
Marvel's Future Revolution Avengers(New Avengers)

It's the 2050,the Avengers are dead. The villains are coming so the world needs a new team to save them.

DKRS_Writers · Filme
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: The New Recruit

S.H.E.I.L.D Future Base,

X Black gathers all the superheroes with superpowers. They introduce themselves. " I am Ben Harry. I have the power of speed. I join this group because it will be cool and I want a damn suit for me", said Ben Harry. " I am Rut Charles and I can shift to any animals", said Rut Charles. " I am Kay Mitths and I have the power of Elementals. They call me Elemento too", Kay Mitths. " I am Andy Mathew and this is my friend reap", said Andy and Reap came out and introduce himself. " What the hell was that thing!" screamed Ben Harry. " I am Reap and I am his power", said Reap. " Okay, cut it off. This is our system holder, Mr. Xavier Yelson. He will help us while we are fighting our enemies. I was observing him right after Kay Mitths because he has similarity between five of us and he is great in maths and science .We all studied in one school which is Midtown High School", said Richard Barns. "Hi I am Xavier Yelson. You can call me XY", said Xavier Yelson." Your X Black right?" asked Ben Harry. " Yes, it's me and I am your captain too, Ben Harry", said Richard Barns. But Rut Charles didn't bother about Richard barns. " A danger is coming to our world. The darkness of planet earth is coming", said Richard Barns. " Who is the darkness?" asked Andy Mathew. " Mastermind", said Richard Barns. " Really, that means I can want to ask riddles for him", said Ben Harry. " Shut up, Ben ", said Rut Charles. " Hello Future Avengers, I am Mike Dott. I am Maria Hill's son .Thank you for joining the team guys. This is our new journey", said Mike Hill. " Hey bro, I am Ben Harry", said Ben Harry. " Mastermind is one of the best power controller in Asgard. He is one of the villains for Odin. Odin banished him to his secret cell when he tried to kill Odin. He was waiting to get out and the wait comes to an end when Hela breaks the secret cell. Mastermind gets out from the cell and wait for his turn to attack planet Earth", said Mike Dott.

" We need to stop them", said Rut Charles. " I don't want to kill him. I am stronger than him", said Kay Mitths. " He is powerful than you are Kay Mitths. He can handle any powers and he is so genius. He can bring his army to New York, so you guys need to be careful", said Mike Dott. " I need to do a new suit than to fight him. The suit that the enemy can't control", said Richard Barns. " Wait, for me?" asked Ben Harry. " I already done", said Richard Barns and show Ben Harry his new suit. It was in red, black and white. " Thank you", said Ben Harry. " Not only for you Ben Harry. All of you have suits and it is based on your abilities", said Mike Dott. All of the heroes gets their suits and gets ready to go.