
Chapter 007 Soul companion

Chapter 007

'I feel so light.'

Alex thought as he jogged around the town, with houses passing by in an instant.

As his house was too narrow to check all his powers and there was always a fear of his mom walking on to him, he left his house to find a more suitable place.

He was never the athletic type and it was always hard for him to run for more than 10 minutes, but for the first time in his life, he felt like there were wings attached to his back.

It was all thanks to the bonus stats and his flexibility skill that he was able to run so fast.

Part of the reason was also the new shoes that he had bought directly from the hero shop.


[Special sneakers]

–Adds 0.5 points in stamina and speed.

–Increase stamina recovery.

–Helps to jump higher.


These sneakers were the cheapest product in the hero shop, costing just 5 HP and Alex had immediately bought them to see the authenticity of the hero shop.

To his surprise, the sneakers were better than expected.

Not only did it provide buffs, they were also really comfortable to wear.

'I have to think of a place where no one will see me to test the rest of my powers.'

Alex thought while running.

After thinking for a bit, he finally remembered a place that he could use to test his powers.

The people on the streets ignored him, seemingly too busy to focus on a teenager jogging around on the streets.

It took him a bit of time, some asking around and checking on Google maps repeatedly to find the place he was looking for.

An abandoned factory.

"It's really old."

It was a factory that had been abandoned for years.

Although Alex didn't have much clue about why it was abandoned, there were rumours that there was a big accident here and after that, the company which the factory belonged to became bankrupt.

There were rumors about ghosts roaming around in the factory, hence it's prices went really low and the owner never agreed to sell it at a below average price.

Hence, the factory just got abandoned.

'At least, I can use it as a spot to test my powers now.'

Alex thought as he took a long look over the factory.

It was covered by all sorts of weeds and most of the outer frame of the factory had already rusted. Moreover, there was a 20 ft tall fence surrounding it.

The fence was one of the reasons why even the ever so curious teenagers avoided the factory.

It was not at all easy to climb over the fence and it was just too much work.

"I wonder if these shoes and my flexibility skill will help here."

Alex took a look behind him to see if there was someone else around and then, he took a deep breath.

Then, he ran straight towards the fence.

With his heart beating wildly and fear taking over his chest, Alex was really scared. A mistake would mean serious injuries.

But he didn't stop.

He decided to trust his powers and jumped with all his strength. He felt a feeling he had never felt before coursing through his body as he managed to jump over the fence without a single scratch to his body.

As he landed, he let out a loud, excited shout.

He felt like he had accomplished something big but he soon calmed himself down, knowing that it was just the beginning.

Alex walked inside the factory after using all his strength to push aside the rusted gate. Like he had thought, the factory was spacious enough for him to do anything.

There were all sorts of machinery lying around, and there were some chains hanging from the ceiling.

Some parts of the roof had fallen down, allowing the sunlight to pass through it. Alex could also see some spider webs on the corner of the walls.

After taking a good look around the factory, Alex thought about the power he wanted to check.

'Soul companion.'

It was the only power granted by the system that Alex has failed to comprehend fully.

Although the name was self explanatory, he didn't know how to activate it or control it.

"Okay, let's see."

He muttered and closed his eyes, trying to emulate what he has seen in movies and novels. To talk to your soul, one must close their eyes first.

With his eyes closed, he concentrated on anything that he could sense inside him.

'I don't think this will work... Wait! What is this?'

Suddenly, he felt something.

It was hard to describe what he was feeling, but there was definitely something mystical. Alex focused on it and soon, a black coloured energy started leaving his body.

The energy moved at one place and started forming together into a shape.

Soon, a wolf made entirely out of energy was standing in front of Alex. It opened his eyes and let out a wild howl.


"Wow! It's a real wolf!"

Alex exclaimed after opening his eyes due to the howl.

He couldn't help but marvel at the wolf in front of him. It's size wasn't that big and it looked more like a large dog rather than a wolf but it's expression was ferocious and it was made entirely out of energy.

Moreover, Alex was able to feel a connection to him like a thread was joining them together.

'It won't attack me, right.'

There was no guarantee that the wolf wouldn't attack him, especially with the ferocious expression on its face. But Alex still took a step to touch it.

He trusted the connection he was feeling and moved according to it.

The wolf stood patiently as Alex stepped towards it but as soon as his hand was about to touch it, the wolf leaped.

For a second, Alex felt like this was his end.

But the wolf wasn't trying to attack him.

Instead, it started licking his face with a lot of love like Alex was his mother. In his case, the father.

Alex fell due to the weight of the wolf but the wolf didn't stop at all.

"Wait... It tickles... Don't... Calm down..."

For the next ten minutes, Alex was in a blissful hell.

This is it for today. Please comment more as they really motivate me and I will make a discord server in a day or two so I hope some of you will join.

Extra26creators' thoughts