
Marvel: A New Avenger

By a weird stroke of fate, Alex woke up to find himself in a familiar, yet unfamiliar world. With the news about Tony Stark being Iron man flashing in the Daily Bugle, one of his classmates being Peter Parker, and coupled with the fact, there was a holographic prompt hovering in front of him, Alex knew this was just the beginning. [Do you want to be a hero or a villain?] *** Weekly schedule: 10 chaps Discord link: https://discord.gg/RAvedg6xsr Editor: Leo and Cyeven If this novel reach the top of the rankings, there will be more chapters.

Extra26 · Filme
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107 Chs

Chapter 029 Abomination's rage

Chapter 029

"Thank you… Really thank you." A woman sobbed as she thanked Alex for saving her. She had nearly died due to a lamp post suddenly falling down on her but Alex had managed to save her on time.

"It's fine. Leave now!"

Alex promoted the woman to leave and she nodded her head and ran.

After she left, he took a deep breath and looked around him. He had already managed to help a lot of people but it felt like more people were dying every second.

He was still surrounded by burning shops and pieces of debris. Harlem had become a bloody mess and it was just getting worse. The worst part was that the police and military were unable to do anything and the common people were the one suffering.

Hulk and Abomination were still causing a lot of destruction and Alex's efforts were nothing but cleaning after their mess.

'More and more people will die if the fight doesn't end.'

At first, he had planned to not participate in the fight between Abomination and Hulk as he knew his capabilities well. But looking at the dead bodies around him, has a change of heart.

The fight was taking too long and he didn't want to see more casualties piling up.

Suddenly, the sound of an explosion rang out as Alex turned his head to look at a helicopter which was in the middle of crashing down. Abomination was holding on to the helicopter and Hulk was trying his best to shake him away from it, punching and pulling at him. Even trying to crack his exposed spine.

"The helicopter will soon crash."

Alex muttered and ran towards it.

It was his chance now and he wasn't going to just sit back and see everything unfold in front of his eyes.

Like he had thought, the helicopter soon crashed to the ground with Hulk and Abomination being briefly separated.

He didn't know if the people inside of the Helicopter were alive or not but he could see that sparks were cackling and the fuel was pouring out of the engine.

'Even if they are alive, they will soon be engulfed by flames.'

Alex focused on running as the hero shop appeared in front of him. He quickly searched through an item that he had specially prepared for this event.

Although the item was a bit expensive and was one time consumable, he didn't think twice before buying it.

By the time he had reached the helicopter, Hulk and Abomination had restarted their fight.

The ugly, fish monster was punching Hulk repeatedly, pinning him down to a wall. His whole body looked way more bruised than Alex had ever imagined and he was unable to do anything against Abomination.

Hulk wanted to rush past him and save General Ross and Betty from dying, but the Abomination was way more powerful than him and even if he tried to push him away, his strength wasn't enough.

"You don't deserve this power!" Abomination sneered as he landed a punch.

The sound of sparks cackling was getting louder and fuel was repeatedly leaking out of the helicopter. At that moment, Alex reached the helicopter and glanced at the bashing that Abomination was giving Hulk.

'Why does he look so much bigger suddenly?'

He thought but didn't focus much on their flight.

If he doesn't do anything fast, the helicopter will soon catch fire due to the leaking fuel. Alex quickly took out the item that he had just bought and shouted.

"Don't worry, I have got this."

He threw a sticky substance towards the fuel tank and covered it. It was called stick bomb and just one of them costed 20 HP.

It was quite similar to Spiderman's webs but Alex wasn't able to figure out what substance it was made of.

Just that it's tensile strength was way more than Spiderman's webs. Anyway, the items in his hero shop were often not from this dimension.

Alex continued to throw three more stick bombs on the tank, completely stopping any leakage.

After the chopper was out of danger, Betty Rose and General Ross pulled themselves out of it and stared at the masked figure before them in wonder.

"Who are you?" The old general asked.

"Uh, you can call me Lycan." Alex said awkwardly. "I'm just trying to help."

"Who sent you? You can't be from the military?"

"No one really sent me–"


As Alex was trying to explain himself, Betty suddenly shouted, her eyes filled with horror and pain. He turned around and saw a scene that he had never imagined to happen.

"What the..."

Hulk was lying on the ground, his body completely limp as Abomination continued to kick him. Glowing green blood was flowing from several places in his body and he looked like he was taking his last breaths.

'This didn't happen in the movie.'

The final fight scene played out in Alex's mind as he saw Hulk getting trashed by Abomination which was completely contrary to what had happened in the movie.

In the movie, Hulk had managed to strangle Abomination with a chain and won the fight. Although he had not killed him due to Betty, he had left Abomination on the verge of death.

But the scene in front of Alex was completely different from the movie.

At this moment, it felt like Abomination was gonna kill Hulk.

"Stop! Please don't kill him!"

As Abomination was gonna land another punch, Betty suddenly shouted and it caused Abomination to suddenly stop the punch in mid air. Then, he turned his head and looked at Betty, his gaze glancing around to General Ross and Alex.

"You are right. I should not kill him so soon. After all, he hasn't even seen the death of his lover. And General, I want to pay my thanks to you too for giving me an opportunity to attain such godlike strength."

He said and let out an angry roar.

Lycan vs Abomination tomorrow.

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