
Marvel : Creating games for fun

A story full of twist and turns. We can't also forget about misunderstandings. What would happen when a person gets a power to create a too real games. -If you expect something from me ,then don't expect - ( I am not joking ) It is also my first story so expect a lot of mistakes

SkeletonHunter1 · Filme
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7 Chs

[ Chapter 7 : New Game ]

After I solved my money problem ,I had to come up with a way to earn more GP and also MP.

Although I am still very confused about what should I do now but I know at least ,that I first need to understand my situation.

First of all ,I have no idea where am I and what should I do with this computer. At first I thought they just wanted me to make a concept for death game ,which would be later take place somewhere.

But to my surprise ,the death game actually took place in VR world ,just like SAO. Only after I died ,I became more confused than before ,because I didn't really died in there.

I also tried to look for more information about ,what happened with the victims that participated in this death game .But to my disappointed I couldn't find anything on Dark Web about it.

Also the Vr headset ,that I sold disappeared without me noticing how it disappear. That is why I am slowly starting to think that my kidnappers could be aliens.

It would explain a lot of stuff ,for example why would they force me into making death games. They are probably bored ,so they kidnapped me and forced me to make death games.

Although I am not 100% sure about my theory ,I still will go along with it. But first I need to see what can and can't ,I do with this thing. Will it let me make a normal 2D game or will it force me to make another death game.

That is why I am wondering how to create a new game with only [140GP],[0MP],[220R$] - 'I have no idea ,how I earned 80 Gp and 220R$.'

Maybe I will be able to release something ,with only such resources. Maybe something like Flappy Bird or Cookie Clicker...

No ,I want to earn money from this game so something that is simple but people will still pay for it.

"Hmmm...Maybe that one will work." - 'If I managed to release it ,with only such budget then maybe ,I could turn my situation around.'

If I don't succeed and nobody plays my next game ,then I don't know what I will do next. Because without enough Gp and R$ I doubt that I will manage to create something that will survive on the market.

Speaking of the market ,I found out that I could be in parallel world .That is why I am considering creating such games ,which wasn't yet created and that is why I am considering my alien theory right.

I realised about it not too long ago ,when I was surfing the Dark Web. I noticed that a lot of things didn't add up. Such as names of presidents ,corporations and the most important today's date.

Yeah ,the date is actually the most important but still ,if there are no such games on this planet ,then I am free to make them without any copyrights restriction.

I also tried to figure on what planet or world ,I am .But in the end ,I could only conclude that I was on planet Earth or something that is similar to it.

Now back to making game ,which I hope will become a big hit. I went to 'Create new Game' and started to make my masterpiece.

A game which will break the balance of the world and start a new era. And at the same thing a thing so dark and scary ,which will haunt you forever.

[ Slot 2 ] ----> [ Among Us ] - ( Name changed )

> [ Please select genre for this Game ] ----> [ Horror ]

> [ More information ] ----> [ 2D ] - [ Multiplayer ]

> [ Please design game ] : { Map } - { Items } - { Player } - { Add special effect } - { Character } - { Behavior } - { Vision } - { Shadows } - { Texture } - { Copy/Paste } - { Save } - { More }

"...This is going to take a while."


[ Galaga Guy's POV ]

In hospital room in which were only four people ,talking with each other. One of which was sitting on the bed ,while the other three were standing next to it.

The person sitting on the bed ,looked healthy but he still needed to wait for a some test results before he will be discharged from the hospital ,that is why his colleagues came to pay him a visit.

One of them was a girl ,while the other two were guys.

"So how are you doing Gala ?" - That was a nickname ,that they gave him because he always plays certain game.

"The doctor ,told me that I will be discharged in two days. So I can't do anything else ,other than sit on the bed and watch TV because I don't have my gaming console with me ,only my phone."

"It can't be that bad. Also do you really want to play more games ,after what you experienced ?"

"...I will never touch a VR game again ,only console games or on pc. Maybe I will also try phone games but they aren't that many. So yeah ,I just won't play Vr games ever again."

His friends only knew a few things ,about what happened to him. That is why they come to conclusion not to talk about this topic too deeply ,as not to bring bad memories for him.

They also bought him a present ,because that is what are friends for.

"I heard that ,after you are discharged from hospital you are getting one week vacation. Isn't that cool ,you will have so much time to play your favorite games."

"That is why ,we decided as your friends to bring you a gift ,so you won't be bored during that time."

"...You guys are the best ,to think that I would doubt you guys. I thought that you are here just to make fun of me."

"Oh don't feel guilty ,you know that we aren't like that. We wouldn't be jumping on a laying person."

"So what did you guys bought for me ?" - 'I really wonder ,what did they bought for me. At first I thought they are here to laugh at me but seeing them now ,I know that I was mistaken'

"Here is the present ,you just need to unwrap it and see for yourself. Believe us this is the best present ,that we ever bought for you."

As Galaga guy was unwarping the box ,he was filled with joy. Although he tried to forget ,about what happened inside that game ,yet he still remembers it.

Ever night ,he will have nightmares about that moment. He already told about ,what happened there to the higher-ups yet they told him that it was only his hallucination.

The psychiatrist told him that he was alone and wanted to talk to another person, he imagined that someone else was with him. And because he was emotionally unstable he didn't notice it to this time.

Yet he still can't believe what they told him ,he feels like they are hiding something from him. Could it be that he rank isn't high enough to know the whole truth ?

As Galaga guy was deep in thought ,he finally unwrapped the box to see the present. When he saw it ,he was speechless. He could only tell only one thing to his friends.

"...I hate you guys"

"We care about you too ,we knew that you would love such present ,that is why we bought it for you."

"After all ,it is the most expensive present ,which we ever bought for you."

"That is after all ,what are the friends for."

"..." - The Galaga guy was had no words to say anymore ,he could only stare at them in silience. Seeing it ,they smiled knowing that they did a good job.

Inside the box ,there was a newest model of Vr helmet.


After few days ,I finally managed to fit my budget. Just by seeing such message ,I was very happy.

[To release Among Us you need to pay 140Gp and 80R$]

Although I managed to fit my budget ,I had to cut a lot of stuff before I finally achieved this. The tell the truth the only thing that is left ,is the main menu with {Options} and {Play}.

There is no shop ,no friend list ,no inventory ,no customization, only one map which is 'The Skeld' ,only two roles 'Imposter' and 'Crewmate' ,only one kill animation...

At least there are all task ,which should be at that map implemented.

Although the game is only 2D ,it still cost a lot with so much cut content. Maybe if I get more points in the future I will be able to update it.

Now I am left with 140R$ and I still need to decide how would people be able to play it. Should it be sold in boxes or maybe online.

Maybe I should first add more safety mechanic in case this game becomes death game ,nothing like the last will happen. Although I have no idea how could 2D game become death game ,there is still a possibility which I believe.

But first I should decide ,how to sell it. The best option would be to make it for free but I still have no idea if something unexpected happens again ,so the less people plays for now the better.

Yet making it a box game ,would hardly even sell. No sane person would buy only multiplayer game ,not knowing how many people are playing it.

So it leaves me with only one option ,sell it on virtual platform. Now is the question should ,I do this legally or illegally.

I mean ,I need to pay 50$ to release the game on popular virtual platform but first I need to fill a lot of random stuff ,before I will be able to release it.

The other way is to pay with R$ and make is mysteriously appear but I have no idea ,how it works .Will it just appear ? Wouldn't nobody find this sus ?

So the best solution for now ,in my opinion is to pay 50$ ,than to try testing how buying with R$ works.

I picked the most popular platform ,that allows for anyone to publish their games on it - 'Steam'.

Although I have no idea ,why 'Steam' is in this world but I can only guess that some things never change ,even when you are in different world.

I had to download it and create a new account. While I was looking for 'how to release a game on it' I noticed that there aren't many games on it.

Also ,most of the games there are free. I tried to see if there is any interesting game but the best game was 2D arcade game.

It was only 1 hour game ,unless you are very bored then you could play it for longer.

Just by looking thru the store page ,I could tell that the gaming industry isn't very well developed for some kind of reason.

Anyway I should pay 50$ and design a store page for it ,so it would at least have description and few illustrations.

Maybe I should try creating a trailer for it but only when I finish everything else.

After very long time ,I finally completed the store page and trailer. Although I found an easy way to create trailer by using this computer programs ,I still had to pay 5R$ to create it.

At least I didn't had to pay with R$ to pick where would it be released ,because I used real money.

I also checked if this game will work and tried to find anything suspicious (except Red) with it but nothing stood out. So I guess I don't have to worry ,that this will become a death game.

All I need now to do ,is to wait for the game to be accepted. I guess ,I will go surf the Dark Web or order something to eat ,while I wait for it.

As I was looking for something to eat ,I wondered what kind of world am I. Could be it something like mirror dimension.

Maybe I should collect enough money and ask in 'Information' about my situation. If only there were some clues to where I am...

I feel like ,there was such clue but I am not sure. - 'Could it be about some kind of death game world?'

Oh well ,only time will tell.