
Marvel's Future Revolution Avengers(New Avengers)

It's the 2050,the Avengers are dead. The villains are coming so the world needs a new team to save them.

DKRS_Writers · Filme
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The New Ones

They set off with a new superhero called Kick Master. Ben Harry went and introduce himself to Kick Master. " Hi Mr. John Watson. My name is Ben Harry and I am also known as Hotrod. I am the fastest future avenger. I heard that you can control the veins connecting to our body. Is it real? show me a demo", said Ben Harry. Kick Master controls Ben Harry's mind to make him sleep. Ben Harry eyes closed and he went to sleep. " Just make him sleep. He is too talkative", said Rut Charles. " Will he wake up again. I hope that he will wake up again. Will he?" asked Xavier Yelson. " Yes, he will wake up when we meet the next guy", said John Watson.

They travelled around 2 hours and came to a place in the woods. " Who leaves here?" asked Rut Charles. " Secret", said Richard Barns and saw an middle old age guy. " Mr. Arthur Jake, or shall I say Supreme", said Richard Barns. " You can say as Arthur. I stopped to be as Supreme. Supreme is no more", said Arthur. " Now we need your help Mr. Arthur", said Richard and told that what happen in Asgard. " For your friend, for the city, for the future", said Mr. Arthur. " Thank you, Mr. Arthur", said Richard Barns. They took of the plane with Supreme and went to find others. Ben harry woke up and meets Supreme. He introduce himself but Supreme didn't bother.