What if Peter Parker was infected with a symbiote the same day he was bitten by the spider? What if, tired of the bullies, Peter embraced his darker side and became Venom and not Spider-man
As he approached he could feel a synthezoid blocking his path and he slowed, "Vision," he said as he floated across from him,
"I am sorry Peter but I have been asked by Mr Stark to stop you before you reach your destination. Your presence would disrupt proceedings."
Venom snorted, "You mean I'd see the authorities arrest my mom and dad and tear them a new one. Let me guess he sent you as you're technically not a person, and so don't break any laws in stopping me."
"You have assumed correctly. I am sorry. However Mr Stark has made it clear that these laws are a necessity, and after recent events, I agree. Augmented and Enhanced individuals are rampantly running out of control, and need to be properly monitored."
"A good argument, coming from one of those mistakes you all keep mentioning. You know these laws apply to you, and to Jo and Friday as well, right?" as Vision's face twitched, Venom snorted. "Tony got you a pass. You bring me in and he saves you from the lab. You hypocrites. Saving your own asses at the expense of everyone else. Move, I won't ask again."
"I am sorry Peter. My continued existence and that of my sisters is of top priority. I may sympathise with those affected but I cannot allow that to cloud my judgement. Please surrender."
Venom and Vision floated across from one another, "What about Friday? You know she's mixed up in this, you know Tony will hold this over her. Are you okay with that? He'll use her to get to me if he's given the chance."
"You are dangerous, and even if Mr Stark begrudgingly accepts your presence I know better. You may be partially to blame for this situation, you are responsible for the creation of Ultron. You have taken steps to make amends but are unwilling to allow the proper authorities to monitor your activities. You are dangerous Peter. And I will stop you."
Venom snorted, "Peter? We are Venom," figuring they were trying to get him to admit who he actually was under his armour.
With Hydra's little server wipe all the files on the Enhanced and the Augmented were gone. His identity was known to anyone who knew he was Venom, but there was no evidence other than hearsay. Nobody had ever actually seen him either put on or take off his suit and since he promised Fury he'd behave, he'd been using a different costume. They were pinning a lot of him admitting who he was.
Venom laughed, "So that is why Matt is so successful, you have nothing. You need me to break the law, even the first squad overstepped their programming, and now you're here," and he titled his head, "you're here because you don't exist, another Iron Drone Tony can claim Ultron overrode. Or Modok, pin everything on Hydra going rogue once more. It's pathetic. Now move."
Venom let out a slow breath, "I'm not arguing with you, If my mom is being arrested, then get out of my way. I won't ask a third time."
As Vision raised his arms, several Iron Legion drones lifted themselves off the rooftops surrounding him,
"I am sorry Peter. I am unable to follow that order."
"Fine." Venom closed his eyes,
I love you all, and I'm sorry. They went after my mom. The warehouse will be next. If they start to win, give up. I don't want anyone to get hurt.
We know dear, you do what you need to. We all love you too.
"Ultron! By attacking New York once more you force my hand," Venom shouted and Vision floated back, surprised,
"I do not-" but Venom interrupted him,
"I will not allow you to harm these people. Ultron!" he shouted once more, and he could feel the curious people below him starting to peer up at the gathering, and as expected, some took out their phones.
"My Ultronbuster armour will stop you, Ultron!" Venom shouted again, and the white spider on his chest faded, Venom whispered, so that only Vision could hear him. "You picked on the wrong person. You tell Tony he's next." and Venom sped towards him and struck out with a haymaker.
It was like hitting an iron post, and Venom spun and flew backwards,
"I have upgraded my body. Tony acquired quantum mass manipulation technology, and it works surprisingly well with my body."
"Ultron! Working with Cross Industries and Hank Pym, You Villian!" he shouted, the fight would be harder, but there was one thing Vision forgot,
Flying forwards Vision swung at Venom, who ducked under the blow and slid around him, grabbing him and pinning his arms up in a full nelson, "I'm sorry Vision, but you went after my mom."
As Venom's powers connected, Vision found himself unable to move, and he could see the faint yellow glow at the edges of his sight, "YES! I AM ULTRON! AND I COME TO DESTROY YOU!" he shouted, and he felt Venom's influence creep across his circuits. "No please, not that, not him," Vision begged, knowing that Ultron's legacy would be his undoing. A synthezoid was suspicious enough, but one proclaiming to be Ultron would never be allowed to live.
"You pushed me. You forced this," and the Stone glowed once more,
"I AM ULTRON, CREATION OF TONY STARK AND WE WILL MAKE NEW YORK OURS!" Vision yelled and he felt Venom's control over him fade,
"Get out of my way Vision, I don't want to hurt you, Friday would never forgive me." Venom pushed Vision away, and as he flailed in the air he righted himself and spun around with an angry look on his face.
"Friday!" Vision yelled, "What have you done, I can never leave the tower, You've ruined everything!" he shouted and with surprising speed, flew at Venom.
Venom brought up an arm to block the punch Vision threw but his arm phased right threw him and then connected against the thick rounded helmet of his new disguise. Each time Venom brought up a limb to block Vision phased through it and thudded an unusually heavy fist against him. It was painful, and Venom could feel not just bruised from the punches forming but a strange tingling where Vision was phasing through him,
"We are criminals now. We worked so hard to be free of him," Vision yelled as he punched Venom, again and again,
think Pete think, molecular density, he's phasing through my cells,
He grinned and as Vision brought around another punch a tentacle shot down the length of Venom's arm and Vision stared at the sparking damage on his arm as the lighter molecular limb was sheared trying to pass through the thick energy-dense vibranium in Peters harness.
"Yeah, I thought so. Your body can't phase through anything vibranium, they stabilise each other, so, let's try that again."
The four arms slipped down his own, creating a setup similar to Whiplash. Two arm length tendrils snaked out from the vibranium arms that now sat outside Venom's own.
"No second chances," and Venom struck out at Vision. The tendril whipped against his body and Vision was blown backwards. His powers were no use now and Venom was relentless.
Even without the ability to phase Vision still could alter his density to a ludicrous degree. Venom even wondered how he was managing to stay flying as each blow felt like it had tons of weight behind it. His fighting style was sloppy though, wild swings and simple kicks the Venom had no problem blocking, but that itself was a problem.
Even with armour and enhanced bones being hit with that much weight didn't need finesse, and as the fight continues Venom wondered if eventually, he would simply be too tired to continue,
that's his plan, he tutted at himself, to tire me out and I dunno sit on me until someone comes to collect me.
Brawns vs skill, and even without skill Vision was using his powers effectively.
He would lower his density, allowing his blows to speed through the air and then drop it at the last moment, hitting Venom with the equivalent of a truck on each blow.
Can't carry on like this, Venom thought to himself, Sorry Friday, but I can't hold back.
Venom didn't want to fight Vision, he wanted him to move but that was apparently not an option. At least Tony should be able to fix him, and as the arcstar realtor on his back whined it fed power straight into the harness, and its limbs stretched down each side of Peter's arms.
Small blue circles lit up on each of the limbs, a copy of the technique he had shown Whiplash, and as the vibranium plating began to spark and emit a low hum, he unattached them and struck.
Vision wasn't expecting Peter to retaliate with such ferocity. They had expected him to surrender rather than risk his parents, but they had been wrong. As he lowered his density the vibranium edged blades on the tentacles still hurt as they impacted.
The energy from the generator installed in his chest was leached away with each blow, damaging the area as the stress of two different molecular densities fought one another. I can't. I am Sorry Mr Stark but I can't. Vision transmitted, he was flagging and knew that seriously hurting Peter would isolate Friday from them all further.
In the air, where neither had practice fighting it was now just a brawl. Venom was using two arms to slice at any limb Vision struck out at him, while the other two crossed his own chest, protecting it. As Vision struck out once more Venom wrapped a tendril around his arm, and yanked, Vision yelled and the limb came away from its socket and hung uselessly by his side
"Stop, I know how to fight you, your tricks are only hurting you," Venom said, as he held the arm, Vision knew he could continue, he knew he had to.
"Mr Stark wants me to delay you, so I must." As he grabbed the tendril with his other arm Venom shook his head and stuck him once more, letting the bladed pincer stab and then twist into his other arm,
"Then no second chances." Venom held both of Vision's arms and pulled them apart, holding him up in a T pose. The two extra arms uncurled and thudded against Vision's chest, battering him mercilessly. Vision's head dropped and wondering if Tony had installed any other traps or tricks decided to make sure Vision was out for the count. The two arms stuck out, piercing Vision's thighs and wrapping around them, squeezing as the vibranium absorbed the quantum energy and crushing them with the added power.
Venom huffed as Vision's final limb was shattered, and wrapping the two tentacles around his body he pulled him close, "I won't kill you. You and that bastard deserve it, but I won't. Friday would hate me, and this, You of all people should know what it's like to be feared, to be treated with suspicion, so why? Why follow through with this?" As Vision stayed silent, Venom sighed and shook his head, "I didn't want this Vision, its wrong, and you know it." Venom sighed once more, "but you made your choice."
Venom laid a hand on Vision's chest, seeking out the upgrade Tony had given him and disconnecting it from his system. "You don't deserve this power," and Vision soundlessly shook and screamed as Peter dismantled the quantum generator.
It wasn't compatible with his own powers, and he really didn't want to try and start testing something like this in the middle of a fight. He crushed the connectors and left the power supply alone, undoing the cover Tony had installed in Vision's chest over where it and his arc reactor sat. Holding it in his hand he covered it in thick quick hardening webbing and let it drop to the rooftop, he would collect it later and let Liv play with it.
Lowering them to the top of one of the highrises Venom lay Vision down. "Call Tony and he can come for you, but you're not welcome at the warehouse, neither of you are."
"Yeah, that's not a big loss now. Is it?" Venom heard from behind him.