
Marvel: From the Start, I Am Immortal

Fourteen-year-old Su Chen yearns for an ordinary life, but his extraordinary nature makes it impossible. Born with an immortal body and genes that constantly mutate and evolve in response to any external stimuli, Su Chen is a being of immense potential. His cells are so active that even if reduced to a single cell, he can rapidly regenerate, making him virtually indestructible. Moreover, his genes develop countermeasures against any form of attack, ensuring he cannot be harmed the same way twice. To manage and understand his ever-expanding array of abilities, Su Chen devises a system to summarize his capabilities. He comes to realize that over time, he will become omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, an existence in this world referred to as 'OAA' ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom

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106 Chs

Chapter 96

Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom

**Yorkton City at Night.**

A towering skyscraper, hundreds of meters high, had become Su Chen's residence at this moment. According to Utopia, this was the palace of the supreme.


From Su Chen's hand emerged several ring-like objects, flying into the air.

"What is this..." White Queen Emma, standing in the spacious and elegant hall, was slightly surprised but caught the rings.

"These are sling rings, magical items. Sorcerers from Kamar-Taj use them to open space portals, allowing seamless travel across the world."

Emma's expression changed. Space abilities, even among mutants, were exceedingly rare and varied greatly in quality. Sling rings provided capabilities unmatched by most mutant powers.

"Let the sanctum guards remain. Don't bother with them," Su Chen instructed. "Also, select some young, intelligent mutants to send there. They will become new apprentices at Kamar-Taj, learning its magical knowledge."

This was one of the conditions for sparing the sanctums. The three sanctums, which maintained the Earth's magical defenses, could not be destroyed, but a 'protection fee' was necessary. Mutant sorcerers were one of the choices.

Su Chen's ambitions were clear: to conquer the stars and the seas, and to expand his vision to the broader multiverse. For this, his forces needed to grow stronger.

"I need a much larger scientific team," he demanded.

"At least according to Mr. Fantastic Reed's plans, the Tesseract could serve as a massive wormhole device, enabling interstellar leaps and wormhole travel for large armies."

Su Chen had been studying Reed's research materials. With his brain now fully developed, he gained a new perspective on these concepts. If the Tesseract development succeeded, the first target would be Asgard.

Additionally, he was intrigued by the Sentinels. If he could reprogram their attack directives against other species, they would become a powerful colonial army under his command.

Su Chen was eager to venture beyond this world and see the outside universe.

"I'll arrange it," Emma, resembling a secretary and steward, responded. She managed Utopia's internal affairs as directed by the Supreme.

Meanwhile, Susan, nibbling on a cookie, asked, "Brother, can I learn magic?"

Every girl dreams of becoming a magical girl. Her eyes sparkled with hope as she looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled. If his sister wanted to learn magic, he would make it happen. "Of course."

With their telepathic link, Su Chen had no concerns about any dangers. "Tomorrow, I'll have a female sorcerer come and teach you the basics."

"Great!" Susan jumped up from the sofa with excitement. Despite living in a luxurious palace far beyond her previous life, Susan was getting a bit bored.

"Can I learn too?" Hit-Girl Mindy asked expectantly. As a firearms expert and assassin, she felt increasingly redundant in a world filled with mutants. She hoped to gain more power.

"Of course. You can join Susan and keep her company," Su Chen agreed. The two girls, close in age, had already gotten used to each other.

"And can I throw away my textbooks?" Susan asked, her face full of anticipation.

"No," Su Chen said sternly. He wanted his sister to grow up healthily and be successful. As her brother, he needed to discipline her strictly, ensuring she didn't develop bad habits during her rebellious phase.

"But then I won't have time to play if I have to study both magic and my textbooks!" Susan protested, feeling trapped by her own request.

"Learning more won't hurt you," Su Chen gently patted her head. Although he spoiled his sister, he insisted on her educational development.

White Queen Emma watched this scene with a slight smile on her delicate face. The warmth of this moment contrasted sharply with the image of the cold, merciless conqueror Su Chen showed to the world.

Despite his ruthless ambition, Su Chen displayed a tender, caring side to his family, akin to an ordinary big brother. Alone, he was resolute and aloof, exuding a heavy, almost abyssal presence. Emma felt a pang of sorrow, understanding that the external world's pain had deeply scarred Su Chen, driving him to this point.

**Elsewhere, the Same Night.**

**West Coast.**

In stark contrast to the warm familial atmosphere elsewhere, a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base buried underground was steeped in tension.

"Today, two of our bases were discovered and overrun by mutants," Director Hill reported. "If I'm right, more secrets will be exposed by captured agents, and we could lose three more bases tomorrow."

Maintaining secrecy was becoming increasingly difficult against mutants with mind-reading abilities.

"How's the Sentinel production?" Hill asked.

"Mass production has begun. Dr. Bolivar and Trask Industries assure us that they can eradicate 99% of the world's mutants."

"Good," Hill felt a bit more at ease.

Unbeknownst to them, their greatest ally was approaching from outer space. The savior Nick Fury had hoped for was arriving. Soon, a golden figure, shining like a celestial comet, would enter Earth's atmosphere.