
Marvel: Adventures of Grim Mortimer

A kid who had nothing but bad luck all his life and had lost everything dies while protecting a girl named Valerie. Turns out she was the daughter of the infamous Reed Richards and Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four. Well, that didn't really matter as he lay dead while she hugged him and apologised to his corpse, not knowing death was what he wanted all his life... But unfortunately, this universe wasn't so normal, as the next year he wakes up only to find himself buried 12 feet under in a coffin. It took him a whole month before he realised he was alive and that he was now undead. Cracking his skull open till he bled to death, drowning himself, diving headfirst into a pool of acid, falling from a ten-story building...it didn't matter what he did he just couldn't die. A pity really... So when he suddenly turned up to the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, they were obviously shocked, especially Johnny who was taking a bath and who had accidentally thought him an enemy and burned him to cinders. Only for him to re-form a few seconds later and say in a lethargic tone of voice. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" Not bothered at all that he had just been burned alive...or would it be dead?

samadomkv · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 37:Oh...S%it!!!

In the dimly lit pool room, Jessica's confident stroke sent the balls scattering across the green felt.

She leaned against the pool table, watching Grim line up his shot. The atmosphere was relaxed, a welcome change from their intense "encounter".

"So, you ever have any fun in between all the immortal brooding?" Jessica asked, a playful tone in her voice.

Grim sighed. "Not much room for fun

When you can't really afford it...though eating is pretty good."

As the two played the atmosphere got chiller and Jessica started opening up a bit about her past.

Jessica smirked and shared a story from her past. "There was this one time with Daredevil. We were in Hell's Kitchen, chasing down some crooks. I decided to go rooftop hopping, and poor Matt was trying to keep up. You should've seen his face when I made that jump across the alley only to start flying...I thought he was going to have a heart attack."

Grim listened, amused. "Sounds like you were quite the handful."

"Oh, you have no idea," Jessica replied, her eyes sparkling as she reminisced about the past.

Their game continued, with Jessica clearly in the lead. Grim was surprisingly adept, but

Jessica's experience gave her the edge.

Their conversation shifted to more casual topics, including TV shows and movies.

"You've never seen 'Stranger Things'?" Jessica exclaimed in disbelief. "That's like a classic...that's it, you're coming over, and we're binge-watching it."

Grim raised an eyebrow but nodded in agreement.

The game proceeded amidst light banter and subtle flirtatious exchanges. Jessica's playful jabs and Grim's dry humour created a lively dynamic.

Eventually, Jessica emerged victorious, and Grim asked, "So, what's my punishment for losing?"

Jessica leaned in close, a sly smile on her lips.


The scene shifted to Jessica's apartment, where Grim was fulfilling his end of the bet.

"Mhhhh...right there, that's the spot, keep it at that rhythm," Jessica exclaimed, instructing Grim gently.

"Like this..." Grim asked increasing his pace. Jessica let out a moan and replied." Yeah, that's good, just like that..."

Grim nodded as He kept at the pace Jessica liked.

As he did moans couldn't help but escape her lips.

As he massaged her feet, Jessica let out a sigh of contentment. "This is the life. Haven't been pampered like this in ages."

Their session was interrupted by the sound of a timer from the kitchen.

Grim had been cooking, part of the 'full wine and dine experience' Jessica had requested, including the foot massage.

Reluctantly, Jessica had Grim stop the massage so he could go check on the food. Jessica, disappointed by the interruption, got up to smell something amazing.

The food looked and smelled delicious, and Jessica was impressed. "This looks amazing. It'll go great with some wine."

However, a search through her cabinets revealed a disappointing lack of wine. Grim offered to go buy some, mentioning the recent change in the legal drinking age.

"Be right back," he said, heading out.

Shortly after Grim left, there was a knock at Jessica's door. Hesitant but curious, she went to answer it.

Though who greeted her was a person she least expected.



Grim stepped out into the evening air, making his way towards the local liquor store.

His mind was partly on selecting the right wine to complement the dinner he had prepared,' Next time I should buy some oregano.'


Upon entering the store, he browsed the wine selection, pondering over the varieties.

As he contemplated the merits of a Cabernet Sauvignon versus a Merlot, the tranquillity of the store was shattered.

Three armed men burst in, brandishing guns and aiming them at the elderly cashier.

"Empty the register, now!" one of the robbers barked, his voice filled with menace.

Grim, hidden among the aisles, momentarily considered his options.

His attention was drawn back to the wine when he felt the cold press of a gun barrel against his head. The second robber growled, "Hand over your valuables, now!"

Grim sighed heavily and spoke calmly, "Please put down the gun. You don't want to do this."

The robber, mistaking Grim's calm for defiance, tightened his grip on the weapon. "Do it, or I'll shoot!"

In a low voice, Grim muttered a command in Greek, summoning Skia.

From the robber's shadow, Skia emerged, biting his arm. The man screamed, dropping his gun as his companions turned in shock.

Grim seized the moment, grabbing a pack of flame-hot chips and hurling it at the face of the nearest robber, temporarily blinding him.


He then engaged the remaining robbers in combat.

'Great, now the food's going to get cold,' Grim thought as he dodged a clumsy punch.

He countered with a swift and precise strike to the robber's midsection, followed by an uppercut that sent the man sprawling to the ground.

The third robber, recovering from the initial shock, lunged at Grim with a wild swing...completely forgetting he had a gun in his other hand.

Grim easily sidestepped and delivered a series of rapid, controlled blows, incapacitating the man without breaking a sweat.

'Note to self, add "robber takedown" to workout routine,' Grim mused as he surveyed the unconscious men.

Turning back to the wine selection, he asked the still-shocked cashier for a recommendation.

The old man pointed to a bottle with a grouse on the label. Grim picked it up, nodding his approval.

He offered to pay, but the cashier shook his head. "No, no, it's on the house. You saved my life, thank you."

Grim nodded and looked around." Sorry for the mess, you should call the authorities to pick these guys up," he said and left the store, bottle in hand.


(Jessica's Apartment...)

Upon returning to Jessica's apartment, Grim was met with a chilling scene. Jessica was not alone.

On the couch, sharing a glass of tequila with her, was none other than Felicia Hardy, also previously known as Black Cat.

Felicia's gaze met Grim's, her eyes narrowing.



"Oh, Shit Indeed!!" She said with a very chilling smile.