
Smart Reader Happy Life

Kevin start his journey to mystical art and it all begin with a mystical journey with only his Astral body. There he watch the spectacle of different dimensions the horror and wonders of them. Kevin stops on each dimensions without anyone knowing other than himself. There he watch beings and things that reside that dimension.

Different from Strange, his journey didn't only span for a quick period of time but was kicked out of the chronological sequence of time. His senses dulled for a moment only to be awaken when he arrive in another dimension. This happen lots of times from infinite of dimensions that shatters across the multiverse.

Kevin didn't panic but he watch. He inspect all of them one by one. Trying to remember everything he saw and try to make sense of them.

"In time, some of these beings may came to my world or someone may got stuck there. Who knows," Kevin shrugged his shoulders when he finally arrive to a new dimension. This place is different than others. All thing feels like small, no, almost non-existing spectacle of matters. He arrive in the Quantum Realm where all things are out of bounds. There he saw worlds and universes emerge out from somewhere lying around like peddles. He watch as a never ending colors of matters wash over him and darkness of Eternal Void.

There he saw different timelines that may or may not happen to his world. Kevin view them as a torture as he tried to remember them all but in a snap of a finger they all change. Kevin tried to get anything that is very beneficial for others but it all was a lie in another mirror. His ideas, belief, and thoughts were played by this Realm that Kevin started to lose himself.

"Bring me back!! Bring me back!!!" Kevin shout in plead. He wanted back and rest. But it seems like they forgotten about him again.

In the empty room of Ancient One, there. Kevin's body was phasing out of existance. That everyone he ever came in contact with lose everything about him. Young Jean, started to forget about him even when Phoenix tried to retain it but the lack of contact also dilute his presence to her. Ancient One, has already forgotten him as soon as his Astral Body enters Quantum Realm.

"Aaahhh!! Help! Help!!" Kevin plead in anger. There his whole face was filled with horror. He didn't know what to believe anymore. Being sucked to a Time Vortex where he watch things played out differently but he can't do anything about them or even warn others.

Years passed inside the Quantum Realm and Kevin's Mortal body already fused with his Astral Body forcefully by his new found Quantum Connection. He stop caring again, his previous joy in life, conviction was shaken that he didn't know what to do anymore. He saw how things played out with or without his meddling but they all just came all to ruined.

"Let me die..." It was the previous Kevin pleaded for a quick release from his torment and now the newly Kevin that undergo a much harsher ridicule from time and history itself.

A hole suddenly opens and throw him out. Kevin grasping for air with his thin body that seems to give up anytime remaining lying on the cold ground under the moonlight.

"I'm alive... I'm alive," he said it slow and sad. He didn't know why he is still alive but the feeling of helplessness came to him again. There he watch the moon slowly disappearing to be replaced by a joyful hope of Dawn.

Kevin watch his body flickers in existance. The pain of being deconstruct and reconstruct in a matter of seconds numb his current dilemma of desperation. He remembers all of those things than can happen or may not.

"I need to get back to Ancient One," Kevin tried to stand but his body was holding him back. He tried numerous of times before giving up and remaining on the ground. There he slowly cried, a man who cried will show how much a burden he is carrying. How hard it is and how helpless he felt. "What should I do?" What should I do?" He ask himself.

If Deadpool, watch different chaotic timelines and send some too. Kevin watch them happen every people that was affected and even the smallest effect it did to others that become a very big problem. Remaining ignorant can be a bliss and this time it's the very wish Kevin ask for. He felt like a fool that someone will always keep on controlling how he acts for them to play and watch.

"What should I do? I don't know anymore..." Kevin curl in pain finally the numbness disappear and the pain of his body being rebuild and ruined came. He bear it with just his teeth grinding. The mental damage he got is more severe that the physical. "Jean... I have to get Jean," Kevin grasp a handful of dirt and tried to sit.

His crumpled toes and fingers. He force his body to sit upright with his face looking ahead even with the pain. If Kevin in the past is a person that you will forget then now, he is a person you won't be sure if he ever existed. Flicking in and out of existance, he forced his body to stand up. His body looks like a radio's graphic audio record that creates illusion of zigging lines.

"Did I exist?" Kevin ask himself trying to remember everything he saw. "No, I didn't see myself." Kevin corrected himself. "But why?" And another question pops out for him. There the answer laid open in front of him in a shape of a village.

"Where the fuck am I?" Kevin ask himself. The rows of houses build were rather crude and only made out of woods and clays for some.

"Ohhhh- shit!" Kevin grimace. His not on his own timeline anymore or rather he eas thrown to a different time. "I hope I can understand them..."

Kevin enter the village through the gate that was guarded by two men that wear medieval armor. Passing by them, the two didn't react and it makes him downcasted more than he already.

"In the past, I only trouble of other remembering me now, I have to try harder just to make them notice I exist with constant pain. You lose some... I still don't know what I win though." Kevin shake his head and proceed to travel inside the Village. "Grumbles!" Tapping his stomach he roamed around trying to see any place he can get food. He arrive at the market and didn't hesitate to steal some hard bread.

"Fuck... How can they eat this?" Kevin knocked the hard bread to his head. Sighing in defeat, he tear a small piece and got to eat. "What now?" He ask himself devoid of purpose.

Feeling lose of his own life. He didn't know what the next step to take. Like that, Kevin spend his whole day watching people came around did he start to tune out of his delusions.

"Are they speaking English?" Kevin snapped his head toward the bunch of drunkards that was fight with their first. Wearing old tunic they tear each other like bears. "You bastard of a whore!"

"Ohh- they were really talking in English! Thank God!" Kevin's eyes light in delight. "Now, what year am I in?"

Trying to stand from his spot below the shadow of a roof. He goes far toward the center of the village there he saw a grander house than other and think it's the home of the village chief or somehow.

"Run!!! The Larnian Lion is here!!" A shout then came from the edge where the mountain situated at. Kevin frown from hearing a familiar word but it didn't strike anything to his mind. Bells started to chiming loud alarming everyone. Doors, windows and every holes was closed and no soul left out of the village with everyone hiding inside their houses and burrows. Kevin phase out of the village chief's house toward the far south and there he watch a gargantuan lion with shiny mane.

"Ohhh- heck is that?" He mumbles as it walk before him. "Larnian Lion?" Kevin then walk toward it and touch it's skin. The lion look toward his position but it didn't manage to discover Kevin who was also staring at it. "Sure enough- Hercules?" Kevin then remembers. The definition of strength, his eyes widen upon remembering his tales of glory and labors. "First Labor..." Kevin mumbles watching the Lion walk back to it's den.

"I better find him before his family die..." Kevin only have one person that he admire. That was Hercules, a man that have massive power and blessed war like ability but he didn't rampages to avenge his killed family but accepted the punishment for not being able to protect his family. "Hehehe- Gods walk among the mortals. So I was sent at this time?"

Kevin started his travel by constantly following the flow of merchants that he came came across. Finally arriving toward the city surrounded by a massive wall made out of bricks. There was watch in grand as he watch the bustling city came alive.

"It's different that the documentaries," Kevin mumbles following. There he goes toward the castle in beeline watching how things played out and stare at huge framed man with long hair. "Ohh- shit... The Rock?!" Kevin yelled as he stare at the man in front of him.

He look behind him where Kevin is but seeing nothing he turned toward the kid running toward him. Kevin watch them with jealousy.

"How was young jean now?" Kevin wondered. "I have to get back fast."

"Hi?" Kevin tapped Hercules back. He jumps in shock and swing the kid he was carrying behind him. "Who are you?!" He spread his wide frame flaring his oozing dominant aura. Kevin frown then a pressure coming out of Hercules slammed onto him.

"Fuck... A genuine Demi-God," Kevin mumbles. His breathing became rugged and pain expression came to him. His body started to buzzed out off existence while Hercules and his son look at him with horror. "Sorry! Urgh!!! Ca- calm! Down!" Kevin roared in pain. Hercules drops his aura and Kevin knees weakly.

"Ohh- that was one heck of a nerve killer," Kevin let put a massive breathe in appreciation. "I'm just nobody. You'll forget me when you turn around but I need something for you. In exchange for protection." Kevin smile at him politely not forgetting his display of weakness.

"Why would I help you? Do I need your protection when you drops down in pain without even making me move a finger?" Hercules look at him with contempt. "Note taken, but it's not for you... It's for them." Kevin pointed at the child behind him and the worried woman that peeks out of the door.

"Are you threatening me!!?" Hercules roared in malice. "No, I'm telling you something that will happen." He stare at the growling lion looking down on him like a prey.

"I know your real origin and what next to befall," Kevin said making Hercules' eyes flicker in shock and weakness. "Gods? Are they now after me?"

"Dear, come with mother now." His wife called out and his son run out of his shadow. "Please stay," Kevin stopped them from leaving.

"They have to leave," kevin shook his head. "No, you have too... Ask for an atonement from Hera, for what your father have done to her." Kevin sigh in end and his body then like a mist vanish from their sight while he still was in front of them but his whole body now look like a ghost much like an astral but hiw whole being was become one. "It taken me so much just to make them see me." Kevin mumbles in defeat. He stayed out and roamed toward the kitchen where he scourge out food after cooking a plate of dish in exchange for the food.

The next morning, Hercules left the palace toward the far end of the city where a large hall where woman wearing robes and togas came in to worship. As soon as, Hercules steps on the hall he knees down.

"Goddess Hera, please have mercy onto my child and wife." Hercules said with his head touching the cold floor. There he remain unmoving for days without resting or eating. Kevin didn't left the palace and proceed to watch the family Hercules left. "I don't know if those Gods can help me but I'm willing to bet on it."

"Who are you?" Kevin was spooked from a male voice that rungs behind him. There an middle-age man wearing a brown monk robe look at him with astonishment. "I'm just a nobody," Kevin replied sadly.

"I guess so, but the power inside you is not. What happen? I felt a small ripples upon the stream of time and decided to see who cause it. Now, another future change for me to watch." He said with a smile and no hint of aggression. "Haaa- I'm from the future. Watching you here, it means you're a Sorcerer..."

"Yes, more like Druids been the protector of Earth since the beginning. Mother gives us power," Kevin frown upon hearing his words. "So you're not a Sorcerer?"

"Only the Job Description defy what we are. You? What are you going to do?" He ask him. "I don't know, I want to get back."

"Not now, they will just bring throw you out again in more dangerous place." He shake his head. "What?!"

"Ohh- you don't know?" He shake his head again. "You, a Fate Worker is deeply hated by all higher beings."

"Fate Worker?" Kevin pointed his finger at his nose. "Why yes, those that affects the deep scheme of the things can be called as one. You only been here for a day but you did such change that will bring another headache for others." Kevin frown. "Who are they?"

"They? I don't know, they can be called the ones that make things spins at it is. While I and my colleagues just play around them to keep our world intact. Power makes things different from your own decisions to your actions. Once you attained such thing, you'll stop viewing things as a mortal did so..." He said nodding to his own words. "Can you help me?"

"No, only those that master their self can help you." He wave at Kevin and vanish. "Fuck, now I have to check things in my bucket list. Meeting an mentor like man that gives riddles."

Got Stuck somewhere but found the way back to life. Having Smart reader sure is a boon.

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