
Marvel's Copycat: Genesis of Power

In the bustling heart of New York City, Marcus Young, a modest IT consultant for Stark Industries, is thrust into a world of extraordinary change following a near-fatal accident. During a high-stakes demonstration of Tony Stark’s revolutionary arc reactor, Marcus is struck by a surge of energy that defies explanation. Instead of succumbing to the disaster, he emerges with an incredible new ability: the power to copy the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those around him. As Stark Industries braces for a monumental shift in its operations and the superhero landscape begins to evolve, Marcus grapples with his newfound power. From replicating Stark’s technological genius to uncovering the hidden strengths of ordinary people, Marcus must navigate his role in a world increasingly dominated by extraordinary individuals. Amidst personal struggles and the pressures of living up to newfound abilities, Marcus must decide how to use his powers. Will he rise to become a hero in his own right, or will he remain an observer in a universe full of legends? As the shadows of impending threats loom, Marcus' journey from an unremarkable techie to a key player in the Marvel Universe begins. ---------------+++++++++++------------------- Note : Do not expect this story to align with the perspective of the original story from the Marvel Universe.

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22 Chs

Chapter 20 - Uncovering Stane’s Betrayal

Marcus paced the small space of his apartment, his mind spinning with the weight of everything that had happened. The conversation with Jen Riley had brought him some comfort, but the fear of losing control over his powers still gnawed at him. The more he absorbed, the more he felt like a vessel for other people's knowledge, skills, and abilities. How much longer could he hold on to himself?

But tonight wasn't just about his powers. There was something bigger at play—Obadiah Stane. The conspiracy Marcus had uncovered linked Stane to Tony's kidnapping and secret arms deals with the Ten Rings. The encrypted messages, the hidden communications—all signs pointed to Stane.

Marcus had been collecting evidence, but he needed more—something undeniable, something that could bring Stane down for good. He couldn't just sit back and let this unfold without action. Tony Stark's life was still in danger, and if Stane was behind it all, time was running out.

He opened his laptop and stared at the encrypted files he had recovered over the past few days. There were pieces of the puzzle here, fragments of conversations and data transfers between Stark Industries and external contacts, but nothing concrete enough to implicate Stane directly. What was he missing?

Marcus leaned forward, typing quickly as he pulled up the internal security logs for Stark Industries. He needed to find the pattern, the connections that tied Stane to the Ten Rings. The data streams were long, and the encryption had been sophisticated, but after the accident with the Arc Reactor, Marcus had found that he could process the information faster than ever before. His mind was working on overdrive, breaking down the code with an almost instinctual precision.

Minutes passed as he sifted through the logs, scanning for anything out of the ordinary. And then, there it was—a series of encrypted messages, buried deep within the network, nearly erased from existence. These messages weren't just communication between Stane and external arms dealers—they were direct negotiations with the Ten Rings.

Marcus's heart pounded in his chest as he read the snippets of decrypted text:


We've arranged the shipments. You'll have what you need. Stark won't be a problem much longer.

Ten Rings Contact:

We need confirmation of delivery. And Stark... he has become more than an inconvenience.


Don't worry. It's all in place. Stark will be out of the picture soon. Continue with the original plan.

Marcus felt a wave of nausea hit him as the truth became undeniable. Stane had orchestrated everything. He wasn't just involved in backdoor arms deals, he had directly planned Tony's kidnapping, ensuring that Tony would be taken out of the picture long enough for Stane to seize control of Stark Industries.

The words on the screen blurred as Marcus's mind raced. This was it. the proof he had been searching for. Stane had betrayed Tony, sold weapons to terrorists, and set the wheels in motion for Tony's downfall.

Marcus quickly saved the decrypted files to a secure drive, his hands shaking as he backed up the data. He had to get this to Pepper Potts. She needed to see it before Stane could make his next move. Tony might have escaped from the Ten Rings, but as long as Stane was still in control, he wasn't safe.

But as Marcus prepared to leave, a chilling thought crossed his mind. What if Stane knew he was onto him?

Stane wasn't the type to leave loose ends. Marcus had been careful up until now, working in the shadows, but there was always the chance that Stane's people were watching the network more closely than he realized. If Stane had any inkling that Marcus was gathering evidence, he could be in real danger.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway outside Marcus's apartment, and he froze, his breath catching in his throat. He quickly shut his laptop and stood up, his pulse quickening. His mind raced, trying to figure out what to do next. Was he being paranoid? Or had Stane's people already found him?

There was a knock at the door.

Marcus's heart pounded in his chest. He glanced at the secure drive sitting on his desk, the proof of Stane's betrayal stored safely on it. He couldn't leave it behind, it was his only leverage.

The knock came again, this time more insistent.

"Marcus?" a voice called through the door. "It's Jen."

Marcus exhaled in relief, the tension in his chest easing slightly. He quickly opened the door, and Jen stepped inside, her face filled with concern.

"You okay?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room. "You sounded tense."

Marcus nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I'm fine. But I found something, Jen. Something big."

Jen's eyes widened. "What did you find?"

Marcus sat down at his desk, pulling up the decrypted files. "It's Stane. I have proof. he's been working with the Ten Rings. He planned Tony's kidnapping. It's all here."

Jen leaned over the desk, her eyes scanning the text on the screen. As she read the messages, her expression darkened. "My God… this is real."

"It's real," Marcus said, his voice tight. "And I need to get this to Pepper. She's the only one who can do something about it."

Jen nodded. "You're right. But we need to be careful. If Stane finds out you have this..."

Marcus felt the weight of her words settle in his chest. Stane had already shown he was willing to do whatever it took to secure his power. If he found out Marcus had the evidence to take him down, there was no telling what lengths he would go to.

"We don't have time," Marcus said, standing up. "I need to get this to Pepper tonight."

Jen grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Marcus, listen. You can't go straight to Pepper. If Stane's people are watching, you'll be walking into a trap. We need to do this smart."

Marcus looked at her, his mind racing. She was right. If he went to Pepper directly, there was a chance that Stane would intercept them. But what other choice did he have?

"We'll meet somewhere secure," Jen said, thinking quickly. "I'll reach out to her and set it up. Somewhere Stane won't expect."

Marcus nodded, feeling a mix of fear and urgency. He had the proof, everything he needed to expose Stane. But now, the clock was ticking. He had to act before Stane made his next move.

Hours later, Marcus sat in the darkness of his apartment, the secure drive clutched tightly in his hand. He had packed a small bag, ready to move as soon as Jen confirmed the meeting with Pepper. His mind was buzzing, a mix of anxiety and adrenaline keeping him on edge.

The messages from Stane replayed in his head, over and over. Stark won't be a problem much longer. How far would Stane go to protect his plan?

Marcus wasn't sure. But one thing was clear. Stane had to be stopped.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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