test tube is left on top of a table with a file right beside it. It had a "Top Secret" word in front with a title that says....

"The Golden Sentry Serum"



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