
Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. But who can tell me why I am in the Marvel world? Oh my God, I was still being watched by Ancient One and Odin, how to avoid this? ······ Reform to the world in the world of Harry Potter. Grindelwald: "For the greater good!" Dumbledore: "Order is above all else!" Lockhart: "Make wizards great again!" Go back in the Marvel universe. Ancient One: "Lockhart, the responsibility of protecting the earth is entrusted to you..." Tony: "Jarvis, let's start the development of the 36th version of the anti-magic armor." ······ I, Gilderoy Lockhart, the wizard who can travel back and forth between the worlds of Harry Potter and Marvel, using the magic of Karma Taj and Asgard, is here.

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192 Chs

Chapter 50: Return to Marvel! Kamar-Taj!

Marvel Universe, Kamar-Taj Library.

Robert Morin, the librarian at Kamar-Taj, meditated. As a Kamar-Taj sorcerer, one needed not only a strong body but also formidable mental strength to draw power from other dimensions for their practice. The stronger the mental power, the more power it could draw, making spells more potent. While the body served as a container for this power, mental strength was the key to efficiently practicing magic.

Despite his meditation, Master Morin was somewhat distracted. He had noticed that a newly arrived sorcerer had remarkable mental strength despite not being physically strong. Curious, he wondered how this sorcerer had trained and if there were any methods worth learning. Morin himself had hit a bottleneck in his training and was eager for new techniques. Still, he tried to clear his mind of distractions to maintain the purity needed for effective meditation.

Step! Step! Step!

Slow footsteps echoed in Master Morin's ears. He wasn't surprised; his keen mental power had already informed him who it was. Opening his eyes slowly, he saw Master Lockhart in gray robes standing before him, holding three books.

"Mr. Lockhart, are you sure you want to borrow these three books?" Morin asked, his tone cold. Without waiting for a reply, he continued, "Since it's your first time in the library, I need to emphasize the rules again. Only three books can be borrowed at a time, and the borrowing period must not exceed one month. Books must be returned in person. If books are lost or overdue, you will be marked as dishonest, and Kamar-Taj's library will no longer welcome you."

Lockhart responded gently, unfazed by Morin's cold tone. "Don't worry, Master Morin. I know all the rules of Kamar-Taj. I will return the books on time."

Morin nodded but hesitated, as if unsure how to proceed. Lockhart, slightly surprised, asked, "What's wrong, Master Morin? Do you have any other questions?"

"Master Lockhart, I would like to know your meditation techniques," Morin asked.

Lockhart immediately understood. He had learned through books that Kamar-Taj's sorcerers trained both spirit and body, using meditation to enhance their mental strength. Lockhart, however, found little effect from meditation and did not continue with it.

"Master Morin, I'm very sorry. I haven't practiced meditation and don't know much about it. I'm afraid I won't be able to share any techniques with you."

Morin was astonished, finding it hard to believe a sorcerer wouldn't know about meditation. His expression turned ugly, thinking Lockhart was lying.

Lockhart noticed Morin's skepticism and explained, "Master Morin, my mental power comes from my bloodline, a natural talent. For me, meditation is not as efficient as my innate abilities. So, I didn't focus on meditation."

Morin's expression softened, though a hint of envy lingered. He had heard of people with strong bloodlines possessing magical abilities effortlessly, and now he had met one. No wonder Lockhart seemed physically weak but mentally strong.

Seeing Morin prepare to continue meditating, Lockhart saw an opportunity. "Master Morin, I don't know much about meditation, but I have a potion that can enhance mental power. Would you like to try it?"

Lockhart waved his wand, and a bottle of dark blue potion appeared in the air. "This is the Dream Soul Potion, prepared by a top potion master. It increases mental power during sleep."

Morin's eyes lit up but then dimmed as Lockhart added, "However, the side effect is encountering things you dislike in your dreams. This does not affect the potion's effectiveness."

Lockhart knew Snape's Dream Soul Potion was top-notch, but its side effects, causing intense nightmares, were not trivial. He had no desire to relive his own traumatic memories of having his research stolen.

Morin didn't mind. He had encountered many enhancing potions and was used to their side effects. "How effective is it, Master Lockhart?"

"My personal experience is that it increases mental power by about half. But this varies with individuals," Lockhart explained.

Morin nodded, intrigued. "Alright, Master Lockhart. I want this bottle of Dream Soul Potion. What's the price?"

There was no such thing as a free lunch, and Morin knew there would be a cost for Lockhart's potion.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
