
Marvel : Arkham Knight

Ethan Hunt is a boy from Earth who suddenly finds himself transported into the Marvel universe. He is determined to raise his own power and find a place in the new world he has found himself. In the world filled with Heroes and Villains, he chooses to stand at the middle as an antihero. An angel to one while being a demon to the other, this is his journey. This is Marvel's Arkham Knight.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

"So, did you really need my help?" Ethan asked as he drank his glass of wine.

After escaping the explosion, or more like destroying the ones responsible, they made their way to another safe house of Maestro in New York City. The two of them were sitting in separate couches with Maestro having two bodyguards at his side.

'I seriously don't know if those two are needed. Meh, his choice.' Ethan thought as he drank more of his wine.

"Well, I would've been fine since I could protect myself. But you had acted in time so thanks are in order." Maestro said to him.

"Thanks." Ethan simply said to him.

'It seems that despite being an underground lord he seems to have a bit of honour or he is just pragmatic and doesn't want to let me go since I have a use for him.' Ethan thought as he drank more of his wine.

The two of them stayed silent for sometime as Ethan didn't know what to talk about. But after a few seconds he knew he had to talk about the thug.

"So, the thug. Do you know who is responsible for sending him after us?" Ethan asked him.

"Not at the moment but I will soon. By the way, the video's you acquired for me is quite useful." Maestro said to him.

"Wait the videos? But wasn't it destroyed in the explosion?" Ethan asked confused.

"Yes but I made sure to send a copy to my own personal laptop the moment I got it. I didn't want to lose it if something unexpected were to happen." Maestro said to him.

'Right, this man is always cautious with what he does. Pretty sure that's the reason he was able to keep up with Kingpin all this time.' Ethan thought to himself as he emptied his cup.

He then filled it up again while Maestro is watching him.

'Hmm, I know that I only got him in such a short time but he has shown promise. He was able to survive today but I have a feeling it might become more dangerous as time goes on. I can't lose such a promising individual so early.' Maestro thought as he drank his wine.

Maestro kept on thinking for a few minutes before he came to a decision. He drank the rest of the wine in his cup and looked at Ethan.

"But enough of that, I have a proposition for you." Maestro said to him.

That caught Ethan's attention as he stopped drinking and looked at his boss.

"What kind of proposition?" Ethan asked him.

"It is quite apparent to me that you are quite a reliable subordinate. But of course today's event has shown me that you are prone to attacks the more time you work for me as my enemies will identify you." Maestro said to him.

"I guess that's true. I can't be incognito for too long before someone identifies me as your subordinate." Ethan said agreeing with the man.

'But you could just say it outright rather than in long sentences.' Ethan thought with a sweat drop.

"So I want to give you an opportunity to become strong enough to take on dangerous missions." Maestro said to him.

"And how will I become strong?" Ethan asked intrigued.

"It is quite simple, while you have been successfull it is apparent that you don't have the fighting skills necessary to protect yourself from other thugs. So I want to give you traning for an agent from some of the best in the field." Maestro said to him.

"That's actually not a bad idea. But what's the catch? I doubt you would just give an 18 year old boy training like that." Ethan said to the man.

"Yes there is. Even if it is for my benefit it will take a substantial amount of resources to train you into a powerful agent. So in exchange I want you to work for free for me until the amount of money is repaid. Of course, I will give you enough money to live and such." Maestro said to him.

'I guess that's a good deal. I doubt I would find someone who will be willing to give me that training. Even SHIELD won't give me the training since I'm only a kid.' Ethan thought to himself as he went through the proposition.

He thought for a few moments before coming to a decision.

"Alright I accept." Ethan said to him with a serious look.

"Excellent. I will make preparations immediately. But I must warn you it will be quite a gruesome training." Maestro said to him seriously.

"Don't worry I'm prepared. I can take it." Ethan said confidently.

Time skip

"I can't take it." Ethan said as he collapsed on the ground of his room from the intense training he did.

Maestro had prepared the training facility quite quickly as Ethan was taken there the same night. He was then made to go through intense physical training which has now left his whole body extremely sore. It also didn't help that combat training was also given which resulted in him getting hit a good amount of times as well.

"Damn those guys weren't joking around. Ow I can't even move my arm now." Ethan said as he groaned on the ground.

He felt sleepy as his body is extremely exhausted. He didn't try to fight the feeling and let sleep envelope him.

The next day he woke up at 5 and was put to go through intense morning training which includes running, weight lifting, cardio, etc. After that he ate nutrient rich food which wasn't that tasty mind you as their focus was to give him the necessary nutrients rather than tasty food.

Ethan now found himself in front of a table filled with all kinds of fire arms. From pistols to machine guns and snipers as well. He looked at the shooting range in front of him with human shaped metal target's. He looked at the man who will be his trainer for this. Many agents were also there to foresee the training.

"Now Ethan, I am your trainer for your training in firearms. I'm sure you've seen in movies about the recoil of the gun. I won't dilly dally and say that the recoil from a gun is quite big and you need a strong grip to not lose the gun. The amount of calibre of the gun also amounts to the recoil it produces. Do you understand?" The trainer said to him. (A/N: i honestly don't know if what I'm saying is correct but we don't actually need to know that do we? I just wrote it for the sake of the story.)

"I guess I understand." Ethan said to him.

"Good, then let me show you how the safety of a handgun and it's loading mechanism works." The trainer said before he took a handgun.

He then loaded the magazine, pulled the top aimed and then shot the gun. The bullet sailed through the air and met it's mark at the bullseye of the target which is the head. Ethan watched with wide eyes as the man made a perfect shot. The trainer himself seemed quite satisfied with the result. Since the targets were metal it would take some time to actually destroy them.

"Now it's your turn. Take a gun, flip the safety, insert the magazine, load the bullet and shoot. Watch for the recoil." The trainer said to him.

Ethan merely nodded as he stepped forward and took a gun. He flipped the safety, inserted the magazine, loaded the bullet and looked at the gun in the grip.

'I don't know why but this just feels right in my hand.' Ethan thought as he looked at the gun.

Ethan glanced at his trainer while he man looked at him. Ethan turned towards the range and pointed the gun at the target and then fired. The bullet sailed through the air racing for the target and then.


It hit right in the bullseye.

Ethan was wide eyed when he saw it. His trainer was also wide eyed when he saw it. Ethan looked at the firearm in his hand and the target and then at his trainer who was looking at him dumbfounded.

'I should give it a few more shots.' Ethan thought to himself as he aimed his gun.

He fired the entire bullets in the magazine and all of them hit the bullseye widening the eyes of everyone present. Ethan looked at the empty gun and smirked.

"Well, would you look at that." Ethan said with a smirk.

He then put another magazine in it and started to shoot the rest of the target's. He emptied it, then placed it on the table. He then took a machine gun and put its magazine, looked at his instructor who was a bit shocked but gave him the go ahead. Ethan smiled before he aimed and fired. All the bullets hit the target but they were more spread out than with the handgun.

He emptied it and then took a sniper rifle. He asked him trainer how to use it and then loaded it's bullets. He then took aim and fired and the gun went straight through the bullseye. He didn't let up and pulled the cartridge and loaded another gun and shot another target which also resulted in it getting a hole on its head.

He then proceeded to use the guns placed on the counter after learning how to use them from the trainer and filled the targets in the shooting range with holes in the head, heart, throat and eyes. Perfect kill shots.

Ethan placed the machine gun on the table with a satisfied look. His trainer himself has a baffled look on his face. As for the agents, they were sweating when they saw the prowess of the new subordinate picked up by their boss.

'He's a monster!' The agents thought to themselves in fear.

"So, what do I have to do next?" Ethan asked his trainer.

In the corner of the room behind Ethan was a camera which was recording what was happening. At the other end Maestro was looking at the video as he was watching his prowess and a smile graced his face.

"It looks like I have found a diamond in the rough. This is a good investment indeed. I'm very eager to see how you will grow from the training." Maestro said with a satisfied smile on hi face.

Time skip 4 Months

It has been 4 months since Ethan's training started and he has made leaps and bounds in it. Including physical training and marksmanship, he was also taught a bit of hacking, espionage, etc. He was also trained in the use of weapons, since his body is still in the growing phase, it adapted to the gruesome training to become more stronger.

Right now Ethan is sitting in front of Maestro while the man himself is drinking his wine as he looked at the report showing the statistics of his progress as he smiled.

"Hmm, Marksmanship SSS, Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts SS, Hacking SS, Espionage SSS, Weapon Combat SSS, Chemical Weapons SS. I'm deeply impressed, this is quite a promising resume." Maestro said to him impressed.

"Well, I did have the best as you said and that drug you gave me seemed to have helped as well." Ethan said to him.

"Hmm, yes. That is a drug which accelerates the healing process of the body. I decided that since you'll be going through intense training you also need a way to recover from it quickly to continue. And it seems that it has paid to do it." Maestro said with a smirk.

"Well, you now have a top assassin from what my trainer's were telling me." Ethan said with a smile as he drank his cup of wine.

"That I have, though I don't know how you will fare against the other assassins I have no desire to know that." Maestro said to him.

"Hmm, so since my training has been concluded. Does this mean you will give me a mission?" Ethan asked as he drank the wine and savoured it's taste.

'Man, it feels so good to drink tasty wine after such a long time.' Ethan thought to himself with a smile.

"Matter of fact, I do have a target for you." Maestro said to him.

"An assassination?" Ethan asked.

He knew that the man would want to use him but he didn't think it will be so soon.

"No, I want you to capture her." Maestro said to me.

"Her? So a girl. Is she very dangerous?" Ethan asked him.

'Yeah, there's no way I'm going to underestimate a girl in a world where woman have such power.' Ethan thought to himself as he remembered the scores of female heroes in Marvel.

"Very. She is an expert sniper of Hydra." Maestro said to him.

Ethan stopped moving when he heard it. He looked at the man with wide eyes.

"Woah woah woah. Hydra?! Why are we going after a member of Hydra? They're basically one of the most dangerous organizations alive since the time of World War Two." Ethan said surprised.

Ethan also saw how the two guards were also surprised by what the man said.

"Yes I know but this target is quite valuable so I need her." Maestro said in a tone of finality as he looked at him.

'Well, when he uses that tone you can be sure he's serious.' Ethan thought to himself.

"Alright so, can you give me the information about the target. I know you enough to know that you won't back down when you talk like that." Ethan said as he put down his glass of wine.

"Here's the file with the information." Maestro said to him as he passed him a file.

Ethan took the file and opened it and widened his eyes when he saw the target. She has blue skin colour, flowing black hair and is wearing quite a revealing purple suit. She also has mechanical armor over her hands shoulders and legs. She also seemed to have a helmet on the top of her head which strangely resembles a spiders head.

"Her name is Amelie Lacroix nee Guillard. She is the top assassin of Hydra and the former wife of SHIELD agent Gerard Lacroix. A professional assassin who has many kills to her name. Codename : Widowmaker." Maestro said as he drank the wine. (A/N: I don't know how many knows her but I will put the image here in the comments.)

"Well, this will be interesting." Ethan said as he studied the file.