
Marvel : Eclipse

[HYDRA Base] It should have been just another routine day for the guards at the base. Since the base was made in a location hidden from everyone including SHIELD. But instead of being calm, they were nervous and scared out of their. Gripping their guns tightly, they kept looking up, as if expecting something to fall from the sky. Than their fears became reality. *Boom* A radiant golden light plummeted from above, crashing into the heart of the base with great force. As the guards surrounded the area to aim their weapons at the epicenter, their eyes widened in disbelief. Standing amidst the dissipating glow was a boy with striking white hair. "It's the WHITE REAPER!" A guard's panicked cry shattered the uneasy calm, triggering chaos that would engulf them all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MC : Died as a mercenary in his previous life to get transmigrated as a 15 year old kid in a HYDRA base undergoing experiments (The same one as Wanda and Pietro) and he got some unique power including a Gacha like power. World : Marvel (MCU + X-men movies + marvel comics) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you want to read ahead or just want to support me. Here's my patreon link. patreon.com/user?u=80975639 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [A/N] → I'm using the 'English is not my first language' card here. So you can treasure hunt mistakes in the fanfic for timepass. → It is a harem novel, well what else can you expect from a marvel fic.The number is not fixed, later will do a poll in patreon. →MC doesn't have a system so there's no mission or anything. The fic is mainly organisation building type and mc's personal growth as character. →No rape, No NTR, No yaoi →Chapter length : 1200-1400 , there will be longer chapters sometime and there are extra chapter ehich can be either too short or long, I can't guarantee.

0_Eclipse_0 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Baron Wolfgang von Strucker

Baron watched the high-intensity fight on the monitor, replaying it in a continuous loop.

Subject Code 69 was incredible. With a single punch and a swift kick, he displayed immense strength, defying scientific expectations with his seemingly impossible power. Even when a bullet pierced the boy's body, he transformed as if into light, sustaining no damage. Baron Stella grew increasingly ecstatic and fanatical with each viewing.

"Perfect, simply perfect. Strength, speed—once we mass-produce HYDRA fighters like this, the era of our rule will arrive much faster than any of our previous estimations."

"Find him, hunt him down at all costs. I want his experimental data; I want to see his body lying on the test bench."

He grabbed his subordinate's collar with both hands, roaring with excitement, his eyes bloodshot.

"Yes, Sir!!" The subordinate was taken aback and responded loudly. He turned to leave immediately but was again stopped by Baron.

"For now, don't go after him directly. Just pinpoint his location and locate the other test subjects as well. Since they underwent the same experiments, they're bound to have valuable data in their bodies. Also, instruct the research team to enhance the power dampeners. You are to engage the subjects only after receiving the improved product. Is that understood?"

Baron instructed again seeming calming a little from his fanaticism. The man nodded and hurried out of the room. Baron slowly took out a bottle to pour himself a glass of wine and started walking toward the window, then sipping the wine he watched the gate of the castle open, convoys of soldiers leaving, and planes taking off. He murmured : " Hail HYDRA!!"

After speaking, he downed the wine in one gulp.

. . . . . . . . .

Yekaterinburg is the capital of Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, and serves as a significant hub for industry, transportation, trade, science, and culture. Despite its rapid industrial development, the city's population engaged in industrial activities is relatively low.

On a certain stretch of road, a car carrying timber entered the city. Noah took advantage of a moment when nobody was watching and flipped over, jumping out of the car. Unlike most people in Eastern European countries who knew Russian, the other children did not speak the language. This language barrier stopped him from bringing other children, which was why he had come to Yekaterinburg alone. At time like this Noah really feels grateful to his previous self for taking his time to learn so many languages.

In the heavy snow, Noah walked along Yekaterinburg's busy commercial street. His outfit—a large fur coat and a noticeable hat—caught some looks, but in a time of economic struggle, people had bigger worries like food and basics.

Despite standing out, Noah kept going. He found a small clothing shop among the bigger stores and quickly swapped his attention-grabbing clothes for something more ordinary. While paying, he casually asked about the current year, trying to understand the time he found himself in.


No wonder the purchasing power of rubles was decent during this period. Noah had brought almost three stacks of rubles with him, along with a stack of US dollars, fearing he might not have enough buying power.

Since the world was following the events from MCU loosely, except for the mutants presence. Normal occurrences, like Iron Man's emergence, should happen in about three years, with the New York invasion expected in seven years. Noah wasn't entirely certain how events would unfold this time, given variables like mutants and who knows what.

Nevertheless, seven years was ample time for him to grow his strength with the others.

In Russia around this time, the economy was in a stage of recovery, though the variety of goods was somewhat limited. Noah came across a car dealership but wasn't interested in off-road vehicles or trucks; he had his eye on RVs.

However, buying a vehicle presented a few challenges.

The main issue was Noah's age. The car dealership owner initially thought Noah was joking and almost dismissed him. Thankfully, Noah produced the money. As they say, money talks—Noah pulled out a stack of US dollars, and the owner's attitude changed completely.

Concerns about Noah's age and lack of a driver's license suddenly became trivial matters. The owner filled up the gas tank and even added extra oil barrels to the RV. Noah drove off with a wave from the now-friendly owner.

Before leaving the city, Noah meticulously checked his list and carefully purchased supplies from various shops to avoid arousing suspicion. Once he had everything he needed, he embarked on his journey back.


Checklist :

-Compass and maps

-First aid kits


-Fire starter for the kids

-Water purification system

-Cooking utensils and fresh ingredients



-Small size warm clothes for everyone

-Mattress and blankets

-Two TV





Noah couldn't help but feel surprised by the experience. It seemed that money held sway no matter where you were—even a fifteen-year-old could buy such substantial items and supplies when armed with cash.

After returning to the wooden house, Wanda and the group of children heard movement outside. They cautiously peered through the car window, and upon seeing Noah open the car door and step out, they joyfully swung open the door to the wooden house.

"We can go now," Noah announced.

Following Noah's instructions, the children assisted him in moving the metal boxes and supplies from the wooden house to the front yard alongside the supplies from the RV. Then, to the children's astonishment, Noah seemingly made everything vanish in an instant. Chuckling at their surprised expressions, Noah offered an explanation.

"It's one of my abilities—I can store things away in an different plane. Otherwise, there wouldn't be enough space in the RV. I know you're curious to learn more, but let's head to our new hideout first. I'll explain everything there."

The children nodded in agreement, eager to discover more about Noah's mysterious abilities and their new surroundings.

The converted caravan, originally a heavy truck, was imposingly large—weighing 15 tons, with dimensions of 11 meters in length, 2.5 meters in width, and 3.85 meters in height. It boasted two large beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, an 800-liter fresh water tank, a 600-liter waste water tank, and a 300-liter toilet tank. Noah didn't bother with the other technical details; to him, it was merely transportation and temporary lodging.

Once their home was built in the Ural Mountains, the RV would serve little purpose. Eventually, Noah planned to drive it away and possibly scrap it, uncertain whether HYDRA or the car dealership owner might track him down.

Looking ahead, he also intended to acquire a pickup truck for everyday needs. As dusk approached, all the children settled into the vehicle. Noah switched on the air conditioner and set off from the cabin.

Their next destination was a three-hour drive away. Despite the hazards of navigating a snowstorm at night, Noah felt confident with the map and directions purchased in the city.

Inside the RV, the children reveled in the warmth of the air conditioning and the novelty of their mobile home. Following Noah's lead, they began a small celebration, taking turns using the bathroom and changing into fresh clothes.

During the journey, Wanda, the oldest among the girls, took charge of the two youngest girls, helping them bathe and change into different cloths and drying their hairs, before settling into the co-pilot seat. At fifteen, Wanda exhibited neither the coldness nor the future resilience and beauty that would later define her as Scarlet Witch. The toll of inhuman experiments had left her face haggard.

Noticing Wanda's contemplative expression, Noah spoke without averting his gaze from the road, "What's on your mind, Wanda?"

"I... I feel... confused about the future," she admitted hesitantly.

"Noah, I..."

"Do you think things will ever get better?" Wanda asked uncertainly, burdened by her thoughts.

"Well, I can't promise that our life will be peaceful, but I will do my best to ensure we have a future that's better than what we left behind in that terrible place," Noah reassured her. "This time, we're not alone anymore."

"I know," Wanda sighed, her chin resting on her knees as she looked out into the enveloping darkness and white snow.

"Wanda, I know.... that the revenge against Tony stark is very important for both you and Pietro but hatred is just one part of life. Living consumed by it only brings more pain. I'm sure your parents wouldn't want that for you," Noah continued after hesitating for sometime.

"Maybe," Wanda mumbled but didn't seem much convinced by it, then she shifted her gaze to observe Noah's profile. "You're different... You seem... mature beyond your years, and you have knowledge about so many different things."

Noah smiled faintly not knowing what to say. "Well life has a way of teaching us lessons that force us to grow up quickly."

"But how did you come to know so much?" Wanda asked, genuinely intrigued.

Noah paused, reflecting for a moment then just decided to speak his mind. "I've had experiences that required me to learn and adapt. It's shaped how I see the world."

Wanda nodded, absorbing Noah's explanation. "It must have been challenging."

"It had its difficulties," Noah acknowledged softly. "But it's also given me the experience to endure it."

As they continued their journey through the night, Wanda realized that although Noah seemed to be speaking the truth, his words also seems to hint something more.

"No chapter for Demon slayer fic today"

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