
Marvel's Copycat: Genesis of Power

In the bustling heart of New York City, Marcus Young, a modest IT consultant for Stark Industries, is thrust into a world of extraordinary change following a near-fatal accident. During a high-stakes demonstration of Tony Stark’s revolutionary arc reactor, Marcus is struck by a surge of energy that defies explanation. Instead of succumbing to the disaster, he emerges with an incredible new ability: the power to copy the knowledge, skills, and abilities of those around him. As Stark Industries braces for a monumental shift in its operations and the superhero landscape begins to evolve, Marcus grapples with his newfound power. From replicating Stark’s technological genius to uncovering the hidden strengths of ordinary people, Marcus must navigate his role in a world increasingly dominated by extraordinary individuals. Amidst personal struggles and the pressures of living up to newfound abilities, Marcus must decide how to use his powers. Will he rise to become a hero in his own right, or will he remain an observer in a universe full of legends? As the shadows of impending threats loom, Marcus' journey from an unremarkable techie to a key player in the Marvel Universe begins. ---------------+++++++++++------------------- Note : Do not expect this story to align with the perspective of the original story from the Marvel Universe.

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Chapter 12 - Tony’s Dramatic Return

The office had settled into a tense routine over the past several weeks. Tony Stark was still missing, and the optimism that had filled Stark Industries in the first few days of his disappearance had faded into an uncomfortable silence. The occasional updates from Obadiah Stane were vague at best, and while the company pushed forward, Tony's absence was palpable.

Marcus had spent most of his time balancing his normal duties with his secret investigation, carefully sifting through encrypted files and piecing together Stane's involvement in Tony's kidnapping. He had sent a discreet message to Pepper Potts, asking for a meeting, but as the days stretched on with no reply, his anxiety grew.

Every passing moment was filled with the uncertainty of whether Stane had noticed his snooping. Was he being watched? Was it only a matter of time before someone figured out what Marcus was doing?

It was a typical day, the low hum of servers and the distant conversations of his coworkers filling the air, when everything changed.

A sudden commotion erupted in the office, pulling Marcus from his screen. He looked up to see people standing, some frozen in shock, others moving quickly toward the windows that overlooked the courtyard below. Murmurs turned into excited whispers, and within moments, the entire floor seemed to shift toward the source of the noise.

Marcus stood, his heart pounding as he made his way to the nearest window, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. He craned his neck to see through the glass, and there, in the center of the crowd that had gathered outside, was Tony Stark.

He was alive.

Marcus felt a rush of relief and disbelief. Tony was walking slowly, leaning on the arm of a military officer, his face pale and gaunt but unmistakably Tony Stark. A cheer rose from the crowd as people below swarmed him, phones raised, cameras flashing.

"Holy crap, he's back," Josh whispered from behind Marcus, his voice filled with awe. "They found him."

Marcus's mind raced. Tony was back. He had somehow escaped or been rescued, and now he was walking back into Stark Industries as if he had never left. But there was something off about him. Marcus could see it even from the window. Tony wasn't his usual cocky, larger-than-life self. He looked… different. The glint of arrogance that usually filled his eyes was gone, replaced by something darker, something more serious.

"He made it," Josh continued, his tone lighter now. "Guess we're not out of a job after all."

But Marcus couldn't shake the feeling that something monumental had shifted.

By the time Marcus made it back to his desk, news of Tony's return had spread like wildfire through the company. His inbox was flooded with emails, and the internal company chat was blowing up with messages about Tony's miraculous escape. But Marcus was focused on one thing: what did this mean for Stane's plans?

Tony's sudden return threw a wrench into whatever Stane had been orchestrating. Marcus had been slowly piecing together the conspiracy that connected Stane to the Ten Rings, but now that Tony was back, the stakes were even higher. If Stane had been planning to take over Stark Industries, Tony's survival complicated everything.

And then there was the question of how Tony had survived.

Marcus's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he thought about the possibilities. Tony had been gone for weeks, held by terrorists in a remote cave somewhere in Afghanistan, with no one to help him. How had he managed to escape? And what had happened to him during that time?

Marcus pulled up the company news feed, his eyes scanning the updates as they poured in. According to the initial reports, Tony had been found wandering through the desert, alive but clearly shaken. No one knew the full story yet, but it was only a matter of time before the media descended, demanding answers.

A sudden notification popped up on Marcus's screen: Company-wide meeting scheduled. Attendance mandatory.

Marcus clicked on the notification, and his stomach tightened as he read the details. The meeting was scheduled for later that afternoon, and Tony Stark himself was going to address the company. Whatever he had to say, Marcus knew it would change everything.

The hours leading up to the meeting were filled with tension. Marcus tried to focus on his work, but his mind kept drifting back to the encrypted messages, to the conspiracy surrounding Stane. What would happen now?

When the time finally came, Marcus joined the rest of the employees as they filed into the massive conference hall. The air was thick with anticipation, everyone buzzing with questions about Tony's return. What had happened to him? What was next for Stark Industries?

Marcus found a seat near the back, his heart pounding as he waited for the meeting to start. The lights dimmed, and after a few moments of hushed whispers, Tony Stark stepped onto the stage.

The room fell silent.

Tony's appearance was even more striking up close. He looked thinner, paler, and there was a heaviness in his eyes that Marcus had never seen before. Gone was the cocky swagger, the playful grin. In its place was a man who had been through something harrowing, something that had fundamentally changed him.

Tony stood at the podium, scanning the room for a moment before speaking.

"I'm sure you've all heard by now that I'm back," he began, his voice steady but softer than usual. "And I'm sure you all have a lot of questions."

A murmur rippled through the crowd.

"I'll get straight to the point," Tony continued. "While I was being held by the Ten Rings, I had a lot of time to think about what Stark Industries has become. About what we've been doing—what I've been doing."

Marcus leaned forward in his seat, sensing that something big was coming.

"For years, Stark Industries has been the world's leading weapons manufacturer," Tony said, his tone growing more resolute. "We've built some of the most powerful tools of war in history. But I've seen firsthand what those weapons do. I've seen them in the wrong hands."

The room was silent, everyone hanging on Tony's every word.

"And that's why I've made a decision," Tony said, his voice unwavering. "Effective immediately, Stark Industries will no longer manufacture weapons."

The silence in the room turned to shock. Gasps and murmurs erupted all around Marcus as people processed what they had just heard. Stark Industries, the company that had built its entire empire on weapons manufacturing, was abandoning its most profitable division.

Marcus's heart raced. This was huge. Tony was taking a stand. And in doing so, he had just declared war on the very foundation of his company.

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