
Marvel: Fateless

So basically MC, reincarnates into Marvel universe as Bruce Wayne. (ps. His name is Bruce wayne he has no relation with Batman), Twin brother of Steve Rogers. There are lots of scenarios where you will think that i am writing off topic so if you are not of that kind reader, try to understand. Notify me via comment section where I can improve the topic or you can even suggest me other topics or scenarios. English is my Fourth language, so please understand if I Miss out in a little bit of grammer. Wakanda forever, ♾️

Tasty_Treats_99 · Anime und Comics
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college @ 1

Dear Bruce,

Today, as a proud father, I will address my extraordinary son as you will embark on the journey of higher education. As you venture into the world of college, where knowledge intertwines with experience, I find myself compelled to offer some heartfelt advice.

To my brilliant son, you possess a mind that surpasses the ordinary, a genius that has the potential to shape the future. As you step into the halls of academia, my first piece of advice is to embrace the balance between your academic pursuits and the richness of social interactions. Education extends beyond textbooks; it flourishes in the exchange of ideas and the diversity of perspectives.

While the pursuit of knowledge is paramount, do not neglect the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Nourish your body and mind, for a sound physical and mental state will enhance your ability to grasp the complexities of your chosen field. Remember, genius flourishes when nurtured in a resilient and vibrant vessel.

In the face of challenges, view them not as obstacles, but as stepping stones towards growth. Challenges are the crucibles in which your genius will be refined. Embrace them with courage, for they will be the milestones that mark your journey towards excellence.

Time management will be your ally in this pursuit. With the wealth of opportunities that college presents, learning to allocate time wisely is crucial. Cherish each moment, for time, once spent, cannot be reclaimed. Let your days be a mosaic of learning, friendship, and self-discovery.

Lastly, my son, never lose sight of the joy in learning. In the pursuit of genius, find delight in the process. Let curiosity be your guiding light, and let passion be the fuel that propels you forward.

As you enter this new chapter, my advice is not a roadmap, but rather a compass. May it guide you through the uncharted territories of knowledge and wisdom, and may your journey be as remarkable as the genius that resides within you.

Congratulations, my brilliant son, on this momentous occasion. May your college years be a canvas upon which you paint a masterpiece of intellect, resilience, and fulfillment.

With regards

James howlett

As Bruce was reading the letter while sitting in the train with uncle Argus he cannot felt but to tear up.

Ever since his birth Bruce has a great chemistry with his dad, just like Steve has for his mother.

Sarah teaches her sons invaluable life lessons, including the importance of empathy, respect for others, responsibility, kindness, and the ability to express and manage emotions. Encouraging independence, resilience, and a strong work ethic can also contribute to his personal development.

While Logan teaches his sons essential values such as integrity, discipline, perseverance, and the significance of accountability. Providing guidance on practical life skills, fostering a strong work ethic, and promoting a sense of responsibility are key lessons. Additionally, a father can impart the importance of respect, courage, and the ability to navigate challenges with resilience.

As the train doors hissed open, Uncle Argus and his eager Bruce stepped onto the bustling platform. The air was charged with the excitement of new beginnings as they navigated through the sea of travelers.

With the weight of a duffel bag on his shoulder, Bruce eyes widened at the sight of the college campus map in his uncle's hand.

The bustling train station gradually gave way to a quiet anticipation as they approached the awaiting taxi.

Argus, with a reassuring smile, patted Bruce on the back, silently acknowledging the significance of this journey.

As they settled into the taxi, the cityscape transformed, marking the transition from familiar surroundings to the unknown.

The car hummed with a mix of excitement and a touch of nervous energy.

Through the window, glimpses of the college towers emerged, standing tall against the backdrop of the setting sun.

Arriving at the dormitory, Argus helped Bruce unload his belongings, each bag carrying not just clothes and books, but the dreams and aspirations of a young mind.

They ascended the staircase together, the echoes of laughter and chatter from other students providing a soundtrack to this momentous occasion.

Upon reaching Bruce's room, Argus surveyed the space that would become his Bruce's home for the next chapter of life.

With a reassuring handshake, he shared some final words of encouragement, imparting wisdom gained through his own experiences.

Bruce, a mix of excitement and nerves, embraced his uncle, grateful for the support on this pivotal day.

As Uncle Argus bid farewell, the dorm room door closed, marking the beginning of a new adventure.

The sounds of unpacking, laughter, and the hum of college life filled the air, echoing the promise of growth and discovery in the days to come.

Uncle Argus, watching the door for a moment longer, knew he had played a part in a significant chapter of Bruce's life, setting him on a path of independence and self-discovery.

As Bruce was starting to get familiar with the place door was opened and inside came a kid about same as his height he said, " Umm, kid playground's that way".

Bruce knew by this statement who the person was "Let me guess your name is Howard" says Bruce as he looks towards him.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock you have read it off my box." Says Howard in smirking pattern.

Bruce has already guessed using his intellect that he might be meeting Howard in the nearby future but he didn't know that he was going to be his roommate.

"Hi there, I am Bruce, Bruce wayne, nice to meet you, how was your trip here?." Bruce says as he walks towards Howard for a handshake.

"Not too bad, thanks for asking, how was yours?" Asks Howard as he shakes hands

Bruce says, "Oh, it was alright, a bit tiring with all the moving boxes, but nothing I couldn't handle. So, what do you do, Howard?"

Howard, "I am studying electrical engineering and physics, currently I work remotely for a startup, it's pretty flexible which is nice."

Bruce is shocked at hearing that Howard already started working at this early age.

Bruce says,"what a small world I chose the same fields electrical engineering and physics during his time in college. These fields of study will lay the foundation for my later work as an inventor, engineer, and industrialist, particularly in the development of advanced technology and weaponry. "

"So you are smart" says howard with a little glitter in his eyes.

Bruce sees Howard as he seems like a puppy who has got a new toy to play with.

Suddenly Howard asks a question,"Can you explain the concept of quantum entanglement?"

Bruce knows where this will end he smiles and says"Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the quantum states of two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when separated by large distances."

Howards interrupts Bruce and says "This phenomenon is often described as "spooky action at a distance" and has implications for quantum communication and computing."

They both were silent as they looked towards each other.

There were tear drops around Howard's and Bruce's eyes as both were frustrated from higher intellect they didn't have someone they could talk with normally.

Howard and Bruce never had friends because of having a High IQ every other person is dumb in front of them.

Howard dropped on his knees as he said with stuttering "Will you, will you" Bruce interrupts him and tells him "I appreciate your choice but I like women" as he back away.

There is a vein bulging out from Howard's head as he is angry 😡 looking towards Bruce.

Bruce knows Howard's was going to ask him to be his friend, but he wanted to tease him a little bit, just some blackmailing stuff for the future.

Howard has seen his father proposed to his girlfriend for marriage, he thought same was for making friends with other people.

Howard was all the time time holed up into his house so he did not know how to react to such situations.

Howard grabbed nearby pillow as he was chasing Bruce across the room.

"Hey wait stop", says Bruce as he stops at a wall with Howard holding a pillow in his hand.

**Howard:** Hey, why did the math book look so sad?

**Bruce:** I don't know, why?

**Howard:** Because it had too many problems!

**Bruce:** Haha, good one! You know, you're pretty funny for a... wait, are you saying I'm bad at math?

**Howard:** Nah, I'm just saying you're so bad at math, you probably think a fraction is a new type of pizza!

**Bruce:** Oh yeah? Well, at least I'm not as bad as you at sports. You run like a penguin with a cramp!

**Howard:** Oh please, at least I don't trip over my own feet every time I try to kick a ball!

**Bruce:** Yeah, but at least I'm not... uh... um...

**Howard:** What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

**Bruce:** No, I was going to say "at least I'm not gay," but then I realized that's not an insult and it's totally okay if someone is.

**Howard:** Haha, nice save! And you're right, being gay isn't an insult. But trying to insult me with it is pretty lame!

**Bruce:** Yeah, you got me there. Let's stick to making fun of each other's terrible dance moves instead!

If you don't like my writing stye then please say so, I am trying out new things.b

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