
Marvel: Adventures of Grim Mortimer

A kid who had nothing but bad luck all his life and had lost everything dies while protecting a girl named Valerie. Turns out she was the daughter of the infamous Reed Richards and Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four. Well, that didn't really matter as he lay dead while she hugged him and apologised to his corpse, not knowing death was what he wanted all his life... But unfortunately, this universe wasn't so normal, as the next year he wakes up only to find himself buried 12 feet under in a coffin. It took him a whole month before he realised he was alive and that he was now undead. Cracking his skull open till he bled to death, drowning himself, diving headfirst into a pool of acid, falling from a ten-story building...it didn't matter what he did he just couldn't die. A pity really... So when he suddenly turned up to the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, they were obviously shocked, especially Johnny who was taking a bath and who had accidentally thought him an enemy and burned him to cinders. Only for him to re-form a few seconds later and say in a lethargic tone of voice. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" Not bothered at all that he had just been burned alive...or would it be dead?

samadomkv · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 38: Good boy and a welcome surprise!

Grim's sigh was barely audible as Felicia stood up. She walked to a bag that was on the floor and took out two items.

'Huh? What is she doing' Grim thought as he put down the bottle of wine on one of the shelves.

Felicia was fastening a pair of long black gloves, each fingertip adorned with what appeared to be diamond-encrusted claws.

Before Grim could process this further, Felicia lunged at him with remarkable speed.


Their brawl unfolded in Jessica's apartment, Felicia attacked with a whirlwind of skill.

Grim glanced at Jessica, hoping for some intervention, but she was absorbed in 'Stranger Things,' sipping her tequila with an amused grin.


'Thanks for the help...' Grim thought sarcastically.

Felicia, meanwhile, was a tempest of frustration, not letting Grim rest for a moment."Enjoy your little vacation, Grim?"

She spat as she launched a series of high-speed attacks. "While you were gone, I've been cleaning up the mess you left behind. Gangs, destroyed buildings in Lower East Side, and what about Miss Xuãn and her son?"

Grim dodged a kick with a resigned expression. "Sorry I didn't exactly send a postcard," he said, avoiding another swipe.

She attempted a daring spin, aiming to flip Grim over, but his weight and resistance thwarted her effort.

So instead, she aimed a clawed swipe at his face, which Grim narrowly avoided.

In the background, Jessica's laughter mingled with the sounds of their scuffle, completely engrossed in the TV show.

Realizing the fight was going nowhere, Grim decided to end it.

As Felicia tackled him to the ground, pinning him with a claw at his chest, he looked up at her. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely.


"For what?" Felicia demanded, her other hand poised to strike.

"For leaving without a word. For the mess, for the contract...for everything," Grim confessed.

Felicia's hand on his chest relaxed slightly, but her other hand now pointed threateningly at his neck.

"Twelve hours, Grim. That's how long I've slept since you vanished. For the next twelve, you're mine. Jess and I talked; you can help her with the case, but then you're coming back with me. Got it?"

Grim nodded, feeling an unfamiliar tightness in his chest at her authoritative tone. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good boy," Felicia said, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. "Now, what's that amazing smell?"

Jessica chimed in, seemingly oblivious to the tension that had just dissipated. "Oh, Grim cooked. It's ready if you're hungry."

"Starving...plate some for me would you," Felicia said already knowing how tasty the food was gonna be.

Grim shot Jessica a dry look, which she cheerfully ignored. The three settled down to eat, the atmosphere gradually shifting from tense to cordial.

As they ate, Felicia and Jessica caught up, sharing stories and updates about their lives.

Grim interjected from time to time as he got to hear more about Felicia and Jessica that he hadn't known before.

The meal progressed with a mix of laughter, and playful banter. Despite the rocky start, the evening had turned out quite fun.

Though what happened afterwards...not even Doctor Strange could have predicted.


(Later near midnight...)

The evening had progressed comfortably with the trio sharing a meal and watching TV, but Grim was unprepared for the surprise announcement.

Felicia would be staying over for the night, citing a nearby case that made it convenient. Grim couldn't help but remember her words from earlier - for the next twelve hours, he was hers.

As they discussed sleeping arrangements, Jessica volunteered to take the couch, citing Grim and Felicia's 'intimacy contract' as a reason.

But Felicia, feeling it improper for a guest to take the bed while the host slept on the couch, offered to sleep there instead.

Grim, sensing the brewing argument and feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders, intervened.

He led them both to the bedroom, where he playfully tossed them onto the bed. "Easy solution – we all sleep here," he declared.

Both women were taken aback by his boldness.

"We can all fit in the bed. It's not like I haven't slept next to both of you."


Felicia, slightly flustered, questioned what Grim meant by having 'slept with' Jessica.

Grim clarified, explaining the innocent nature of their shared sleep on the couch, adding nonchalantly that it wouldn't be awkward since he had slept next to both of them already.

As he spoke, he removed his shirt, revealing a surprisingly more muscular physique than Felicia remembered.

Jessica, too, found herself in a strange dilemma, unsure of how to react.


Eventually, they all settled into bed, turning off the lights. The room was silent, save for the distant sounds of the city.

After some minutes, Grim felt a hand on his chest and smelled the faint scent of cocoa.

Jessica, already asleep, was snuggled up close to him.

Felicia, still awake, leaned in and rested her head on his chest, sighing contentedly.

"You really are too carefree, Grim... but that's something I like about you," Felicia murmured, her voice soft.

She changed into her nightgown, adding to the intimate atmosphere of the room.

Grim, lying between them sighed. The situation was unusual, yet strangely comforting.

The silence was eventually broken by Felicia's voice again. "I haven't been sleeping well lately," she confessed. "But for some reason, I find it easier when you're here."

The conversation then turned more serious. "How are Mrs. Xuãn and Cheng?" Grim asked, a genuine concern in his voice.

Felicia's expression softened. "They're better. I moved them to a safer place. Mrs. Xuãn keeps asking about you, wanting to thank you. Even Cheng... he's been asking for you."

Grim was silent for a moment, absorbing the news. "I'm glad they're safe. I should visit them, I'll do so after I help Jessica."

Grim then attempted a light joke, earning a chuckle from Felicia despite how bad it was.

He apologized again for his sudden disappearance." I apologise if my disappearance inconvenienced you..."


Grim waited for a response but nothing was said, so he looked down wondering if she had fallen asleep.

In the dim light, their eyes met. Felicia's gaze held a depth of emotion that Grim hadn't seen before.

Felicia then did something unexpected.

She looked up at Grim and kissed him gently.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, Felicia leaned in. Her lips met Grim's in a gentle, tentative kiss.

It was a kiss unlike any Grim had experienced before – soft, searching, and surprisingly tender.

Felicia's hand moved to cup Grim's cheek, her fingers brushing against his skin.

The kiss was unhurried, and Grim's initial surprise gave way...almost on instinct,

he responded in kind, his lips moving against hers.


After a minute, Felicia pulled away, their eyes remained locked for a moment longer.

Felicia's smile was faint.

Grim didn't react at first, then said softly, "Felicia?"

"That alcohol was stronger than I thought..." she said with a chuckle, resting her head back on Grim's chest.


Grim decided not to overthink the kiss, attributing it to the alcohol's influence.

He felt both women's steady breathing as they fell asleep, their warmth comforting.

He slept peacefully for the rest of the night, until morning rolled around.

Note:Grim is not a virgin...do with that information as you will.

samadomkvcreators' thoughts