
Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. But who can tell me why I am in the Marvel world? Oh my God, I was still being watched by Ancient One and Odin, how to avoid this? ······ Reform to the world in the world of Harry Potter. Grindelwald: "For the greater good!" Dumbledore: "Order is above all else!" Lockhart: "Make wizards great again!" Go back in the Marvel universe. Ancient One: "Lockhart, the responsibility of protecting the earth is entrusted to you..." Tony: "Jarvis, let's start the development of the 36th version of the anti-magic armor." ······ I, Gilderoy Lockhart, the wizard who can travel back and forth between the worlds of Harry Potter and Marvel, using the magic of Karma Taj and Asgard, is here.

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192 Chs

Chapter 7 Confusion Spell! ! Meet Coulson! !

The mysterious rune, if Lockhart guessed correctly, should be one unique to Asgard, also foundational in their creation of artifacts. Seeing this, Lockhart's heart surged with excitement. He reached out to take out a notebook and quill, just as he was about to copy the runes, they disappeared. Undeterred and not at all frustrated, Lockhart cast ten more revealing spells to make the runes appear on Mjolnir again and quickly copied them into his notebook.

These runes were for making Thor's Hammer. Even if he didn't understand their meaning yet, he could still estimate their value. If these were placed in the Harry Potter world, he feared they would definitely set off a craze because, even with his limited knowledge, he recognized a significant difference from the ancient runes known in the Harry Potter world. These were two completely different types of runes. Even a wizard like Dumbledore would definitely be intrigued, after all, they could potentially represent a new direction for the development of magic.

Although the runes quickly disappeared again before Lockhart could finish copying, he persisted. Casting a large number of Revelio Spells, he observed the runes appear and disappear in cycles until he had completely copied the rune. Looking at the densely packed runes in the notebook in his hand, Lockhart's eyes flashed with joy. Although he couldn't understand the underlying meanings of the runes, he could begin to explore their functions by using magic to depict them. Ideally, it would be best to have a teacher explain the meaning of the runes to him.

When he thought of this, Lockhart considered Thor. He shook his head, feeling that Thor is not proficient in runes; Loki would be a better candidate,. On the other hand, Thor seemed more the reckless warrior type, and when it came to learning, Lockhart just chuckled at the thought.

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Lockhart heard many complaining voices around him.

"Who are you? Why are you driving us away?"

"Yes, this is a public place, why?"

"Sorry, FBI, national security is involved here, everyone must leave in an orderly manner."

Lockhart looked up at the approaching Muggles in police uniforms, particularly noting the slightly bald, white man in the front wearing a black suit. Shaking his head slightly, he prepared to continue studying the runes on Thor's hammer. As it turned out, he also encountered agents from S.H.I.E.L.D., and if he guessed correctly, the one in charge is Coulson. However, he is not in a hurry; he could study Thor's Hammer anytime he wanted.

With thoughts racing, Lockhart turned and walked out along with the crowd, cancelling the illusion at the same time. "Wait a minute, stop," he suddenly heard a voice from behind. Slowing his pace, Lockhart pinched the wand hidden in his sleeve. He turned around to see Coulson walking toward him with a puzzled expression.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Coulson's eyes; he wasn't sure if he was just seeing things. It seemed he had never seen this man before. Based on his handsome appearance, he should have some impression. Yet unsure, Coulson asked tentatively, "Hello, FBI, please show me your ID."

Hearing Coulson's tone of confusion, Lockhart calmly took out the magical leather bag from his waist, opened it, handed it to Coulson, and said, "Okay, sir, take a look. If there's no problem, I'll be on my way."

After Coulson inspected it carefully and found no issues, he asked a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent next to him to input the ID number into a mobile phone for verification. Still, no problems arose.

However, Coulson felt something was amiss but couldn't pinpoint what. He could only secretly memorize the name on the ID. "Gilderoy Lockhart!" he murmured, handing it back to Lockhart with a gentle smile. "Okay, sir, you can go. I'm sorry for the disturbance." Lockhart took back his magical leather bag and turned to leave.


After walking some distance, Lockhart let out a breath of relief. He had just secretly cast a wide-range confusion spell. The magical leather bag, purchased with a small-scale confusion spell, made anyone nearby who saw the ID information believe it to be the most authentic information they perceived. No matter how they verified it, their identity would appear real in their perception. But when Coulson had the agent next to him perform a verification check, Lockhart felt a tremor of worry. Just in case, he had to cast a confusion spell on the sound. In the event of a 'mistake of identity,' a voice stating 'No such person found' could also be blocked. Fortunately, there were no audible prompts when SHIELD agents verified his identities.

Despite this, Lockhart planned to have someone create a magic leather bag that could confuse both sound and images after returning to the world of Harry Potter. The technology in the Marvel world is much more advanced, so he had to be cautious.

The next day, "Professor Lockhart, we will be in town this month. If you have any questions, please come to us at any time," Eric said softly, standing in the living room.

"Yes, Professor, remember to visit us when you have time," Jane and Daisy also said enthusiastically.

"Okay, I won't forget it. It's not far anyway. You can come and visit me at my rented house whenever you have time. I won't be leaving for a while. If something happens, remember to find me," Lockhart replied with a smile.

After saying that, he took his suitcase and walked towards the house he had rented the previous afternoon. He had discussed it with Eric and others that night, leading to the scene that morning. Eric watched Lockhart's departing figure with a hint of envy in his eyes. Having spent these days with Professor Lockhart, he was fully aware of the charm of magic, gently waving his wand to animate objects and automatically complete tasks. It was truly amazing, shattering his previous conceptions and exceeding his imagination.

Eric sighed as he saw Thor whispering to Jane. In the past few days, after everyone had conversed, he also learned of Thor's identity as the son of Odin, God of Thunder. Although everyone initially thought it was a joke, Thor emphasized it repeatedly, sharing many details about Asgard. More importantly, they already had a wizard among them, only previously known in fantasy, which had shattered their perceptions. So, they came to believe what Thor said.

Eric noticed Jane and Thor becoming increasingly close as they chatted, especially when discussing the stars, and often grew weary seeing them together. With his many years of life experience, he couldn't help but sigh. The son of the God-King had fallen in love with a mortal. Judging from myths and legends, nothing good would come of it. If nothing else, one had lived for thousands of years and could live for tens of thousands more, while the other had a lifespan of less than a hundred years. What good results could there be?