

After crossoverring into the dangerous Marvel world! Lee Fang awakened the mission system! By completing the given mission form the system, he will get various rewards"(Supernatural power's, Character template of Verious Super heroes, Black Technology, Magic spells, and many other items)".

Infinity_One · Filme
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6 Chs

Chapter : 3

After Sign In with the "System", the "System" notification came...

["Ding"..... Sign In successfully!!! You have received... The SUPER AI RED QUEEN!!!!... Please check your System storage space.]

Hearing this notification of the system , at first Lee Fang was shocked, because he knew about the RED QUEEN, in his perivous life he saw the "RESIDENT EVIL" movie series, and and know the power and Terer of the intelligence program RED QUEEN!! He was both worried and excited!!.. Excited because he Knows that, having a AI can make everything easy in his life like IRONMAN. But worried because it may betrayed him, and go against him like ULTRON. But at this time he heard the "System" notification.....

[Ding.... Every System given Item's is bounded to the host, so anye intelligent Items the host get frome the "System" cannot betrayed him .So no need to worry.]

Hearing this Lee Fang became relaxed . Than he with a thought his consciousness came inside the "System" space , and there he saw a little mechanical spider. It's body was like a shining red jewel, and eight small sliver legs was protruding form it's body!! Seeing this Lee Fang was a little confused, but after concentrating on the mechanical spider a notification about the spider pop up inside his mind



[Explanation: RED QUEEN a Super intelligence assistant computer program, it can analyze, optimize ,calculate all most any data it came in contact with. In one words it is the QUEEN of Internet world!!! Main body of the RED QUEEN is in a spider form, thought it's look like a small spider but it is entirely made of Hi-Tech nano machine, and inside of it has a Super Quantum computer and Quantum cheap Wich hold the Red QUEEN'S origin source code!!!! It can be activated through voice command, and after it's activation it can automatically connect with the surrounding electronic devices and InInternet.Owner Lee Fang.]

Seeing the description of RED QUEEN, with a thought of Lee Fang's RED QUEEN'S mechanical spider form suddenly appear in the air in front of him, and then like any other object through gravitational force fall in his chest. After it falls in his chest Lee Fang excitedly said activate RED QUEEN!!!...

After hearing Lee Fang's voice command, the mechanical spider make a beep... beep... sound and then stand up with it's eight small legs. And then inside from the spider's body came a little girl's voice Hello, master I am very happy to meet you, I am RED QUEEN you personal AI!!! I will do everything to serve my master. Hearing this little girl's voice Lee Fang beacm excited and replied Hello, QUEEN my name is Lee Fang, I am also very happy to meet you.

After greeting with the "RED QUEEN" Lee Fang nervously asked QUEEN can you help me form getting out of this place??? Hearing Lee Fang's voice "RED QUEEN" immediately replied I will do my best master. Saying this the little spider jumped off from his chest, then Lee Fang saw that the spider run in front of a table, Lee Fang saw that the spider swiftly climb into the table, in that table there was Hi-tech looking computer and many other monitor surrounding it. After getting in front of the computer's data cable one of the spider leg transform into a data transmitter, and then the spider insert it into data cable. After 30 seconds the computer monitor light up , and inside the monitor screen Lee Fang saw a little girl wearing red dress. After "RED QUEEN" uploading her-self inside the internal system of the "HYDRA" base she took all of it's control. She excitedly said to Lee Fang, master I took all of the internal system controls, hearing this Lee Fang's also became excited, and said good job QUEEN. Then he said to the "RED QUEEN" QUEEN can you free me form all of this cuffs??..

Then the"RED QUEEN" replied yes Master I can, after hearing this Lee Fang saw the four electronic iron cuffs Wich bounded him to the table, make a hissing sound and then opened.

Seeing this Lee Fang seet up form his lying position. After that he started moving his hands and legs around, because after being bounde for so long he felt pain in his arms and legs. And also he felt pain in his stomach where he was punched earlier. After some time has passed and moving around his sowr armes and legs for a little longer and getting used to the pain Lee Fang Stan up. After standing up Lee Fang work in front of the Computer table and asked the "RED QUEEN" QUEEN can you help me to escape form this place? you see if I stay here any longer then my life will be in danger. Yes Master I can help you to escape form this place, saying this the little spider jumped in Lee Fang's shoulder . And this time when Lee Fang was forming his escape plan, on the other side inside the bases main controlroom, a operating security guard noticed some abnormalities. Because when "RED QUEEN" infiltrated inside the "HYDRA" bases internal system she cut off the monitoring camera of the room Lee Fang was.

Seeing this the security immediately notify to the second in command in this base, and it was the right hand man of "Dr.whitehall " "Sunil Bakshi". Few minutes later "Bakshi" came inside the monitoring room. Seeing the second in command the security guard Stud up and and saluted the "All Hell HYDRA". Seeing this Bakshi simply node his and un-hurriedlly asked the operating security what happ?? Hearing "Bukshi's" question, the monitoring security immediately replied Sir, the monitoring camera of the sixth floor's biological experiment laboratory has been cut off for some reason. Hearing this "Bakshi" fround and thought in his mind "[the biological experiment laboratory is one of the most important place in this base, if something happens in there that might cose serious problem and loss for"HYDRA" . Then he asked the security guard did you find out the reason for this abnormality?? No sir not yet, And we tried to contact the guard's guarding the laboratory, but the we can't get through to them. Then the Operating security asked Sir, what do we do now? Hearing this information the Captain's face became gloomy. Than he put his hand in his left ear, a military bluetooth earbud was inside there. Then he spoke up do you copy team alpha, after he spoke up a immediate reply came yes captain, hearing there's reply he immediately said we have situation, gear up with all of you weapons, and go to the 6th-floors biological experiment area. Hearing this all of the alpha team members replied in sink yes sir!!