
Marvel's Future Revolution Avengers(New Avengers)

It's the 2050,the Avengers are dead. The villains are coming so the world needs a new team to save them.

DKRS_Writers · Filme
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13 Chs

Enter Asgard

" I love to have brothers. I thought that my powers are very powerful but your powers are powerful too. You have all the elemental powers and its amazing. I just love your powers", said Ben Harry. " Okay kid, that's enough. How did you get this power?" asked Kay Mitths to Ben Harry. " My teacher showed me a object that attracts lightning. So I was holding it for too long and suddenly a lightning attacks my body. After that, I got my powers", said Ben Harry. Suddenly, Kay Mitths had a vision that Mastermind is giving his powers to someone else and destroys himself. " We need to go", said Kay Mitths in a hurry. " Where? Why are you in a rush?" asked Richard Barns. " I had a vision and I think it will really happen. We need to go Asgard very soon", said Kay Mitths. " We are here", said Andy Mathew.

The helicarier came to Asgard and it was not like before. " Guys, where is the teleport machine and why is this place looks like hell?" asked Xavier Yelson. " I don't know", said Richard Barns. Elemento handle his powers and he try to stop it. The vision for Elemento was coming back to back when they enter Asgard. " Something is wrong to me", said Andy Mathew. " Whoo, this place looks creepy than I thought", said Reap in Andy's mind. " Lets get down here", said Richard Barns. " Hide in the bushes when we get done", said Kay Mitths. The helicarier stops in a place full of bushes. They hide in the bushes when they found something strange. There is a power flow system on the sky. " What is that power flow?" asked Ben Harry. " It is the power flow under the Asgard. It's the power of Asgard and now Mastermind is controlling it. We need to stop it or the whole power of Asgard will be in his hands", said Kay Mitths.