
Marvel : God level System

Watching his favourite Marvel movies, Yash always yearns to travel into the Marvel world to enjoy the thrilling experience and do whatever he wants. Well, God granted him his Wish and Yash travelled to the Marvel world of movies. Awakening in the Marvel world after his sleep Our MC got his Cheat- God Level System Body don't have talent for magic Congratulations to the Host for getting God Level magic Talent Magic spells are Hard to understand Congratulations to the host for getting God Level Comprehension... Hulk is strongest Congratulations to the Host for getting Cosmic Superman blood If you like reading this book, Then please support me. Thanks https://www.patreon.com/posts/1-marvel-world-86451557?utm_medium=sharesheet&utm_source=sharesheet&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link you can also visit my patreon page and support me.

ShivYansh · Filme
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1. Marvel World

MidTown Manhattan,New York, USA

A 17 year Indian boy is looking excitedly at the Stark Tower, while muttering to himself-"I really Travelled to the Marvel world."

A few minutes ago, Yash was resting in his house thinking about what to eat at night. But suddenly his eyes went dark and he fainted.

When he woke up he saw everything changed around him. He opened his eyes in a bustling city. He saw large buildings everywhere around him and Foreigners walking everywhere.

"Where Am I." Yash was confused looking around.

As he was looking around, he saw a building which made him both startled and excited.

"Stark Tower. F***, I really Travelled to the Marvel world, but how "

"Ding.. System found the Host.. The Traveller Yash"

"Host, Do you want to bind the system.."

"F***, System. I have a system. Is this real. I always read the Novels about traveling in Books and Traveller cheats in novels. I thought it was fake. But now not only have I travelled to the Marvel world, I also got my Cheat.. My System." Yash suddenly became extremely excited.

"Ding... Host, Do you want to bind the system...10...9....8...7..."

"Bind.." Yash immediately said after hearing the system reminder.

"Congratulations to Host to Bind the System...."

Hearing the system sound, Yash asked

"System, what are your functions."

"Host, The system is called God level system. The host will get chances to draw every Month, in which Host will get rewards- Cash, Power etc. The rewards given are all high quality and there is no Thanks to patronage to waste chances.""

"Hurray, System you are the Best. Now, Tell me , Is there any Newbie Gift Pack for me. You know that this world is very dangerous. I don't want to be killed here like a weak chicken."

"There is a newbie Gift pack for the Host. Do you want to open it."

"Yes, Open it" Yash said excitedly while praying to God in his Heart.

"Congratulations to the Host for getting a genuine Identity of the USA..., 1 billion dollars....., Perfect Super Soldier Serum...., Wolverine healing X gene...., God Level Hacking Skills."

*Hurray, These Items. I knew it. My Luck is against the sky Like the other travellers. Ha ha. My luck is against the sky. I have become the Son of Luck..." Yash muttered to himself and happily danced while walking.

"Host, It's this system whose rewards are all High level quality...""" System said

"Oh... i thought it was traveller luck which shined out of me and i got these rewards..." Yash said.

"Host, You have traveller luck, but it doesn't help you in getting better prizes. But one thing 100% true Host, You have become very Lucky..." System said.

"Ok..System. Show me my Status"

Host: Yash

Age: 17

Level:1 (Average Human)

Money: One Billion Dollars

Ability/Skills: God level Hacking

System Storage: Perfect Super Soldier Serum..., Wolverine healing X gene..

"System, Use Perfect Super soldier serum." Seeing his status Yash said to the system.

"Host, Using Perfect Super Soldier Serum and Wolverine healing X gene immobilizes your body for some time and your body will experience great changes.Host, I suggest using Serum and X gene at safe place." System said

"Ok" Yash said.

While walking Yash was thinking about how to solve the living problem.


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