
Marvel: Fateless

So basically MC, reincarnates into Marvel universe as Bruce Wayne. (ps. His name is Bruce wayne he has no relation with Batman), Twin brother of Steve Rogers. There are lots of scenarios where you will think that i am writing off topic so if you are not of that kind reader, try to understand. Notify me via comment section where I can improve the topic or you can even suggest me other topics or scenarios. English is my Fourth language, so please understand if I Miss out in a little bit of grammer. Wakanda forever, ♾️

Tasty_Treats_99 · Anime und Comics
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College @ 2

New york 1933

My name is Howard stark, I am 10 years old same age as the little piece of shit known as Bruce wayne.

I have a superior intellect when I was born, due to my age difference I was not able to play with children my age.

My father is a factory working who created clothes for army soldiers, and my mother is a fruit seller 😭.

I have to earn money to get rich and for that I have to study, as our family was very poor and barely surviving on monthly wages.

I showed my parents how smart I am and can be, so they started working extra hours to earn some, to buy me some books.

I studied hard approached my father's boss, whose son was starting a new tech company, I assured them that I am best best fit for this job and age is just a number that's how I got my internship.

As I worked up the ranks, my manager suggested me to apply for MIT Scholarship program.

And here after joining I met Bruce, at first I thought I got a new friend, my first friend whom I can communicate with easily.

But later as years passed we came to become rival in studies and we started new projects such as falcon wings, and heat propellers to create a suit unfortunately it's still a work in progress.

There was a day when Bruce confessed to me when I found out that his health was deteriorating every month.

According to him, he is a meta human a mutation has occured inside his DNA which brought forth side effects that is taking away his life.

There are more like him and in about a span of next 500 years to come whole of earth 🌎 will be awakened as meta humans.

I was very shocked to hear this news, human era evolving into something more.

So I started learning biotechnology with Bruce, although I am not as smart as he is in this field I tried my best to help in retesting all his theories.

Bruce has come up with a pretty nice tech that may help in giving him a healing ability but if not then he may also die.

He has consulted with his mother and uncle strange, who are also very knowledged in biology and cellular structures that make our work easy.

Uncle strange has invited a friend from Germany who has been researching on creating strong soldiers, dr. Erkshire and I become close friends and shared research....

As Howard was writing his diary, a hand was kept on his left shoulder shocking Howard.

Howard looks towards his back, " Bruce don't you have basic manners " said Howard as he stands up.

"You should learn to knock" says howard as he slightly closes the book making it unnoticeable for Bruce.

But Bruce sees this and quickly takes the books "what's this" from Howard's hand as he back away.

"Don't open it" says howard as a little flustered, Bruce understands and closed it and give it to howard.

"Come on the experiments about to start" says Bruce as he walks out of the room.

"I am writing a biography as I am going to be famous in future and I don't want you to read it until I finish it" says howard as he sees a nod from Bruce.

He sights and walks with Bruce as they both walk inside a room full of tech equipment.

At the center of the room there stood a bionic skeleton same height of Bruce(basically suit used by Tony in cave without its defence iron) and in front of it is a chair with straps on handrest.

As Bruce remembers the movies from past life there was a movie of Wolverine where the villian yashida used a samurai suit to steal Wolverine's powers.

Bruce has planned to use the same method but Logan will not lose his powers.

But the issue was how to make Logan retain his powers, replicating same power will be impossible due to backward technology, creating new ones will bring forth different variables.

That's where dr. Erkshire steps in, if he can isolate some of blood cells as they can be replenished and highly compress it and create a serum.

When Logan loses his powers he will be a regular human, the serum will be poison from regular human, but there will be some traces of x-gene left into Logan's blood, which will help in restarting his powers, it might even enhance them.

Bruce sees his mom side by side of Logan going over some equations and teaching him some high level maths.

Logan for the past 4 years has been studying very hard, he may not be smart but now he understands the stuff we are talking about.

What Bruce is mostly shocked about is that his mother approved of him having to going through this brutal experiment.

This makes him rethink how dangerous marvel universe is, Bruce know that it is hurting his mother on an emotional level knowing that his son may suffer or die from this experiment, she may even lose her husband.

She has a very strong heart, for her son she is even willing to become a villian if it came so.

Sarah knows how messed up is meta human world so she teaches Bruce to be vigilant and and evil when it comes to it as his world will be different than Steve who is just a normal human.

So Steve is growing up to be responsible and brave hearted, an honest and worthy man any family would wish for.

Howard is staying with Bruce and his family as he was his only friend he convinced his family to stay this summer with Bruce as this is last time they will meet and later will be cities apart.

Argus walks inside with some experimental subjects inside a cage, there is a lizard.

When last year Victoria auntie visited, she brought a pet for Bruce a small lizard she found in Amazon's.

At first Bruce was in doubt as in movies Logan had a brother named victor, but in this reality he has a big sister Victoria who he looks upto.

Later as she was accepted into family he decided that either way there won't be any cannon as Bruce will be using many future knowledge and it may change future so instead of worrying he starts making a plan.

The lizard that was brought by Argus, it was implemented with my x gene and it gained intelligence of a adult which shows the experiment as a success.

"Look Bruce the research works your lizard Godzilla has gained intelligence now it can understand basic human actions and works." Says Argus a he walks inside with a smile.

Bruce sees inside the mind of lizard with his powers, "yes uncle the lizard indeed has gained powers but it has a strong emotional issues as is planning to create a lizard society and wage war on humans to breed them as food", says Bruce as he looks at Godzilla with marvel in his eyes.

"So we still need to develop the serum which is uncles and erkshire's field of expertise" says howard as he picks up a scalpel🔪 and hands it to Bruce .

Bruce looks at scalpel in his hands and looks towards Howard and Argus, "I am not killing Godzilla, instead I'll scramble it's memories and make it live the rest of its life normally".

"This will help me in growing my legilimency and occlumency" as Bruce was referencing Harry Potter, howard and Argus were confused.

5 days later

Bruce walks towards the hall of their house as everyone is seating talking with each other howard teasing Steve with toys.

In Bruce's hand is a file, he walks up and says,

Good morning everyone, says Bruce as he takes a seat 🪑 in front of everyone after giving the file towards his mother.

"For the past 4 years along with my studies I have also studied a little bit of economics and political science.

Current year is 1933, so according to my research about various countries. prices for sugar, clothes, and various necessities like soap.

Prices are soaring to all time high, many countries are investing in offshore industrial companies and trying to buy them or bond them by a contract."

Bruce was going to tell the rest but as Sarah sees this a tear can be seen in her eyes as she knows what pain war brings to a family "There will be world war 2 in next 5-6 years" says Sarah.

Argus, Logan, Victoria circle sarah and looks towards the evidence as various countries are secretly preparing for war.

Howard shocked by this news walks towards Bruce and asks, "so which countries are our allies".

Howard knows this was going to happen as he was the one who researched world trends and came up with arms dealing and weapon creation as his entrepreneur project to earn easy money.

"Well our allies according to strategic maps and previous connections are the Great Britain and France". Says Bruce as he looks towards Howard.

"And the axis" Howard asks,

"Italy, Germany and Japan" says Bruce as everyone is looking towards Bruce not knowing what to show.

Bruce pulls out another file from his bag and hands out to howard the name on the file was the justice society.

"I want to create a strategic homeland enforcement intervention, enforcement and logistics department an espionage and security organization that defends Earth and its people from groups that pose advanced technological and sometimes supernatural or extraterrestrial threats." Says Bruce.

"Why just not name it SHIELD" says howard

"We are naming it shield but we are also ruling over it in the shadows that's why we are the justice society" says Bruce.

"Why not create shield under ussr and get funding from them we will have lots of resources and political support" says Victoria in amusement.

"We will actually do that, but we will have autonomous control, the world will think that shield is a secret spy agency created by ussr and follows no country" says Bruce.

Bruce looks towards everyone and says, "you all know that power corrupts people if left in hand of wrong people they will misuse it".

"And how will you handle all of that" says Sarah thinking 🤔 what is cooking up in her sons mind.

Bruce says "Actually we will not be doing anything our role in all of this is as a supervisor and financer".

Bruce looks towards confused faces and says " Shield, It will typically operate under United Nations' authority and its command structure starts with an executive council of 12 people that represent national and corporate sponsors of the agency. They communicate solely with a director that they choose."

Now there is an understanding on everyone's face Bruce continues "This appointed director leads all international operations and represents the agency to governments, other agencies, and the public. S.H.I.E.L.D. will be comprised of thousands of operatives, some former CIA, Mossad, Hatut Zeraze, and MI6 agents while others come from a super human background. These operatives carry out clandestine missions to protect humans, eradicate evil, and, sometimes, root out corruption."

"What is my role in this agency" says howard as he wants to know what Bruce expects from him.

"Stark, with the support of his company Stark Industries, you will often provide advanced weaponry and combat equipment to the agency" says Bruce as he sees Howard's eyes shining like Dumbledore.

As they were all planning in the night all the plans for creating shield, somewhere far away from new york.

Berlin city, Germany,

Inside a military base, a short fat man was walking beside a tall man who had a file in his hands as he said "so you are not able to create a sufficient energy source to power weapons, tell me arnim Zola, why should I keep you alive?".

"Sir Schmidt we do not have technology to create an energy source but we do have a way to harness and create a container for and existing energy" says Zola as he hands out and ancient map.

"You are running after myths now Zola, tell me does this tesseract even exist" says Schmidt as he looks at map.

"According to legend Odin had a war with Frost giants on earth this brought vast destruction as a compensation Odin gifted earth with a device known as tesseract which contains unlimited energy." Says Zola as there is sweat on his face.

Schmidt looks towards Zola and says, "This is your last chance Zola, prove yourself towards your faith in hydra".

"Hail hydra" yells Zola and walks out of the office.

Zola knows that his research has came to a bottleneck so he used an old map in his family vault to send Schmidt on a goose chase to buy himself some time.

But little did Zola knows that this small decision he makes will create a chaos in this world.

Katmandu, Nepal

An old lady in an monk suit was giving a lecture on mindset and basics of knowledge.

"Why tiny changes make a big difference ?

Why does small achievements accumulate into such remarkable results ?

How do we replicate this approach in your own life ?

Why small habits make a big difference ?

Too often we believe to gain massive success we need massive actions and to get this earth shattering improvement we put pressure on ourselves that everyone will talk about.

Meanwhile, improving particularly 1 percent may not show big improvements, it will create a strong foundation for future perspectives especially in the long run.

If you can get 1 percent better performance each day for 1 year, you will become 37 times better in what you do, conversely you will get worse each day for 1 year which will make it down to zero.

What starts a small win or a minor setback accumulates into something much more.

Habits are the compound interest of the self improvement. The way money multiplies with compound interest the same way habits multiply as you use them.

It is only when looking by 2, 5, 10, years ago the value for good or bad habits become strikingly apparent.

This Can be difficult concept to appreciate in daily life.

If you save a little money now you're not a millionaire.

If you go to the gym 3 days in a row you're still out of shape.

If you study Sanskrit for an hour tonight you stilll haven't learned the language.

Make a few changes and the result may not come quickly and so we fly back into our previous routines.

Unfortunately the slow pace of transformation also makes it easy to make the bad habits slide.

If you eat an unhealthy food today the scale doesn't move much.

If you work late and ignore your family they will forgive you.

If you procrastinate and put your project out for tomorrow ther will usually be time to finish it later.

Single decision is easy to dismiss, but when we repeat 1 percenters day after day by replicating poor decisions, duplicating small decisions and rationalising poor excuses are small choices that compound into toxic results.

It's the accumulation of here and there, the 1 percent change eventually acounts to a problem.

It's up to you to decide wheather the route you are walking is good or bad.

Same is considered as magic, no magic is good or bad. When you all..." As Ancient one was telling this she felt a huge surge of energy from inside the karma taj.

"Excuse me" says ancient one as she flicks her finger a circular portal is opened.

"Master daniel, teach those children about charms needed in daily life" as daniel nods and walks in karma taj and ancient one to the new york sanctum, the portal closes.

Inside a room full of various artifacts where you can see a cloak levitating on its own, a golden wand, a artifact in gold was covered in the shape of an eye, the eye ball in between was shining brightly with green light.

Ancient one wears the eye of agamotto and is shocked by seeing the future see smiles and says "Interesting".