
Marvel: cripples Tech system

A man reincarnates into marvel with a tech system Infinity stones change the universe this story was Inspired by Marvel in between flesh and steel: Author: Shinydecapod And Marvel: tech system: Author Unknown_by_all

GrizzlyCraig · Filme
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chapter 3

2 months pass

School began 1 month ago

And based off of permission slips given, we will be going to Oscorp in 2 weeks.

One of the good things of coming back to school is Gwen

She is very friendly and a great person to bounce ideas off of.

I have also started dropping her off at her home, which seems to have gotten me brownie points with her parents.

Due to this I was able to call in a favour with Mr.. Stacey

Since today was a weekend, I was Able to get him to give me a course on gun safety, maintenance along with how to breach and clear rooms.

When asked why I wanted to learn this I simply listed off home defence and looters coming to my scrapyard.


Another occurrence in the last 2 months is with the aid of the SAO and Infinite Dendrogram Nerve gears I was able to make a self learning AI and a full dive Virtual training room. Here the AI and I would fight using many different martial forms, mainly I stuck to Muaythai, spearman ship, and kickboxing, but I put in much effort to learn other skills too.

The Great thing about the AI was that each time a mistake was made, it could catch it and fix it.


After buying Baymax I was able to use my Fame with WALL-E to sell Baymax to hospitals, and smaller family run clinics, selling Baymax at $2,000 a robot.

With this success I gained not just money, but connections and fame. Which I used to sell more of by bots, who new how popular a dumbed down version of TYP-E would be with scientists and Businessmen.

With my increased balance I purchased the following knowledge

Transformers universe knowledge of primitive morphing tech $ 8,000,000.

Chappie universe scout $1,000,000

Chappie universe AI programs $ 12, 000,000

Chappie learning program $ 8,000,000

Starwars Magnetic and repulsor tech $ 12,000,000

Star wars universe, surgeon droid $ 8,000,000

Transformer universe, Energon Converter $ 32,000,000.

Marvel universe miniature Arc Reactor $ 3,000,000

Marvel universe, Badassium element $ 5,000,000

The Spider Universe, Parkers Blood $5,000,000

Minecraft Universe, Redstone Dust $ 100,000

Marvel universe, Particle Accelerator $ 3,000,000.


I must say Technology is fairly cheap, you would think that since all this stuff is OP on its own, the System would give an outlandishly expensive price

As if hearing my thoughts a screen blinks infront of my eyes.

System alert

The System wants user to easily access knowledge.

It is up to User to decide on how to use the Knowledge

Certain actions may grant rewards

Good day host.

Seeing this I was quite pleased.

Now one may ask, Charles will you publish your creation of the Badassium element? And my answer to this was no. The creation of Badassium was a Character Developing point for Tony, and a legacy from his Father. I would not want to ruin that. But all technology from other universes I will most definitely claim as my own creations.

Now with my newfound knowledge I decide to do experiments on an energy source before I commence on making an improved arm and a new eye since the current arm was powered by AAA Batteries

To begin with I started making a particle accelerator. Now with all of the Reclaimed materials from my Junkyard I was able to make it at almost no cost

Next to build two Mini Arc reactors, one for powering the accelerator and the second to house the new element.

I did have to make an order of certain components to complete them though

Now the Final Part.

Hooking into the Power line to the Hydro line and also the Arc Reactor I begin the Particle Accelerator.

As the power began to flow, I began to line the Beam of energy with the Port that held the Element ingredients.

As the Beam moved, huge lines were melted into the surrounding piles of junk.

The Beam hit the Element

A Glow formed

Soon the Arc reactor and the Hydro line began to strain at the amount of energy required

Crossing my fingers I could only observe the data being shown on a tablet.

Soon the Data met the requirements, then power was cut to the Accelerator.

Approaching the New element, I could not help but be awed.

Such a beauty.

Putting the Badassium in the spare reactor I then observed the output readings.

The Original Palladium Reactor read at 3 gigajoules per second.

The Badassium Reactor read at 5 gigajoules per second.

No matter how amazing these readings were, they were not quite what I required for my future projects, only a temporary stop.


With the Arc reactors created I end my day

Going into my home I begin heating up a pan

Adding butter and 1 sliced onion to cook until clear, I then turn on the radio

The Song playing was by Lovin Spoonful called Summer in the City.

A great tune to cook to.

When the onions were ready, I toss on some shitake and Enoki mushrooms.

Grooving on over to the fridge I grab a can of Vernors, throwing half into the pan I then drink the rest.

I then turn the BBQ on and grab a fresh cut of Beef liver and toss her on.

Going back to the mushrooms I add some minced garlic, soyasauce and a dash of teriyaki.

After a dozen minutes my meal was ready.

Moving to my desk I begin to chow down as I begin programming one of the first Video games I will sell in this universe.


The most ultimate of Games, Farming, Mining, Monsters, PVP, building.

This will net me a nice chunk of change, but I can't wait till I make a Full dive VR version of this game.

Surprisingly after buying the knowledge of Minecraft 2022 for only $100,000, it was surprisingly complex. By not limiting the spawn point and time of creatures I would need a Transformer universe based computer to operate without crashes.

After a few hours have passed, Minecraft is now complete.

Now sleep calls me into its warm and seductive embrace.





The Spider by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway, is a great spiderman fanfiction, I suggest you take a read.