
Marvel's Future Revolution Avengers(New Avengers)

It's the 2050,the Avengers are dead. The villains are coming so the world needs a new team to save them.

DKRS_Writers · Filme
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13 Chs

Elemento vs. Supreme and Avengers

Supreme changed his mind and went fast towards Elemento was rebooting his power with the evil power source. Supreme went and use his heat beam power towards the evil power source. The evil power source stopped and Elemento saw Supreme. Elemento and Supreme fight and the other went to stop Mastermind and the evil power source. Hotrod went towards the Evil power source and tries to reflect the power source to good power source. Supreme was trying to change Elemento back but his evil power was too much. Monk came with Hotrod and he tried to change the power source. Mastermind saw Hotrod and Monk changing the power source. Kick Master, Reap, Animo stopped him and fight against him.

X Black and Deadeye were killing Mastermind's army, Supreme uses his heat destroyer power and use it in Elemento's body. The Evil power source was clearing half percent." Supreme do it the power is getting weak and Hotrod, Monk you guys do it quickly or destroy it", said XY. Supreme uses his power again and Elemento's dark power destroys. X Black saw that Monk and Hotrod were suffering to destroy it, so X Black use his X missile and destroys the power source. Reap bites Mastermind's hand and the power source changes to good. Monk was using his good energy to the power source and the power source changes back to normal as Infinity stone power source. Mastermind was changing to ashes and he has been banished to the soul world. Everyone gathered and went back to their base.

But Deadeye didn't follow them. There was a secret base under the place that they fought. Deadeye went and saw that Mastermind had another evil power source. " Hahahaha, You think I'm a hero?" said Deadeye and his eye change to red.